Phoenix Dance

Chapter 401 Ouyang Huang enters the gate of ghosts

Chapter 401 Ouyang Huang enters the gate of ghosts (3)

The moment Ouyang Huang stretched out his hand to open the door, the noisy voice outside entered Feng Range's ears.

And at this moment, Feng Range really woke up!
She looked at the group of people standing in Ouyang Huang's small courtyard in front of her, and when she saw her and Ouyang Huang coming out of the house together, they all started chattering loudly.

"Little bitch, you finally came out! You dare to hurt my Yujianmen, what do you think?" an elder of Yujianmen said.

When Feng Range looked at him, his eyes were full of greed, and he knew that this person's tricks were not right, probably because he took a fancy to something in her!
Then, a second person was heard speaking.

"Miss Feng, I don't know how my disciples of the Misty Sect offended you? You are so vicious, you drugged my beloved Tu Tianni and the nephew Qin Feng, the young owner of Tianyi Sword Villa, and even... and Qin Feng Nephew Feng has ruined the innocence of my beloved apprentice, how do you understand this?"

The person who spoke at this time was the head of Misty Sect.The old woman who was intimidated by Ouyang Huang during the Zongmen Grand Competition was in charge.

When seeing her speak, not to mention Feng Range, even Ouyang Huang, who was standing beside her, squinted his eyes.

To say that Xiao Ge'er drugged Yao Tianni and Qin Feng, making them hook up, is it true?

If this is the case, Ouyang Huang will be a little confused...

Attracting Xiao Ge'er's attack, I really don't know how those two blind guys offended Xiao Ge'er?

As soon as he thought that Yao Tianni had offended Xiao Ge'er again, Ouyang Huang's eyes showed a bloodthirsty look.

Some people really don't remember the lesson!After being severely taught a lesson, he still dared to jump around in front of his little Ge'er. It seemed that he was really impatient!
While Ouyang Huang was thinking deeply, the owner of Tianyi Sword Villa, Qin Feng's father also spoke up.

His mouth was a little domineering, and he said, "Little girl, you hurt my son, how can you pay for it! If you can't come up with something that satisfies the owner of the villa, why don't you pay yourself to our village! "

Hearing the owner of Tianyi Sword Village speak domineeringly and make unreasonable demands.

The faces of all the people present who pretended to be petty in their hearts suddenly became a little ugly!
What's more, when Ouyang Huang heard about the owner of Tianyi Sword Village, he actually wanted to let Xiao Geer into their sword village.

Ouyang Huang's face immediately turned gloomy and cold, and he said coldly, "Master Qin is so brave! He even dared to snatch my daughter-in-law Ouyang Huang, don't you know how to write the dead word?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden murderous opening, the faces of all the people who came to find fault and provoke were stained with fear.

Looking into his eyes, there was a trace of fear.

As for Feng Range, when she saw them showing such expressions to Ouyang Huang, she suddenly twitched the corners of her mouth and laughed.

"Injured your disciple? Heh! You have slighted me, and do you want me to be courteous? You hurt Master Qin Shaozhuang? Why don't you say that he and Yao Tianni came to surround me together and find fault with me! You all really Is it easy to be bullied when I am a lady? I want to ask for theory and compensation, okay! Huang, I think they are not pleasing to the eye, how about we work together to deal with them!" Feng Range said contemptuously.

At the same time, as soon as the voice fell, he took out a long sword in an instant, and pointed the sword at all the people from the various sects who came to provoke him.

When they heard Feng Range's reversal and condemnation, the faces of all the people who came to find fault immediately changed.

As for Ouyang Huang, when he heard Feng Range's request, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a faint evil smile.

Then he said, "Okay! I am willing to serve Xiao Ge'er!"

Agreeing, he also took out a long sword.

And when they saw Feng Range and Ouyang Huang taking out two high-grade long swords, the faces of everyone present changed again.

They had seen Ouyang Huang's strength ten years ago.As for Feng Range's strength, they also experienced it during the Zongmen Grand Competition.

At the same time, at that time, they also vaguely noticed that Feng Range did not use all his strength in that battle with one enemy.

So, now that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang proposed to fight against them, everyone was a little hesitant.

Seeing their sudden silence, and the expressions on their faces becoming a little embarrassed and hesitant, Feng Range sneered.

"Oh! Are you all afraid?"

Hearing Feng Range's continued provocation, those headmen, sect masters, and elders of the sect masters are all cunning old guys.For a while, without being dazzled by Feng Range's excitement, he immediately fought against her and Ouyang Huang.

Regarding their hesitation, Feng Range saw the expressions of each of their villains, and then smiled coldly.

Then he spoke again, "Everyone, do you know the identity of this lady? I wonder if you know that the ninth sect of the Yinmen has been established a few months ago? And I, Feng Range , is the sect master of the Ninth Sect! The sect master of the ghost sect! You say, the disciples under your sect, the young master, provoke the sect master one by one, how can the sect master ask you for compensation? Hmm? "

As he said that, Feng Range's mouth, like Ouyang Huang's, revealed an evil smile.

Then, with cold eyes, he scanned the people in front of him for a week.

And when Feng Range's eyes swept over them, everyone felt a chill down their backs.

However, just after they had not fully accepted the identity of playing Fengrange, Ouyang Huang followed suit.

"Huh? The sect master of the ghost gate who has repeatedly provoked me, the deputy sect master of the ghost gate, should also seek some justice for the sect master! Xiao Ge'er, what do you want to do? Beat them down Or... just kill them!"

When Ouyang Huang said the last six words, all of a sudden, the killing intent in his whole body surged!

Originally, when Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were talking about the establishment of a new sect and their respective identities, when they were curious and puzzled, when they sensed the sudden killing intent emanating from Ouyang Huang, everyone was shocked. He took a few steps back in horror.

Especially those powerful faction leaders and elders felt more clearly Ouyang Huang's killing intent.

For this reason, when each of them raised their eyes again, they all showed inconceivable and unbelievable expressions.

The young sect master Ouyang Huang is actually stronger again?
A young man who is still young has such a strong strength, how did he do it?Or is there any reason?Everyone was amazed!

Originally, they came to find fault today, but in the current situation...

When they saw the killing intent erupting from Ouyang Huang's body, they all wanted to run away immediately.

So, before Feng Range and Ouyang Huang could do anything, the most shameless old woman who was the head of Misty Sect spoke.

"Um, Master Feng Sect, Nephew Ouyang, misunderstood! Misunderstood! Suddenly, I remembered that I still have something to deal with, so I will leave first!"

After speaking, he turned around and left with his group of people.

And just after she set a precedent, the rest of the people followed her example and left.Then, after a while, all the people in the small courtyard that was still crowded with people left cleanly all of a sudden.

In the end, in the entire courtyard, only Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were left looking at each other...

(End of this chapter)

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