Phoenix Dance

Chapter 394 See Eight-Different Orochi

Chapter 394 See Yamato no Orochi (2)

Yamata no Orochi, but an ancient beast that had nothing to do with her before, its appearance should not have much to do with her!

However, even so, its sudden appearance here is still a bit suspicious.

You must know that the rules of the world are designed to protect the weak, but in those positions, there are restrictions on strength.

And for a divine beast with absolute strength like Yamata no Orochi, it is simply impossible to appear here.But now, with its appearance, is it a sign that there will be major turmoil in the Continent of God?
Feng Range couldn't help but frowned at this faint guess!
You know, the roots of her Feng family are on the mainland of Jishen.If the entire God Continent is in turmoil, she can imagine the situation of the Feng family...

Thinking of all these possible situations, Feng Range felt a little bad all over.

So, she asked Yagi no Orochi with an irrelevant answer, "Yachi, do you know what major event happened on the Trace God Continent when you came down here?"

Seeing that Feng Range was silent for a moment, and asked a question suddenly, Yamato no Orochi also frowned, and then he tried hard to recall.

While trying to remember, it said, "That day... I was practicing. But suddenly I heard that a large group of people broke into the place where I was entrenched. So, I immediately quit the cultivation. Then , and faintly heard that they seemed to be coming to kill me, and then... I didn't go out, because I felt a very strong coercion hanging over the sky at that time. That coercion, I felt that it was enough It can crush me! Then, in order to survive, I came here... At that time, the depth of the cave where I was hiding happened to be another space-time turbulent area. In order to survive, I entered it. I just didn't expect... "

Afterwards, Feng Range no longer needed Yamato Orochi's commentary, and she also understood the situation.

However, after hearing Yamato no Orochi's words, her brows became even tighter.

A strong man who can absolutely crush the coercion of the ancient Yachi no Orochi, who would that be?
Feng Range was deeply puzzled by this...

I really don't know, if such a person suddenly appeared on the Jishen Continent, what kind of disaster and turmoil would it bring to the entire continent?
And the Feng family, will it also be affected at the same time, and...

Feng Range didn't dare to guess further about the following guesses.Because, thinking of the possible destruction of the Feng family, Feng Range simply cannot accept such a result!

Therefore, in order not to affect her subsequent emotions, Feng Range decided not to think about things on the Jishen Continent for the time being.

What they should think about now is how to improve their own strength.Then, how to leave this world and return to the Continent of God.

For this idea, Feng Range has never stopped.

Now, she wants to see Yamato no Orochi, which is considered to be seen.Its attitude towards her is pretty good, and it seems that it doesn't dislike its master.

So, Feng Range said to Yamato no Orochi, "Baqi, I will call you that in the future! Do you want to leave here now?"

Hearing Fengrange's question, Baqi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

He opened his mouth and said, "It's good to practice here, I'll stay here to practice! Judging by your appearance, you should go back there, right? Now I am your contracted beast, now I will practice more and improve my strength. , don’t talk about being your help in the future, as long as you don’t pull you back! You are very strong, and I feel very lucky to be your contracted beast. However, your strength is still very weak now. , just call me! Now, I will go inside and continue to practice."

Saying that, Baqi turned around and went inside.Regarding Ba Qi's current performance, Feng Range always felt a little surprised.

Previously, although she had forgotten it in a corner... Well, it must be in this cave!

However, she still vaguely remembered that the first time she saw Ba Qi, he was a cold and arrogant guy.

But now, in front of him, she is so cute!
Seeing Baqi turn around and leave, Feng Range didn't stay for long.

Shihuang casually searched for the current seat, and he also teleported to the front of Shihuang.

Seeing Fengrange reappear, Shihuang yelled and rushed towards her.

"Master! Master!"

Hearing Shihuang's call, Feng Range directly reached out to catch Shihuang who was flying towards her, then hugged him in his arms and stroked him gently.

At the same time, Feng Range also looked at Nini on the side!

Before, when Fengrange and Shihuang were in different classes, Shihuang came to the fountain of life.

Now, seeing Nini here at the same time, Feng Range is not surprised at all.

So, she crouched down with Shi Huang in her arms, and greeted Nini.

"Little guy, have you grown well during this time!"

Hearing Fengrange's words, Nini shook the flower on its top, and said proudly, "Of course! I, Nini, have worked hard to cultivate!"

Hearing its proud and natural opening, Feng Range suddenly raised his hand and flicked its flowers, jokingly said, "Spoof! You are relying on the efficacy of the water of life!"

When Feng Range flicked the flower suddenly, Nini shook the flower more violently and cried out in pain, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Hearing Nini's accusing cry, Feng Range burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Nini, you want to sue me? Huh? Where do you go to sue? Believe it or not, if you dare to say a disrespectful word to me again, I will dig out your whole tree and boil it!"

Nini's coquettish accusation against Feng Range was a joke.

However, upon hearing it now, his master actually took it seriously and even dug it out and cooked it.Nini didn't care whether his master's words were true or not, so he moved away from his original position, far away from Fengrange.

Seeing Nini's behavior, Feng Range's eyes were fixed, and then she stood up holding Shihuang again.

Looking down at Nini who was some distance away from her, Feng Range raised her eyebrows and said, "Nini, remember, I am your master now!"

Saying that, he turned around and left with Shi Huang in his arms...

Nini, since he met her, he has been disrespectful to her. For this, Fengrange may not be a good thing!
A disobedient animal pet, if one day it takes the shape of Zhiling and goes outside, it might cause some trouble!Today, she just gave it a thumbs up!
In the future, if it still looks like this, Fengrange won't be able to see it in the future.

After leaving Nini's place, Feng Range felt that time had passed for a while.I'm afraid it's too late to look at Xiao Huo now.

So, after she confessed to Shihuang a few words, she put it down.

An idea came out of the primordial space...

(End of this chapter)

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