Phoenix Dance

Chapter 403 Arriving at the Gate of Ghosts

Chapter 403 Back to the Ghost Gate (1)

After that, after two days of persistent practice, at noon of the second day, Feng Range only felt the sound of 'Boom...'.Then, in terms of spiritual cultivation, she finally succeeded in advancing to the first level.

And after successfully breaking through the first step again, Feng Range took a few more deep breaths before standing up unhurriedly.Then, he walked out of the practice room, ready to leave the empty space.

However, before leaving, Feng Range went to visit Xiaohuo.

Last time, after practicing the pill, Xiao Huo was still absorbing the power of the medicine and the power of the fire, so he didn't see its situation.

But now, Xiaohuo should have finished training too!

Thinking this way, when passing by the alchemy room, Feng Range walked in directly.

Then, walking in front of the Sifang Divine Cauldron, he lightly tapped the body of the cauldron twice.

He said, "Little Huo, can you come out?"

Hearing Fengrange's call from outside, Xiaohuo, who was bored in the cauldron, jumped out of the cauldron immediately.

As soon as he came out, he danced around Fengrange.

He kept saying, "Master, master, here again! Do you want Xiao Huo? Xiao Huo is so good! Master, master, Xiao Huo absorbed the power of medicine and the power of fire last time. Afterwards, he grew up a lot! Master, master, you need to practice alchemy more! It won’t be long before Xiaohuo will come out!"

Seeing Xiaohuo's happy look, and hearing what it said.

Feng Range was stunned suddenly, and then showed a look of surprise!

What!Xiao Huo said it will come out soon?
After that, as if to confirm the possibility of Xiaohuo's words, Feng Range used the power of the contract for the second time to feel the strength of Xiaohuo's power.

And after feeling it, Feng Range was pleasantly surprised again!
The power of Xiao Huo is very strong and rich. Compared with Xiao Bai's power, Feng Range really feels that it is about to hatch.

Under such circumstances, Feng Range's eyes on Xiao Huo's egg body became much hotter.

Her body at this time was almost trembling with excitement.

She stretched out her hand to stroke the eggshell of Xiao Huo, and said with joy, "Little Huo, your strength is very strong, you should be able to hatch before we leave this world! Now that you have practiced, prepare to refine more pills. When the time comes, you will absorb more power of medicine and power of fire, you know?"

Hearing Fengrange's excited voice, Xiaohuo also seemed to agree, jumping up and down.

Just like that, after watching it bouncing around for a long time, Feng Range felt that it was time for her to leave here.

Then, let Xiao Huo return to Dan Ding.

In the alchemy cauldron, the power of medicine and the power of fire stored for tens of thousands of years remained. For the four beasts, it was much faster to practice in it than to practice outside!

And after they hatch, they can take pills and absorb spiritual power to practice.

After letting Xiao Huo return to the Danding, Feng Range didn't delay anymore, and went straight out of Shihuang Space.

After she went outside, she saw Ouyang Huang sitting at the table in the room, drinking tea leisurely.

When he saw her appear, he said lightly, "Xiao Ge'er, you have broken through again!"

Hearing his words, Feng Range just looked at him indifferently and didn't answer.

Then, when she walked to his side and sat down, she said calmly, "Well, I have entered another step."

Hearing Feng Range's answer, Ouyang Huang also smiled indifferently.

Then, he said again, "Elder Mu and the others are back! The medicinal materials are all collected by Ye Xing. Next, shall we go?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Are they back? Where are the medicinal materials in the night?"

For this result, it was just as she estimated two days ago.However, Feng Range was a little surprised that the estimated result was so accurate!

When he heard Feng Range's confirmation question, Ouyang Huang smiled and nodded.

"That's right! Yexing and the others are outside now, do you want to meet?"

Meet Nocturnal?They are outside?

When hearing what Ouyang Huang said again, Feng Range was surprised again!
Then, without waiting for Ouyang Huang to lead the way, he stood up directly and prepared to go out.

Seeing Feng Range's behavior, the corner of Ouyang Huang's mouth curved into a slight smile.Then, they also stood up and prepared to go outside together to have a look.

When Feng Range opened the door of the room, sure enough, in the small courtyard outside, Feng Range saw several figures of people.

And when they heard the sound of Fengrange opening the door, several people even turned their heads and looked towards her.

When meeting their eyes, Feng Range was slightly taken aback again.

It really was them!Really come back so soon?
After seeing them, Feng Range was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Ouyang Huang.

But when he looked back and saw the smile on Ouyang Huang's face, Feng Range suddenly felt that Ouyang Huang was just a cunning fox.

When they were in the secular world, Feng Range thought that after the two had experienced a lot, she already understood everything about the man beside her.

But now, after entering Moon Shadow Gate, Feng Range discovered that she seemed to have a lot of unknowns about Ouyang Huang.

Just like the premonition I said two days ago, she didn't know that with his current strength, she could actually have a premonition.

And just like now, Feng Range only made a rough estimate of the actions of Elder Mu and Ye Xing.However, with Ouyang Huang, he has already made the most accurate judgment!
Now, I can see this side of Ouyang Huang clearly.Suddenly, Feng Range felt that such Ouyang Huang seemed a little unfathomable, which made her flustered!
As for Feng Range's thoughts, Ouyang Huang still had no way of knowing, even though he had great strength.

However, when he saw Feng Range suddenly lowered his eyes and remained silent, Ouyang Huang's gaze at her became a little darker.

He didn't know what she was thinking at this time, but he just felt that he didn't like her like this!

She was silent, just like every time she recalled her past life and her family, he felt her uneasiness and sadness.

So, at this moment, Ouyang Huang suddenly reached out and pulled Feng Range's body, and then hugged her tightly.

And then, that's not enough!
He whispered softly in her ear again, "Little Ge'er, with me by your side in the future, don't show such a silent reaction, I will feel uneasy!"

(End of this chapter)

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