Phoenix Dance

Chapter 360 The Entire Sect Retreats

Chapter 360 The Entire Sect Retreats (1)

After setting up all the spirit gathering arrays, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang met on the eighth floor.

At the same time, when they met, other people in the ghost gate also came to find them when they hadn't seen the two of them for a long time.

After seeing them in the martial arts arena on the eighth floor, each of them immediately relaxed from their tense expressions.

Wen Chen took a few steps forward, broke away from the crowd, and walked in front of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range.

He asked, "Is your business all right? Their preliminary training has been completed, and some people's qualifications are still good!"

Hearing that Wen Chen talked about the internal affairs of the ghost gate as soon as he came up, Ouyang Huang didn't answer, and looked directly at Feng Range.

Now Feng Range is the master of this ghost gate, so Feng Range still has to decide many things.

So, Feng Range nodded and said, "Very good! Ah Chen, you arrange for Ye Xing to continue training them on the second and third floors. After half a month, I will test their strength. If there is one that is extremely outstanding Yes, I will take them to the fourth and fifth floors for training alone. At that time, there will still be Nightwalkers who will be responsible for training them first, you, Ajun, and Huang, and then bring Kayina and follow me to the top floor , go to training too!"

Hearing Feng Range's arrangement, Ouyang Huang pursed his lips and smiled.Wen Chen nodded, while the others were dumbfounded.

Still need to train for half a month?Will there be a test later?God!Originally, they thought it was too comfortable here, but now, they feel a little far away and don't know the future...

For the confused expressions and reactions of the vast majority of people, Feng Range saw all of them, but didn't say a word.

Then, after glancing at Ouyang Huang, the two understood each other's meaning by coincidence.

Ouyang Huang reached out to hold Feng Range's hand, and then led her into the crowd.

When everyone saw them approaching, they all gave way to a passage for them to pass through.

When passing by Kayina, Feng Range glanced at her and said, "Kayinna, go to the kitchen to cook meals for five people, and bring them to the top floor! Ah Jun, you are with Kayina! "

Hearing Fengrange's order, Kaina's reaction was to nod her head.

While letting Kayina do things, it also affected Yi Shaojun.Hearing her request, although Yi Shaojun readily agreed.

However, she still muttered in a low voice, "We are all within the gate of hell, do you need to accompany me? Kaina is not so delicate!"

Because Feng Range and Ouyang Huang are both practitioners, even if Yi Shaojun's murmur was soft, they could still hear it.

Hearing his muttering, Feng Range didn't respond at all.

However, Ouyang Huang gave him a direct and cold look, and swept towards him.

Swept by Ouyang Huang's icy eyes, Yi Shaojun felt chills all over his body.

However, he still continued to mutter recklessly, "Boss is really an exhaling maniac!"

Hearing Yi Shaojun mumbling again, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range paused.

Then Ouyang Huang looked back at Yi Shaojun and said, "Ah Jun, I also want Xiao Geer to become my wife immediately. But even if she is not my wife, as long as she is Xiao Geer, then I will Protect!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden and domineering declaration, he immediately stunned Feng Range and everyone else.

When everyone was in a daze, Ouyang Huang pursed his lips together and continued to pull Feng Range forward.

After being dragged by Ouyang Huang for a while, Feng Range gradually turned around from the daze just now.

She raised her eyes to look at Ouyang Huang's handsome side face and tall and straight figure, and immediately felt that this man seemed quite tall.

To be honest, since she came here, except for some things at the beginning, she pawned Lingyu by herself to do it.

Everything that followed, including the establishment of this ghost gate, all had a lot of help from Ouyang Huang.

If Ouyang Huang didn't exist, I'm afraid this ghost gate wouldn't exist now!

On the surface, it looks like Ouyang Huang didn't do anything here, but secretly, Yuan probably did much more than Feng Range knew!
Feng Range was really touched by this man's silent dedication and everything Momo had done for her.

So, at this moment, she shook Ouyang Huang's big warm hand back.

He murmured softly, "In this life, you will never leave your concubine, and your concubine will never leave you!"

Although Feng Range's voice was soft, Ouyang Huang could hear it clearly.

So, he also turned his head and met Feng Range's eyes. The pair of eyes were full of affection, as if the ice and snow could not be melted for thousands of years, and the two of them were wrapped in it. In this world, there is only one pair of them who share the same affection. lovers.

Looking at each other for a long time, looking at each other for a long time...

It wasn't until Wen Chen, who was following them, couldn't see it, that he coughed lightly and interrupted them.

Facing the sudden interruption, Feng Range realized that there was a person behind them, and then showed a shy look.

On the other hand, Ouyang Huang stared at Wen Chen with a cold-blooded face, blaming him for his ignorance.

Wen Chen also consistently ignored Ouyang Huang's expression.

However, after superficially ignoring her this time, he muttered uncharacteristically, "Recently, there seems to be a popular saying on the Internet that Xiu Enai dies quickly! Well, it should be this sentence!"

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range also heard Wen Chen's muttering.

The two looked at each other again and frowned.

Feng Range looked up at Wen Chen, and said to him, "Ah Chen, because of your high expectations for me and Huang, I will thank you very much!"

Feng Range said thank you, but Wen Chen could tell that he had bad intentions in the tone of his strong word for Xie!

Both Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen have seen Fengrange's methods before.So now, hearing her speak like this suddenly, Wen Chen knew that Feng Range would definitely 'entertain' him well.

It's just how to 'entertain' him, Wen Chen still can't figure out Feng Range's thoughts.

Therefore, under such an unknown 'threat', Wen Chen couldn't help but take a step back.At the same time, I still feel that I really owed my mouth just now, why should I provoke these two evil stars if I have nothing to do!
Both Ouyang Huang and Feng Range saw Wen Chen's reaction after hearing Feng Ran's words.However, the two chose to ignore it completely.

Then after standing there for a while, he stepped up and prepared to continue upstairs.

The top floor is on the thirteenth floor, and they came up from the third floor.They climbed ten floors at once. Fortunately, the three of them are all practitioners, and their breathing was quite smooth without panting.

At the entrance of the corridor on the thirteenth floor, Feng Range opened the isolation array at the entrance of the corridor, and then took Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen in.

When Feng Range opened the isolation array of the martial arts field on the top floor and led them in, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen were completely stunned when they felt that the almost thin mist inside had liquefied the aura!
(End of this chapter)

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