Phoenix Dance

Chapter 363 Teaching Medicine and Alchemy

Chapter 363 Teaching Medicine and Alchemy (2)

This is probably the first time since the few of them got together, they talked about the previous situation of one of them!
Regarding Gao Ying, or Ran Yu's matter, apart from the accidents of the parties involved, only Feng Range should know best!

After all, after Ran Yu and Ran Yun followed Feng Range, she took action to help them curb their physical deterioration, making their brothers and sisters into the current state of health.

In the same way, with Feng Range's coincident action, although Gao Ying's father Gao Jin paid some extra body price for it, it was so good that she recovered and regained consciousness.

Whether it is Gao Ying or Ran Yunranyu, Fengrange's reinvention is something that will be remembered for a lifetime.If there is no Fengrange, I am afraid that they would not exist now.

Seeing Fengrange at this time, even though she already possessed strength beyond their reach, she still practiced so hard.Seeing this situation, Gao Ying, who had been lazy before Fengrange gave her to memorize the "Herbal Book" by heart, blushed now.

At the same time, she secretly made up her mind and told herself in her heart that in the next day, she will work hard to learn medical skills and practice hard.

Only by doing this, will she feel that she will not let Feng Range save her life, and teach them so hard.

After staring at Feng Range who was practicing, he was in a daze for a while, and Ran Yu and the others worked hard to memorize the 720 acupoints.

While memorizing it by heart, in order to remember it deeply, the three of them also made gestures on each other.

Until, after an unknown number of hours, Feng Range withdrew from the practice.

She opened her bright and flowing eyes, saw the three people who were still working hard at a glance, and curled the corners of her lips in satisfaction.

Then he stood up, walked to their side, and said, "Everyone, stop and rest for a while! I'm going to refine some Yuanling Pills later, so you just stand aside and watch!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, the three of Ran Yu recovered from their concentration and looked at her one after another.

When seeing Ran Yu and the others look up at her, Feng Range pursed her lips, and for the first time, took the Sifang Shending out of the Shihuang space.

Next, in order to let Xiao Huo hatch quickly, Feng Range decided that she would use the Sifang Shending to refine every time she made alchemy and medicine.Only in this way can she let Xiaohuo absorb more medicine and fire power.

Seeing Feng Range take out a mouthful of Danding again and appear in front of them, all three of them were stunned for a moment.

Especially when Fengrange took out the Sifang Shending, and the Danding made a crisp sound, the three of them were even more surprised.

After taking out the alchemy cauldron, Feng Range then took out several kinds of medicinal materials needed to refine the Yuan Lingdan.

After taking out the medicinal materials, she sorted them out and arranged them one by one.Then, he took two steps across, walked to the front of the Sifang Shending, and used three inner strengths to clear the tripod.

The inner strength hit the tripod, and immediately three more crisp sounds came from the tripod.The sound was like the sound of heaven, and also like the sound of Buddha, washing the hearts of Ran Yu and the three of them.

As soon as the three beeps fell, Feng Range condensed a ray of pure spiritual fire on his fingertips.

The little flames danced on Feng Range's fingertips, which made Ran Yu and the others feel a little too miraculous.

Even Gao Ying, who was still terrified of flames after experiencing the fire a few years ago, showed a look of love when she saw the fire of pure spirit.

The Fire of Purifying Spirits is milky white, almost without a trace of temperature.At Fengrange's fingertips, it was like a wisp of white smoke, which didn't make people think that it was a flame that would burn bad things.

Especially Ran Yu, when he liked it so much, he wanted to reach out to touch it, but Feng Range avoided it by chance.

Although Ran Yu's physique is special, he has cultivated for a while and has gained a little bit of cultivation.

But, after all, her strength is still very shallow, if she directly touches the fire of pure spirit with her hands like this, she will be burnt to death in less than two seconds.

Even Feng Range herself, if she hadn't been the master of the Purifying Spirit Fire, she might not be able to rely on the slight burning of the Purifying Spirit Fire!
After avoiding Ran Yu's touch, Feng Range glanced at Ran Yu, and then flicked the pure spirit fire into the cauldron.

After seeing the fire of pure spirit burning blazingly in the cauldron, Feng Range shifted his gaze to Ran Yu again.

He said to her, "Xiaoyu, before your strength reaches a certain level, there are some things you can't touch. Just like the flame at my fingertips just now, although it looks beautiful, it has no temperature. , there is no danger, but, if you touched it just now, you will be burned without even a single ashes left."

Speaking of this, Feng Range paused.At the same time, he glanced at Gao Ying and Ka Yina.

Then he continued, "In the world of cultivators, there are many things that look beautiful on the surface, but are extremely dangerous inside. For this reason, if you see many beautiful things in the future, you must be careful." Be cautious. Also, don’t touch the things I take out lightly in the future, unless I tell you that you can touch them. Because some of the things I have here are also very dangerous, so don’t get hurt!”

Hearing Feng Range's not-so-stern warning, Ran Yu and the others nodded their heads as if they were about to rattle a drum.

For the reaction of the three of them, Feng Range was not particularly concerned.

However, as long as they keep what she said in mind, that's enough.

After Dan Ding warmed up for a while, Feng Range began to release his consciousness and spiritual power.

While controlling the consciousness and mental power, he threw the medicinal materials into the danding, and explained with Ran Yu and the other three.

"Before refining the elixir, you first need to cultivate your consciousness and spiritual power. I will take the time to teach you about this. When refining alchemy, we mainly use spiritual power to control the medicinal materials inside. It will be burned. At the same time, you have to observe with your spiritual sense to see how far the medicinal material has been refined and whether it can condense the elixir. You must be extremely careful in every step of alchemy, because maybe one of you If you are not careful, this batch of pills will be destroyed. This alchemy..."

Afterwards, Feng Range expanded and talked a lot... It was not until this furnace of Yuanling Pill was successfully refined that Feng Range stopped talking.

She took out the Yuanling Pill from the cauldron, but didn't put it away.

A total of eighteen Yuanling Pills were refined in this furnace, and Feng Range distributed six of them to Ran Yu and the others.

He said to them, "Eat one each, and then go to meditate and practice!"

Hearing Fengrange's order, the three of them had already taken Fengrange's elixir before.So this time, when swallowing, it was very refreshing.

After taking the elixir, the three of them meditated on the spot.After silently reciting the formulas that Fengrange taught them earlier, they were immersed in the practice after a while.

Seeing that they entered the state of cultivation so quickly, Feng Range stood aside and watched for a while, then sat cross-legged again and entered another round of cultivation...

 Ah Xi has recently gone to work, and she has to bring her baby and code words when she goes home, and all kinds of tiredness!However, I will promise to keep updating as much as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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