Phoenix Dance

Chapter 416 Feng Feng Dye Song Mainly

Chapter 416 Feng Feng Dye Song Mainly (1)

After entering the ghost gate base, not to mention that Mu Heng was stunned at the beginning.Even now, Mr. Fu and Mr. Yueying Zong were stunned when they came in and felt the strong aura inside!
Such a rich aura, what a treasure land for cultivation!
Regarding their reactions, Feng Range has always been meticulous and meticulous, so she naturally noticed them.

So, in order to make them even more surprised, she said lightly, "The aura here is derived from the Five Elements Spirit Formation. Even if you want to destroy this formation, you can't do it! The aura here will continue to last forever." Thousands of years will not dissipate. If you Moon Shadow Gate give me some benefits, I can consider that after I leave this world, I will leave this place to your Moon Shadow Gate Founder School. How about it?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden proposal, Elder Fu and Elder Moon Shadow Zong looked at her immediately.

Then, when she noticed the serious look in the little girl's eyes, she knew that what she said was serious.

Because of this, the eyes of the two elders couldn't help looking at Ouyang Huang again.

Probably because of this brat's protection of this little girl, he decided to treat Yueyingmen preferentially!

If it weren't for this brat, Feng Range, a thoughtful little girl, would not be occupied by others even if she ruined this place!

Just as they were endlessly dreaming in their hearts, Feng Range spoke again.

"Old man, let's talk about this base later, come with me now, I have some things to ask you! Huang, I'll leave the matter here to you!" Feng Range said to Moon Shadow Sect Elder and Ouyang Huang seriously .

After hearing her words, Elder Yueying Zong restrained his casual expression.As for Ouyang Huang, he always nodded in response to her requests.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Feng Range led Moon Shadow Sect to the alchemy room on the thirteenth floor.

Along the way, after feeling the pattern of this training tower, the old Moon Shadow Sect was surprised again!
And when they entered the alchemy room, Ran Yu and the others inside all stared blankly at the old Yueyingzong who came in with Fengrange.

Who is this old man?The hair and beard are so white!Just like the gods coming out of TV...

For Ran Yu and Gao Ying's infinite imagination looking at the elder Moon Shadow, Feng Range didn't even look at them.

He said to Kayina, "Kayinna, get ready, sell all the companies in Meijianguo, and transfer the funds to Gao Jin as soon as possible! Next, I have something to talk to this old man, you go out first Everyone is downstairs, so go too! We will be retreating for more than a year, so take advantage of this time to relax! Go!"

Hearing what Feng Range said suddenly, Ran Yu and the others were stunned!
More than a year of retreat, why?Wasn't it a few days, a month or two before?Why did it take so long all of a sudden?

Regarding their questions, Feng Range was not prepared to answer them.So, when she saw that they were still in a daze and did not leave immediately, she urged them again.

"go out!"

Hearing Feng Range's urging again, and the tone was still a bit cold, Ran Yu and the others flinched, and then immediately got up quickly, preparing to leave the alchemy room.

After watching them go out, Feng Range opened the formation at the door.

Then he walked in front of the Moon Shadow Sect Elder, and asked, "You met my father? When?"

Hearing that Feng Range directly cut to the topic as soon as he opened his mouth, with a serious expression on his face, Elder Moon Shadow Zong knew that this little girl really wanted to know about her father's situation urgently!
Therefore, after considering Feng Yichu's entrustment at that time, he did not hide Feng Range's secrets.

He said directly, "Girl, this is how it happened. 16 years ago, I faced a breakthrough and left Moon Shadow Gate. That breakthrough was quite dangerous, and I almost died. But at that time, your father appeared Yes, that handsome and charming man! He helped me stabilize my breath and gave me a elixir to help me break through smoothly. After that, he was going to leave, but for some unknown reason, he turned around Come to me. He gave me a space ring and asked me to give it to you! He said that after 16 years, I will definitely meet his beloved daughter named Feng Range. At that time, I thought he was I just said it casually, but now..."

Saying that, Elder Yueying Zong took out a simple space ring from his arms and handed it to Feng Range.

When Feng Range took the ring, she was in a daze.

This ring belongs to father!It's really dad's!
When she was on the mainland of Jishen, Feng Range saw this ring on her father's finger many times, a black ink ring.

To be honest, this ring was given to Feng Yichu by Feng Range from the Shihuang space!

Now that the ring is back in her hands again, Feng Range's mood is even more uneasy.

Especially, she suddenly thought of another question!
When my father was on the Jishen Continent, it was only four or five years since he left Feng's house and disappeared.But Yueying Zong said that he was the father he met 16 years ago.Then the time difference is too big, right?

Could it be that there is still a time gap between continents of different planes!Regarding this, Feng Range couldn't help thinking deeply...

When Feng Range was in a daze when he took the ring he handed out, Yueyingzong's eyes became more respectful after confirming Feng Range's identity again.

Then, he suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Feng Range, and swore, "I, Bai Jing, swear by my dantian that I will serve Feng Range as the master. If there is any betrayal in the future, I will go to Jiuyou Death Abyss." , will never be reincarnated! Master!"

Hearing Bai Jing's voice suddenly swearing to recognize the Lord, Feng Range suddenly recovered from the daze.

She looked at Bai Jing again, and became a little dignified.

"Why do you recognize me as the master?" Feng Range looked at him and asked suspiciously.

Regarding Feng Range's question, Bai Jing just smiled faintly, "Because you are his daughter, I want to see him again!"

Goodbye him?To meet her father?
Feng Range was a little surprised by Bai Jing's answer!
Just to see her father again, why did he accept her as his master so easily?

However, she doesn't need him to recognize the Lord, she is willing to take him to meet her father!However, the premise is that she can find her father...

For her father and mother, Feng Range didn't know where she was.

She even didn't know, let alone whether she would see her father and mother again in this life...

(End of this chapter)

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