Phoenix Dance

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

Just as Feng Range focused on the people who came below one after another, suddenly, a very sharp gaze shot towards her.

After noticing this gaze, Feng Range followed his gaze and looked at that person!

The target was a young girl with a proud expression and a beautiful face in her teens.

The strength of this girl is probably about the seventh rank of a warrior.She was surrounded by quite a few young boys and girls, and quite a few of them even showed extremely flattering expressions towards her.

For this situation, Feng Range was a little puzzled!

This is the first time she has come to Moon Shadow Gate, and it is also the first time she has seen these people.What's the matter, this girl is in the crowd, and she saw herself at the first sight?

It's fine if you see yourself, but later, after realizing that Feng Range also noticed her, the girl even showed a provocative and disdainful look towards her. What's the situation?

Feng Range was a little puzzled by this, and then turned her head away from looking at her.Instead, he looked at Ouyang Huang beside him.

She looked at Ouyang Huang and asked softly, "Huang, who is that girl over there? Why did she stare at me just now and show me a provocative look?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang followed her gaze and saw the girl who was staring at her before.

But at this time, when the two of them looked at the girl, they found that there was a touch of jealousy in her expression.

Looking at Feng Range's gaze became sharper, as if he wanted to pierce her through.

At the same time, there was a trace of insidiousness in her dark eyes.

After seeing the girl, Ouyang Huang glanced lightly, and then only looked at Feng Range's beautiful and beautiful cheek.

Said softly, "Yao Tianni, the head disciple of the Misty Sect."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range was taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at Yao Tianni.

No wonder!She turned out to be the head female disciple of a faction, no wonder so many people surrounded her and flattered her.

However, she has never seen this Yao Tianni before, so what does it mean that she is staring at her now?
Feng Range was still a little puzzled by this, but she didn't think much about it afterwards.

Anyway, she has nothing to do with this Yao Tianni, so why did she look at her like that before!
Then, after figuring this out, Feng Range continued to observe other new disciples.

While looking at them, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, our ghost sect disciples are too weak now! If we face these disciples head-on right now, our ghost sect will be wiped out." .”

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang twitched the corners of his lips slightly, and said, "No! My Twelve Killing Gods are now in your ghost gate. If they dare to invade the ghost gate, I will It will make them come and go!"

Ouyang Huang's voice was faint, but the coldness contained in his words showed that his attitude when he said this was extremely serious.

After hearing what he said, Feng Range chuckled lightly, "Hehe! Huang, we have taken away the Holy See of the United States and the Yamaguchi Group of the Dongying Kingdom. Do you think that after doing these things , Who am I still afraid of being an enemy? Even if the people in this hidden door are stronger than the birdmen and bishops of the Holy See, and the ninja warriors of Dongying Kingdom, will I lose? "

Hearing Feng Range ask two questions again and again, with such a confident and proud expression, Ouyang Huang laughed without holding back.

"Hahaha! Xiao Geer, you are so funny!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden hearty and unrestrained laughter, the people standing by were stunned when they heard the sound!
This young sect master...hasn't he always been indifferent?Now, why are you smiling so happily?

Ouyang Huang didn't pay any attention to everyone's reaction, but looked at Feng Range tenderly.

Similarly, when Feng Range heard Ouyang Huang's hearty laughter for the first time, she was also stunned!
Looking at him blankly, I didn't know how to react for a moment...

And just when the eyes of the two were facing each other, and their tenderness and sweetness were in harmony, a very discordant voice came to their ears.

"Master Ouyang Huang, long time no see!"

Hearing this discordant voice, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range immediately restrained their expressions.Then, the two turned their heads to look at the perpetrator who disturbed them very displeased.

Yao Tianni?Seeing her standing not far away, he stared blankly at Ouyang Huang.At this time, don't say that Ouyang Huang is unhappy!

Even Feng Range felt a little uncomfortable with the way Yao Tianni looked at Ouyang Huang!
As a result, Feng Range, who was suspected to be jealous, rarely took the initiative to take the initiative to hold Ouyang Huang's arm.

He pretended to be soft and asked, "Huang, who is this girl?"

Hearing Feng Range's questioning and the hint of jealousy in her tone, Ouyang Huang's displeasure at Yao Tianni's interruption instantly exploded.

So, without even looking at Yao Tianni, she coaxed Feng Range and said, "I don't know! Xiao Geer, this place is not fun at all, let's go somewhere else!"

"Okay!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's proposal, Feng Range almost agreed without even thinking about it.

After hearing Feng Range's promise, Ouyang Huang didn't say hello to anyone, just picked up Feng Range and flew away.

Seeing their ignorance of her and their figures turning to leave, Yao Tianni burst out with raging anger and jealousy in her beautiful eyes when she saw this scene.

Who is that woman who doesn't seem to be very strong?How could she be treated so intimately by Young Sect Master Ouyang of the Shadow Moon Sect?

For Feng Range, because her appearance is too outstanding.Therefore, no matter who admired Ouyang Huang, he would think that Feng Range attracted him only by his appearance.And in terms of strength and background, I feel that it is impossible to surpass them!

For this very self-awareness, it also made all the people who offended Fengrange before and after were tortured miserably!Miserable!

After Ouyang Huang and Feng Range left, Yao Tianni didn't want to be surrounded by other disciples of Moon Shadow Sect.So, after standing there for a while, he flicked his brocade sleeves, turned and left.

After Ouyang Huang and Feng Range left, they didn't go anywhere, and went back to Ouyang Huang's small courtyard directly.

Back in the courtyard again, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang are still holding hands. Such a sensitive touch reminds them of what happened earlier in the morning.

Then, Feng Range coughed lightly, and said, "Cough! Huang, I made a breakthrough before, um...I'm going to stabilize my newly increased strength."

As he said that, he turned around and ran away regardless of Ouyang Huang's response.

Seeing her leaving quickly, Ouyang Huang was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head a little bit dumbfounded.

After that, he didn't stay in the yard anymore.

Since Xiao Ge'er went to practice, why not go back to the study to practice too!

(End of this chapter)

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