Phoenix Dance

Chapter 414 Old Fu Comes

Chapter 414 Old Fu Comes (1)

When Ouyang Huang deals with certain matters, he is always far-sighted.Therefore, in the constant relationship with Ouyang Huang, she has gradually figured out some thoughts about Ouyang Huang.

As it is now, with just a word from Ouyang Huang, Feng Range understood what he meant.

He hoped that she would accept the remaining three elders as his subordinates, and then they would become her support after reaching the next plane.

Feng Range could always feel Ouyang Huang's efforts to protect her.Therefore, sometimes she would accept Ouyang Huang's opinion even without thinking too much about it.

After all, she couldn't feel that this man would harm her at all!
After getting Ouyang Huang's opinion, for the time being, Feng Range didn't plan to take action against the only three remaining elders.

At the same time, she also signaled to Mo Xuan and Ye Xing not to make any more moves.After that, the three elders seemed to have a little bit of understanding of Feng Range's intentions.

But, temporarily, they are still a little hesitant.

And at this moment, Feng Range suddenly felt two figures approaching at a high speed.

For the two people who came suddenly at this time, Feng Range frowned, and then looked at Ouyang Huang.

When he felt Feng Range's gaze, Ouyang Huang glanced at her and smiled faintly.

Said, "Not the enemy."

Not an enemy?Who could it be?

Just when Feng Range was wondering, the two people who came here at this moment arrived in front of Ouyang Huang and her in a short while. It was Mr. Fu and a more immortal old man who came here!
As for the identity of this old man, after meeting the elders of the other seven sects, Feng Range became somewhat clear.

Presumably, this person should be the elder of Yueyingmen!

When Mr. Fu saw that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range were safe and sound, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief!

"Fortunately! Fortunately! Fortunately, you two brats and stinking girls are fine, otherwise I will regret it in this life!"

As he spoke, his eyes scanned everything around him.Seeing the scene left after the battle, so devastated, Mr. Fu was shocked!

When seeing Elder Fu and Elder Yueying Zong appeared, apart from Feng Range and his party were surprised, even the three elders were also surprised

Especially the elder Xiaoyao Zong who was beaten by Ouyang Huang in a fight against Ouyang Huang before.

When seeing the elder of the Moon Shadow Sect, he immediately walked up a few steps and said, "Brother, you finally appeared! You see, your grandson was bewitched by the demon girl standing next to him, look He hurt me so much... Sigh! The juniors now, relying on their own strength, really don't take us elders seriously. Lawlessness, how decent..."

After that, this Xiaoyaozong elder talked a lot about relying on the old and selling the old.

But the Elder Yueying Zong who was listening to him had a gentle smile on his face, and looked at Feng Range with a loving expression.

Then, all of a sudden, the old Moon Shadow Sect stepped in front of Feng Range.

He said lightly, "Your surname is Feng? Who are you, Feng Yichu?"

Feng Yichu!When Feng Range suddenly heard this name from Yueyingzong, and no one dared to mention it in front of her for many years, her whole body trembled, and a look of horror appeared on her face!
His gaze was fixed on Elder Yueying, and he did not return to his senses for a long time...

After seeing her reaction, Elder Moon Shadow Zong had the answer in his heart.

With two people so similar, it seems that this little girl is really... But how did she end up here?

Yueying was puzzled by this, but she would not ask in front of everyone.

He planned to deal with the current situation first, and then have a proper conversation with this daughter who should be Feng Yichu!

Feng Yichu, Feng Qi, this absolute powerhouse who passed by this world once.He once had a relationship with Moon Shadow Sect Elder, and entrusted him with some things.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years after this incident, he actually met the girl that the man said at that time.

If it wasn't for the troubles caused by the seven major sects this time, would he miss this little girl?
In this regard, the elder Moon Shadow Sect felt that sometimes, some things were really predestined.Otherwise, how could he still see this girl!
For this reason, the Elder Moon Shadow Sect couldn't help feeling admiration for that man again!

Then, after being in a daze for a moment, the Moon Shadow Sect Elder finally came back to his senses, and then looked at the other three Elder Sect seriously.

Seeing their embarrassment, Elder Moon Shadow Zong couldn't help being stunned again!These little guys are really serious!
It's really not easy to beat up these three old buddies of his into such virtues!

However, due to the respect for that person, the Elder Yueying Zong certainly wouldn't say that Feng Range and the others were wrong.Anyway, in this matter, the people who were originally wrong were these old and disrespectful old guys.

It's still like this now, it's really embarrassing and embarrassing!
So, the Moon Shadow Sect Elder once again looked down upon them and spoke to them, "Old Xiaoyao, you seven sect elders are really brave! The sect masters and elders of one sect bully others and a group of juniors without saying anything." Yes. You seven old men and old ladies, why are you messing around! Look now, there is a huge group of people here, but how many people are left standing? Can you lose your old face! Hey ! As an old man of the same level as yours, this face is really lost by you!"

The old Moon Shadow Sect looked so sad that Feng Range was completely stunned!
This old man, who looked like a fairy before, why does he look like this now?
This face-changing speed is faster than flipping a book!
Just when Feng Range was so surprised that he couldn't help himself, the elder Yingyue Zong suddenly turned his head to look at Feng Range.

Then he asked, "Feng... Miss Feng! The old man will help you if you don't help me. They bully you so much, how do you plan to solve it?"

Hearing that Yueyingzong's elder suddenly asked her again, Feng Range was stunned again.

Then he glanced at Ouyang Huang, and then said, "Violating my ghost gate, you should be punished! But, old man, since you want to protect them, it's fine! I want them to enter my ghost gate, and I will serve you I am master!"

"What? Impossible!"

"Impossible! It is impossible for us to betray our sect!"

"Smelly girl, this request is too much! We will not do what you want!"

As soon as Feng Range finished speaking, the three elders began to complain endlessly!

(End of this chapter)

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