Phoenix Dance

Chapter 388 Challenge from the Proud People

Chapter 388 Challenge from the Proud People (1)

Sitting high on it, he had been scolding whether Feng Range was qualified to be the head of the sect master and elders above.Seeing Ouyang Huang turn around and leave decisively at this time, he was a little dumbfounded!

Who is this little girl?To make the young master of Yueyingmen attach so much importance to it!

So, one by one, they turned their heads to see Mr. Fu and asked him about the origin of Fengrange.

"Master Fu, who is that little girl?"

"How can you make your beloved disciple, nephew Ouyang, care so much?"

Hearing their question, Mr. Fu blew his beard on them directly.Then he didn't answer a word, and chased after him!

While chasing, he kept yelling, "Girl Feng, wait for the old man! And, brat Huang, don't be angry! The old man didn't tell you not to sit on it!"

Even though he heard Fu Lao shouting behind him, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range who were walking away in front did not pause.

Seeing this result, Mr. Fu was so angry that he blew his beard!This kid, a girl, still has a big temper!One by one, they didn't listen to him!

However, even if Mr. Fu was so annoyed in his heart.But with his mouth, he still tried his best to say the best words possible.

Seeing Mr. Fu flattering his apprentice like this, and where did the arrangement come from, and what was the identity of the little girl, everyone sitting and watching was dumbfounded for a moment.

Their eyes followed Ouyang Huang, Feng Range and Mr. Fu without blinking, watching this "good show" with a lot of doubts.

And when Mr. Fu chased for a while, seeing that the two boys and girls still couldn't turn around, he immediately struggled and used his trump card.

He stopped suddenly, then took out a bag-like thing from his arms, and held it in his hand.

Shouted to Ouyang Huang and Feng Range in front, "You two brats, girl, stop here! The herbs I promised you earlier are here, come and get them! I'll watch the Zongmen Grand Competition later, finish it Go back again!"

Hearing Fu's old words from behind, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range paused together, and then turned their heads.

Looking at Mr. Fu who was not far away from them, he glanced casually and said, "Oh, so old man, you still remember the medicinal materials for my daughter-in-law! I thought you always forgot!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's slightly teasing and sarcastic words, Old Fu's beard was blown up again by him.

"Bastard boy!" He cursed softly angrily.

Then, in terms of the medicinal materials, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range never made things difficult for Mr. Fu again.Turning around and walking back to the past, he took the bag containing the medicinal materials.

Holding the bag of medicinal materials that Mr. Fu handed her, Feng Range was still a little curious when she saw the storage or accidental storage container for the first time.So, I took it in my hand and observed it for a while.

After seeing Feng Range's medicinal materials, he didn't leave with Ouyang Huang again.

So, Fu Laoyou said, "Go sit and watch the Zongmen Dabi!"

For this time, Mr. Fu has put down his identity to persuade them, so Ouyang Huang and Feng Range will not make things difficult for him now.

He also followed behind Mr. Fu, and walked back...

Seeing the two of them walking back, the seated Gemen Sect masters and elders all showed curiosity on their faces.

But for their curiosity, Mr. Fu only showed an inscrutable look, without explaining a word.

For this reason, all curiosity becomes more intense!
(End of this chapter)

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