Phoenix Dance

Chapter 390 Fight to Fame

Chapter 390 Fight to Fame (1)

However, as for her naive idea, will Feng Range let her succeed?Let's wait and see the result!
When Feng Range was facing these thirty or forty people, she didn't intend to hurt them in any way.Therefore, when she saw each of them holding various weapons in their hands, she was still empty-handed.

However, in order to avoid her own injury and Ouyang Huang's worry, she still carried the "Vajra Body" when preparing for the battle.

At the same time, in order to easily deal with the attacks of these thirty or forty people together, Feng Range also used "Missing Steps".

With the most life-saving exercises at the same time, it is a breeze for Feng Range to catch each of their tricks.

And just when Feng Range had just made all the preparations, Yao Tianni, who was the first to challenge Feng Range, shot without a word.

She held a long sword in her hand, and the sword was flying, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Feng Range's heart.Looking at the cold expression on her face, Feng Range narrowed her eyes slightly.

This Yao Tianni has a hot shot, and even hits her vital point, is she trying to kill her?

Regarding Yao Tianni's killer move, Feng Range unintentionally made a guess.Then, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If he wanted to kill her, he was afraid that Yao Tianni, the head disciple of the Little Misty Sect, didn't have the skills to kill her!
So, just as Yao Tianni's sword was about to reach her heart, Feng Range dodged it.

Seeing Fengrange's easy avoidance, Yao Tianni could see that her beautiful face was distorted out of shape.

Because, Yao Tianni saw that when Feng Range avoided her sword edge, she also put five disciples from other sects in one fell swoop.

For Feng Range's attack, Yao Tianni had to suspect that Feng Range was slapping her on the cheek Chiguoguo at this time.

And in the same way, seeing Feng Range's move, not only avoided Yao Tianni's move, but also put it on the other five opponents at the same time.

For this result, not only Yao Tianni was surprised!Even the disciples of other sects sitting around, as well as on the high platform, except for those who have some relationship with Feng Range, everyone else showed a look of surprise!

Previously, each of them thought that Feng Range was just an ordinary secular woman and could not be someone from the world of cultivation.

Even when she took out two bottles of marrow washing pills, they still thought so.

Everyone felt that these elixirs might have been given to Feng Range by Elder Mu, and she was deliberately using them as a gimmick.At the same time, I also want to tell the other sects that their Moon Shadow Sect has already been able to refine the legendary Xisui Pill, and they are about to surpass them!

But now, after seeing Feng Range's shot, and seeing her so mysterious movement, I feel that I was naive before, and now I'm slapping myself in the face.

Similarly, those who had the same cognition as them were the remaining twenty or thirty people surrounding Fengrange.

Just now, when I saw Feng Range dodging Yao Tianni's attack, he simply waved his hand and knocked down five people.And let those few people still not stand up after a while, some of the remaining people were afraid.

Suspicions arose in their hearts one by one, those five people hadn't stood up yet, were they killed by Feng Range?

For this unverified suspicion, those people looked at Feng Range with fear.

Some people are even more scared and want to withdraw from this challenge, and dare not be Feng Range's opponent anymore!

Feng Range didn't know about their emotional changes.

However, after seeing the changes in their expressions, Feng Range still vaguely guessed that her move should have deterred those people.

Then, she hooked her lips slightly and said, "Continue!"

Hearing her words, when the people surrounding her were still hesitating whether to make a move, they heard Feng Range speak again.

She glanced at a lot of people who didn't advance but backed up when they heard her say the word 'continue', and then said, "Since you don't take the initiative to make a move, then I will make a move first!"

After saying that, Feng Range didn't care what state they were in now, and just moved his body and shot.

This time, the person Feng Range rushed to was not Yao Tianni, but a disciple of another sect.

When that disciple saw Feng Range rushing towards him, he was almost scared out of his wits.

And just when he was about to be attacked by Feng Range, a disciple of another faction beside him stretched out his hand and pushed him hard.

He scolded disdainfully, "Trash!"

Hearing his scolding, the disciple prostrated himself on the ground without any angry reaction.

And the person who pushed him showed a contemptuous smile when facing Feng Range's attack.

Then he waved the sword in his hand, ready to receive Feng Range at any time.

When Feng Range saw that the person facing him was replaced by another person, the corner of his mouth slightly showed a contemptuous expression.

In this way, he has not yet reached Wu Zong's strength, and he is only an eighth-level warrior, so he wants to fight her?That really underestimated her!

When the man saw the contempt on Feng Range's mouth, he shrank his eyes.

Seeing Feng Range's contemptuous expression, she was a little displeased.

So, originally he wanted to just defeat Feng Range, but now, he wants to kill this proud woman instead!
A beautiful and proud woman, the woman of Ouyang Huang, the young master of the Moon Shadow Sect?If he killed her, I really don't know what the young master of Yueyingmen's expression would be like?He was looking forward to seeing it!
For Feng Range, who possessed the unparalleled spiritual power to kill, it was easy to feel it.

And when he felt the feeling from the person opposite, Feng Range's eyes froze slightly.Then, a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

Originally, she planned to use the air needle to bring down the previous man like before.

But now, for someone who showed killing intent towards her, Feng Range felt that it was time for him to deter those who had murderous intent towards her!
So, she put away the qi needle she had held between her fingers, and planned to use the "Nine-Jet Fist" to brutalize this life-or-death guy!
Just as Feng Range rushed in front of him, his long sword immediately slashed over.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range didn't show surprise, let alone take a step back!
Instead, when facing the sword's edge that was slashing, he was ready to use his pink fists to catch it!

Seeing her behavior, apart from Ouyang Huang, even Wen Chen and Elder Fu stood up from their seats in astonishment.

He stared intently at Fengrange and that other sect's disciples, and at the same time, was ready to save people at any time...

(End of this chapter)

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