Phoenix Dance

Chapter 383 Visiting Moon Shadow Gate

Chapter 383 Visiting Moon Shadow Gate (2)

After he left, Feng Range thought about the sexual scene of the two just now.Immediately, her face turned red again.

After that, Feng Range nestled in the room for a long time before eating the food brought by Ouyang Huang and going out.

When she got outside, she saw that Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan were already waiting in the yard.

Seeing her come out, Ouyang Huang had a chuckle on his face, while Mo Xuan's expression was as indifferent as ever.

When he noticed the smile on Ouyang Huang's face, Feng Range didn't know why, as if he saw him picking on DOU himself.Then, her face couldn't help being stained with a suspicious blush.

Ouyang Huang, who had been looking at her all the time, twitched the corners of his mouth and let out a chuckle when he saw a faint blush on her face.

When she heard his chuckle, Feng Range's face turned even redder.

Then, he raised his eyes slightly, and cast a reproachful look at Ouyang Huang.

Ouyang Huang saw the performance of this little woman Feng Range, and felt that a certain brother of his was about to start moving again.

However, at this moment, it seems that there is nothing to do!

Not to mention that Mo Xuan was present, even if it was Feng Range's wish, he would not want to wrong her.

And I'm afraid that when he waits to eat her, it will probably be after she returns there!

Thinking about it this way, Ouyang Huang's certain brother, who was still a little ready to move, turned off decisively at this moment.

It seems that he has to make his little brother imprison Yu for a long, long time because of the little fairy Xiao Ge'er!

Regarding this result, Ouyang Huang didn't even make a protest even if he wanted to!Who made him unwilling to wrong his little daughter-in-law!
After he extinguished his brother's fire, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range with clear eyes.I just feel that my little Ge'er is so beautiful no matter how she looks at it.

So, seeing that she was still standing motionless at the door of the room, he lightly stepped forward.

"You're full! I'll take you and Mo Xuan to see the panorama of Moon Shadow Gate!" Ouyang Huang said softly to Feng Range.

Ouyang Huang was originally a cold and indifferent person, and now he would show such a soft expression to his beloved woman.Even the tone of voice, the previous indifference, disappeared completely when facing Feng Range.

When hearing Ouyang Huang's suggestion, Feng Range was slightly taken aback for a moment, then nodded again.

"Okay!" Feng Range agreed.

After seeing her agree, Ouyang Huang led her directly to Mo Xuan's side.Then, they took Mo Xuan with them, and the three of them left Ouyang Huang's yard directly.

Just as they walked out of Ouyang Huang's courtyard, they saw Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun walking towards them quickly.

These two people, after they entered the Moon Shadow Gate, didn't even disturb them with what happened last night, and only now appeared in front of Ouyang Huang and the others.

When seeing Feng Range walking side by side with Ouyang Huang, Wen Chen asked with concern.

"Are you okay last night?" Although Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun didn't see it with their own eyes because of certain things last night, they heard the whole situation early this morning.

So, at this moment, I rushed over in a hurry!

When hearing Wen Chen's concerned question, Feng Range shook his head and replied, "It's okay!"

"It's Elder Meng and his apprentice Shen Bie who can do it!" As soon as Feng Range's voice fell, Yi Shaojun suddenly spoke contemptuously.

But when he heard his affirmative and direct guess, Feng Range hadn't reacted yet, and Ouyang Huang's whole face darkened.

He will never forget how little Ge'er was harmed by them last night!
So, he said coldly, "From now on, there will be no more of these two people in the world!"

Hearing his sudden words, Feng Range and Mo Xuan stared at him blankly.

What happened last night, not to mention Feng Range, the person involved, even Wen Chen and the other three who heard about the cause and effect of the incident, knew very well what Elder Meng and Shen Rui wanted to do to Feng Range last night.

Ecstasy incense, although this is a kind of MI fragrance, but in disguise, it is also a kind of aphrodisiac MI medicine!
In this case, Ouyang Huang cared about Feng Range.That Elder Meng and Shen Rui had literally opened a door to death for themselves, jumping in desperately!

Several people were stunned for a while, and then slowly came back to their senses.

After that, no one dared to mention this matter in front of Ouyang Huang.

Especially when Fengrange is still there, Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun are more aware of what happened last night than Mo Xuan.

They knew it, Ouyang Huang was so angry that he became a beauty last night!Even Feng Range, who was always indifferent, was annoyed and angry last night.Now, not to mention the two of you, even the upper and lower members of Yueyingmen, after seeing Feng Range's ruthlessness and Ouyang Huang's coldness last night, they no longer dare to offend them.

From their point of view, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang last night were like the reincarnation of the God of Killing and the God of Fiend, as long as they lightly lift their fingers, it is enough to make their souls fly away and annihilate.

With this awareness, now, everyone decides to avoid them as much as possible.In case you accidentally provoke them, you don't even know how you died!

The three of Ouyang Huang were blocked by Wen Chen for a while.Since Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun had nothing to do for the time being, they decided to go for a walk with Ouyang Huang and the others!

Anyway, they have been in the secular world all these years, and they are a little strange to everything in this sect.

Why not take this opportunity to get acquainted with this place again!

As a result, two people were added to the original group of three in a blink of an eye, and it became a group of five.

Among the five of them, four men and one woman, all of them are extremely handsome.Along the way, it kept attracting the attention of many people.

And those who were attracted by their appearance, when they saw the two evil gods Ouyang Huang and Feng Range in the crowd, they looked away in horror one by one.

Obediently!With those two evil gods among them, how dare they take another look!

What if, accidentally using the young sect master's jealousy and protection skills, they thought that they would be disrespectful to that... Well, when they are disrespectful to the young sect master's wife in the future, they would not kill them with a single sword!

Seeing their reactions and terrified expressions, Yi Shaojun, who was always afraid of chaos in the world, burst out laughing!

"Hahaha! Young Master Huang, Miss Feng, I really want to see what you guys did last night? You actually made these disciples from the inner and outer sects panic when they saw you! It really made me so curious !"

Hearing his flamboyant laughter and his words, Ouyang Huang glanced at him coldly, ignored him, and walked on!
(End of this chapter)

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