Phoenix Dance

Chapter 410 Encirclement and suppression by various factions

Chapter 410 Encirclement and suppression by various factions (2)

Feng Range naturally heard Ran Yu's shout.

But at this time, she suddenly came to the door of the alchemy room.

Then, with their backs to Kayina and the others, they said, "The three of you stay here to practice, don't leave!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up "Misty Steps" and swooped down the stairs as fast as she could!

Just now, she originally wanted to educate Ran Yu well, and she also planned to tell them to let them train with Ouyang Huang in the next period of time.

However, before she could speak, she suddenly noticed that the disciples downstairs seemed to be rioting for some reason.

And just when she was wondering, faintly, her mental power caught a voice, as if to say, there is a big enemy coming?

Enemy attack?How can this be?

Feng Range was puzzled by this!However, she still came downstairs as quickly as possible.

And when she arrived below, the disciples below were gathering.

As for Ouyang Huang and Mu Heng, they had long since disappeared.Even walking them at night, there was no one in sight.

Only Ye Feng was left to gather the disciples, and Ye Yu was waiting for her.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Yu immediately stepped forward and reported to her, "Sect master, the seven sects are attacking together, and there are 2000 people here!"

Seven sects?Joint attack?
Regarding Ye Yu's report, Feng Range's expression was indifferent.However, if someone takes a closer look, they will see that a violent storm is raging in her eyes!

Invasion?Um?To attack her ghost gate?Then she might as well let them go back and forth!
So, she gave Ye Yu an order, "Go outside and wipe out the enemy!"


Annihilate the enemy, not meet the enemy. At this time, Feng Range is preparing for an extremely crushing bloodthirsty,

As early as when dealing with the members of the Yamaguchi group of the people of the Holy See, Feng Range found that his current state of mind had changed.

In the past, she had always been obsessed with medical skills and alchemy, and did not involve external worldly affairs, and she had a deep medical benevolence in her heart.

However, since coming here, she has killed more and more people, and she is no longer so pure and kind.When she meets a good person, she doesn't mind saving them, but when she encounters someone who has evil intentions against her and her forces, she doesn't mind killing him to death!
After being led by Ye Yu, as soon as Feng Range went outside, he saw a large crowd of people.

In front of those people, stood a dozen people led by Ouyang Huang.

Looking at the backs of Ouyang Huang and the others, the corners of Feng Range's lips twitched slightly.With the aura emanating from them, Feng Range discovered that Ye Xing and the others were also hiding their secrets!Unexpectedly, their strengths have reached the Wuzong stage one by one.

Ouyang Huang, Mo Xuan and Mu Heng are the most powerful among them, and they have all reached the middle level of Wu Zong.And the strength of the dozen or so people including Ye Xing was still at the initial stage of Wu Zong. If the two sides were to fight, I'm afraid that the seven sects would suffer crushing defeat!
Seeing the actual situation, Feng Range's lips curled up again, revealing a bloodthirsty evil smile.


Hearing Feng Range's voice, Ouyang Huang turned his head to look at her.


"Well, I heard movement."

Just as the two of them were chatting, Feng Range walked to Ouyang Huang's side.

At this moment, the two of them stood together, their aura exuded.When the people on the side looked at the two of them again at this time, their eyes flickered slightly, and their faces changed involuntarily.

At this time, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's aura exuded from them made them all tremble.

Especially Mu Heng, don't look at Feng Range's restrained aura before, tepid, indifferent and friendly.But now, after feeling her aura even surpassing his, he couldn't help being stunned!
So powerful!Sure enough, he worshiped a good master!
Originally, Feng Range was going to be far ahead of him in alchemy, and Mu Heng felt that it was not a loss for him to worship a master who was several rounds younger than him!But now, Mu Heng feels that he has made a lot of money, okay?
So, he looked at Feng Range with admiration!His little master is really amazing!
While Mu Heng was amazed at Feng Range, Mo Xuan also squinted at Feng Range.

As early as when they met, Mo Xuan remembered that Feng Range's strength was far lower than his.But now, he has been practicing, and Feng Range has retreated a few times, so why has her strength grown so fast?

Although Mo Xuan was curious about this doubt, he didn't delve into it!

As for Feng Range, after realizing Feng Range's strength, he smiled calmly.

He said to her, "It's strong again! It seems that the gift they sent is not bad, it's really good for you to practice your hands, Xiao Ge'er. The previous small troubles should not be enough for you to display! Now is the opportunity!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he gave Feng Range a very meaningful foxy smile.

After hearing Ouyang Huang's words and seeing the expression on his face, Feng Range smiled faintly at him.

"Of course!"

When Ouyang Huang heard Fengrange's concise response, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just when the two talked with each other with a smile on their faces, the Misty Sect Leader who was standing on the opposite side of them couldn't see it!
So, he provocatively said loudly, "Ignorant boy, we have assembled the seven sects to kill you, and all of them will surrender to the master! Otherwise, the master will let you die! Don't think that there is Ouyang Shaomen Master and this little bastard, you will be able to resist the comprehensive strength of my seven sects! Ten years ago, if it weren't for the carelessness of the Xiaoyao sect, how could you let Ouyang Shao sect master kill you all over the sect! But now, This sect master will lead a group of people to slaughter your ghost-breaking sect! Hahahaha... This sect master will kill you without leaving any traces! Ouyang Huang, you think you are powerful, so we will kill you together! Can't you? Today, we will send you to hell! Hahahaha..."

Sect Master Misty burst into his own thoughts viciously, and then, after venting the darkness deep in his heart, he laughed crazily!

Hearing what she said, as well as her sharp and piercing laughter at the end, not to mention Ouyang Huang frowned.

Even the heads and sect masters of the other six sects standing next to her don't look very good at this moment!
They all cursed Misty's head in their hearts, this old woman really talks too much!Regardless of whether they can level this place this time, it is not easy to reveal their inner thoughts to the enemy and the disciples under the sect.

Sometimes, because of their identities, they are somewhat apprehensive when doing things.

However, the Misty Sect, this dead old woman who doesn't know how to measure...

(End of this chapter)

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