Phoenix Dance

Chapter 408 Preparations before retreat

Chapter 408 Preparations before retreat (2)

In this way, after walking for another two full hours, they finally arrived at the ghost gate base.

Once inside, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range saw that Yexing and the others had also arrived.

As for Mu Heng, when he felt the aura in the entire base was very strong, he was stunned!

"What a rich aura! It's really rich! It's too rich! How could there be such a holy place for cultivation!" Mu Heng was filled with emotion, and began to chatter endlessly.

When he heard his incessant exclamation, Ouyang Huang said lightly, "It's the Spirit Gathering Formation!"

Gathering array?Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Mu Heng suddenly stopped the voice of emotion, and then turned to look at him.

"Spirit Gathering Formation?" He asked in surprise.

For Mu Heng's idiotic reaction and questioning, no one wants to talk to him anymore.

So, Feng Range also said lightly, "Gao came in? Where is it?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ye Yu, who came out to greet Ye Xing and them earlier, stepped forward.

He replied respectfully to Feng Range, "Master, he is in his lounge."

Hearing Ye Yu's answer, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang, and then asked Ye Yu to take her to see Gao Jin.

Last time, she let Gao go in and do a lot of things.And now, he probably completed the task, let's explain it!
After Feng Range followed Ye Yu for a while, she came to the room where Gao came in last time.

Ye Yu pushed the door open and went in, Feng Range followed closely behind her.

Walking inside, Gao Jin stood up from his seat when he heard the door being pushed open.

At the same time, Feng Range also saw three strange teenagers standing beside him.

As for the identities of these three teenagers, Feng Range had some guesses in his heart.These three people are probably the three gardeners who she asked Gao Jin to find for her to manage the herb base!
When looking at them one by one, Feng Range nodded slightly towards them!

Then, he asked Gao Jin, "Is everything ready?"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Gao Jin directly took out a space ring and handed it to Feng Range just like the last time he sent medicinal materials.

At the same time, he also said, "Everything is inside. Because the time is too tight, I ordered [-] pieces of clothes. After that, I also ordered [-] pieces, and the delivery will take about a month."

Hearing Gao Jin's report, Feng Range nodded, expressing his satisfaction!

After that, Feng Range suddenly asked Gao Jin something about him with an unexpected answer.

Feng Range asked, "Gao Jin, your daughter is now a cultivator, and her future life will be at least a few hundred years old. In the future, she may reach several thousand years due to her cultivation. The age varies. I want to ask you now, do you want to accompany your daughter and become a practitioner together?"

When Feng Range spoke, hearing what she said, let alone the three ignorant teenagers around Gao Jin were stunned!

Even Gao Jin, when he heard that his daughter Gao Ying's future life would be hundreds of years old, maybe even thousands of years old, he was also stunned!
Life is so it possible?

Ever since his daughter was cured by Feng Range and taken away, every time he missed his daughter outside, he sat quietly in her room.

And at that time, when looking at his daughter's empty bed, Gao Jin felt that all this was like a dream!
His daughter recovered, and found a powerful master, and went to study medicine with the master.

Just like last time, when he saw his daughter after a long time, Gao Jin felt that his daughter had become cheerful, just like she was when she was a child.

At that time, his wife was still there, and the family of three enjoyed themselves happily.

But after the accident, his wife left, his daughter was unconscious, and his heart died along with the broken family.

But just when he thought that his daughter was about to leave him like a wife, Feng Range appeared like a savior.

She saved her daughter, saved him!
For Feng Range, Gao Jin is very convinced of this girl who is very young but has extraordinary strength!

Therefore, when he heard Feng Range's question at this moment, although he was a little shocked.However, when he came back to his senses, he suddenly nodded!
"Miss Feng, oh, no! It's the master of the sect! Master, I am willing to enter here to practice with my daughter! I want to be with my daughter all the time. Although she has you as a master and their partners, she only has I am a close relative, and I want to accompany her all the way!"

Hearing Gao Jin's sudden high-spirited words, Feng Range smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay! However, Gao Jin, before this, I still have some things for you to do, you should remember! Help me transfer and sell all the companies under my name, and use the funds I get to help me buy a hundred Helicopters and one hundred off-road vehicles, the ones with high configuration and the highest performance! Also, help me buy [-] tons of oil for this helicopter and off-road vehicles. Then, after a month, what you said It is [-] pieces of clothes for me to get back! Others, temporarily gone! I will let you do it when I have it! As for the lack of funds, I asked Kayina to deal with the affairs of the United States, and then transferred to Here you go. After you have dealt with these things, when you come back here, I will help you improve your physique, and then someone will teach you how to practice!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Range took out three space rings and handed them to Gao Jin.

This time, because the items to be purchased are too large, the built-in space of the space ring that Feng Range handed over to Gao Jin is also very large!

As for Gao Jin, when he took over the space ring, he hadn't woken up from the shock of hearing Feng Range's words just now.

A hundred helicopters?A hundred SUVs?One hundred thousand tons of oil?Such a big deal?And sell all the companies?
Gao Jin suddenly felt a little stunned!

It's no wonder that the master of the Fengmen sect can become a couple with Huang Shao, both of them are very proud!
Naturally, Feng Range didn't know Gao Jin's emotion.

After telling Gao Jin what to do, Feng Range looked at the three people Gao Jin brought.

When they noticed Feng Range's gaze, the three shrank in embarrassment.

In response to their reaction, Feng Range squinted his eyes, and then told Ye Yu, "Take them to practice with those disciples! After two years, we should all leave here, so there is no need to grow medicinal materials here gone."

Hearing Feng Range's order, Ye Yu immediately walked to the side of those three people, and then led them out of Gao Jin's room while those were in a daze.

After those people left, Gao Jin was also in a hurry to do what Feng Range told him.He didn't stay any longer, and left too.

For a moment, Feng Range was the only one left in the room.

After standing blankly for a while, she also left...

(End of this chapter)

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