Phoenix Dance

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

After looking at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range and ignoring him heartlessly for a while, Mr. Fu quit!
He took two steps forward, came between the two of them, put his hands on his hips, poked his head forward, and said gloomily, "You two juniors, are you just ignoring the old man like this? How can you be so unfilial! My husband and I It’s so sad! It’s such a shock to live to such an old age! Master is being suppressed by his disciples, how can he live like this..."

Hearing Mr. Fu wailed again, the veins on Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's foreheads twitched.

Even Feng Range, who was always cold, was a little impatient with Fu Lao's wailing at this moment.

So, in order to quickly shut up Mr. Fu, she took out a bottle of Rejuvenation Pill and a bottle of Yuanling Pill from the space bracelet, and seduced him in front of Mr. Fu.

He said to Mr. Fu, "Mr. Fu, among the two bottles, one is the Rejuvenation Pill, which can bring you back to the appearance when you were in your prime. Also, the other bottle is the Yuanling Pill, which can assist in cultivation! You have eaten this bottle of Yuanling Pill, and I can guarantee that you will be able to advance to two levels in a short period of time! Would you like to consider giving me something in exchange?"

Seeing the two bottles of pills that Feng Range suddenly took out, and hearing the benefits she said, Mr. Fu's eyes lit up, and then his spirits rose!

She moved closer to Feng Range, and asked with a wicked smile, "Is it really Huichun Pill and Yuanling Pill? Do they really have that miraculous effect?"

Hearing Fu Lao's question, Feng Range did not answer him directly, but looked at Ouyang Huang.

After receiving her gaze, Ouyang Huang instantly understood what she meant.

So, he said to Mr. Fu, "Old man, do you like it or not! Anyway, after my grandfather took it, he looks like my father now. The two are like brothers, and we can't tell who is who!" My little Ge'er's elixir, even Elder Mu will never be able to refine it."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's seemingly exaggerated words, Mr. Fu's entire brows trembled.

Then, he snatched the pill from Fengrange's hand.

While snatching it back, he said, "I'll show it to old man Mu later. If it really has such a miraculous effect, the old man will give him one or two of each kind, and then I will send some medicinal materials from him to you, girl! At that time , girl, can you give the old man a few more!"

Hearing Mr. Fu's words, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang.

After noticing her gaze, Ouyang Huang nodded towards her.

Then, Feng Range also turned his head, and nodded to Mr. Fu, "Okay! Mr. Fu, as long as you exchange the medicinal materials with me, I can give you other medicines!"

As soon as he heard Feng Range and other pills, Old Fu's eyes lit up.

Then he nodded abruptly, and promised, "Okay! Okay! After Old Man Mu has seen it, and it is as you said, I will bring you a lot of medicinal materials from Old Man Mu!"

As he said that, a wicked smile appeared on Fu Lao's face.

Seeing Mr. Fu like this, Feng Range panicked again.

This old man's temperament is the same as that of old man Ouyang.It's the same, and his temperament is similar to that of his grandfather.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of her grandfather again.

She lowered her eyelids, and a lonely coolness slowly permeated her whole body.When Ouyang Huang noticed this feeling, he frowned slightly.

Little Geer, she...

No matter what you say, Mr. Fu is also the master of the sect, and he has seen a lot of people in the market.

So, after he also saw that Feng Range's aura was a bit wrong, he gave Ouyang Huang a wink.

He opened the mouth and said, "Boy Huang, quickly take your little daughter-in-law to live in Jiuzhuyuan! And this boy Mo is also going with him. The old man is going to find old man Mu now, and I will come to you later! Let's go." ! let's go!"

Hearing Mr. Fu's order to chase away guests, Ouyang Huang also instantly understood what he meant.

So, she said softly in front of Feng Range, "Little Geer, let's go, I will take you to the place where you will live these few days!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range turned to look at him, and then nodded slightly.

Standing up, together with Mo Xuan, they left Old Fu's yard with Ouyang Huang.

Walking outside, along the way, the three of them met many disciples of Moon Shadow Sect.

One by one, when they saw the three of them, they all looked sideways.

Among them, quite a few female disciples showed jealousy in their eyes when they saw Ouyang Huang half-embracing Feng Range.

Even, Feng Range faintly heard some people swearing at her.

Similarly, Ouyang Huang heard it too.As a result, his whole body was filled with a thick chill, and he glanced at them coldly!
After receiving Ouyang Huang's cold and merciless eyes, those female disciples trembled all over, and then lowered their eyes, not daring to look at Ouyang Huang's indifferent look.

Since Ouyang Huang entered the Moon Shadow Gate, he has been very popular with many female disciples.

However, due to his indifferent attitude, no one has dared to approach him.

Of course, apart from Meng Xianer!
At that time, they all thought that because of Meng Xian'er's status as the granddaughter of Elder Meng, they had been following Ouyang Huang's side all the time.

But now, they finally understood that the young sect master of the Moon Shadow Sect just had a special liking for that strange girl and was gentle.

As for other people, like Meng Xian'er, they just don't want to talk to her, so what does she do!

Seeing their receding figures, some girls who were not attracted by Ouyang Huang's appearance felt that he and Feng Range were handsome men and women, and they were a good match!
It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared in front of their eyes that they slowly came back to their senses.Then, one by one, they went to do their own things.

After Ouyang Huang took Feng Range and Mo Xuan around two paths, he finally brought them to a small bamboo forest.

Not far away, the three of them saw a small bamboo building built in the bamboo grove, with the author'Jiuzhuyuan' written in large characters above the door.

Seeing the Jiuzhu Garden, Ouyang Huang said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, you should stay here for a few days! I will take Mo Xuan to live in my courtyard. I still have several room. You have a good rest!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's instructions, Feng Range nodded and replied, "Okay!"

So Ouyang Huang turned around and left with Mo Xuan.

Seeing them leave, Feng Range stood there blankly for a while, and then walked towards Jiuzhu Garden.

Just as she turned to leave the spot, a figure who followed her, Ouyang Huang, and Mo Xuan, who came here also chose to leave.

He's going to report to his master...

(End of this chapter)

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