Phoenix Dance

Chapter 421 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion

Chapter 421 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion (4)

Feng Range has turned a blind eye to his child's menstruation.When she saw his child showing off to the three elders, and the faces of the three elders were stinky, she directly drove Ye Zhou towards the Moon Shadow Gate.

For her sudden drive, the speed and inertia brought by Ye Zhou almost made the terrified Fu Lao fall off Ye Zhou!

Regarding this sudden situation, after Mr. Fu managed to stabilize his figure, he stared at Feng Range again.

He kept complaining, "Stinky girl, it's really unfilial to say you're not filial! I don't know how to respect the old man when I have nothing to do! I don't know how to be prudent when doing things. Look, I almost fell the old man! What a filial person soy Mujer!"

Hearing Fu Lao's cursing and complaining, Feng Range listened to it and ignored it.

Anyway, this old man has always been like this, if you pay attention to him, he will be even more energetic.If you ignore him, just like this, he will stop by himself after a while!

With such an awareness, Feng Range simply practiced cross-legged.

The distance from the Ghost Gate to the Moon Shadow Gate also takes about two hours.Taking advantage of this time, instead of listening to the old man's nagging, why not just meditate for a while!
As for Mr. Fu, he ignored Feng Range when he saw Feng Range.In the end, he even sat up in meditation, which made him blow his beard and stare even more.

However, as a cultivator, Mr. Fu knew that it was most taboo to be disturbed by people around him during this practice.

So, he just stared dryly, and after staring for a while, he lost all energy.So he restrained his expression and sat cross-legged on Ye Zhou.

Just when he noticed that Mr. Fu had finally calmed down, Feng Range smiled knowingly at the corner of his mouth.

Just now, before she sat cross-legged to meditate, Feng Range left a touch of consciousness outside her face in order to pay attention to everything around her and drive Ye Zhou more accurately.

And with this touch of consciousness, even if she didn't open her eyes, she noticed Fu Lao's situation.

After seeing Mr. Fu sitting cross-legged, Feng Range's consciousness lingered on him for a while before he paid attention to the surrounding situation again.

Afterwards, the two sat cross-legged silently, and after an unknown amount of time, Feng Range's consciousness left outside realized that the two of them had arrived outside the protective formation of the Moon Shadow Gate.

So, she opened her eyes, and then woke up Mr. Fu.

As soon as Mr. Fu opened his eyes, he was astonished to see that the two had already arrived outside the Moon Shadow Gate!

"It's here! Arriving so soon?"

He felt that he was pissed off by Feng Range, so he just meditated for a while, why did he arrive so soon?

For this reason, I couldn't help but wonder if Feng girl's phantom boat is too powerful!The speed is too fast!

However, facing his surprise, Feng Range didn't even give him a look, and just took a few steps forward, preparing to close the protective formation of the Moon Shadow Gate.

Mr. Fu, standing beside Feng Range, was shocked again when he saw her sudden movement!
This girl, what is she going to do?Could it be that she is going to close the protective formation of their sect?
And when he was too shocked, Feng Range lightly tapped a few points on the protective formation.And with his fingertips tapping down, every two or three taps, Fu Lao really felt that the big formation was about to be closed.

For this situation, Fu Lao was shocked on the one hand, and trembling on the other hand.

If this situation is seen by other sects, then their protection from the Moon Shadow Sect will be in jeopardy!
The moment he frowned and meditated, Feng Range completely closed the protective formation, and then strode in.

However, before going in, she deliberately turned her head and glanced at Mr. Fu.

He said very seductively, "Old man, why don't you just follow me! Maybe, before I leave here, I will leave the base of my ghost gate to you, these shadow disciples of the month!"

Hearing Feng Range's extremely seductive voice, Mr. Fu was slightly taken aback.

To be honest, for Feng Range's proposal, he was really tempted after seeing the strong aura of Guimen.

But let's be tempted!Really getting him to agree is not something that can be solved with a single sentence.

Ever since, this old man stared at Feng Range as usual!
He said cursingly, "Smelly girl, you are giving me a problem!"

Hearing that Mr. Fu was a little tempted, but he didn't dare to agree directly, he gave an ambiguous answer.A bright smile appeared on Feng Range's face!

In some cases, she won't finish laughing.However, she is quite willing to use this plan to tease the old man Fu!
Who told this old man to make things difficult for her by relying on the old man to sell the old man?If you don't show courtesy, you really think she is easy to talk to!
After teasing Mr. Fu a little bit, Feng Range stopped talking in line with the principle of respecting the old and loving the young.

In case, if she said a few more tempting things, the old man would directly turn against her!If this is the case, I'm afraid that the old man's 'children' temper can only be suppressed by Bai Jing.

With this consideration in mind, Feng Range still made a wise choice, not to provoke the old man for the time being.

If you really want him to follow you, then you might as well leave it to Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing to do it!Anyway, Ouyang Huang already had this plan.As for the old man Bai Jing, now that he is hers, he will be happy to handle this matter for her!
Afterwards, Feng Range was in a very good mood, and walked in familiarly.

Seeing Feng Range was as familiar as returning to her own ghost gate, and Mr. Fu followed behind her, breathing out again.

Walking in along the way, the Moon Shadow Sect disciples I met along the way.Seeing Feng Range and the others leave yesterday, and now seeing her again, with their sect master behind them, all of them stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Why did she appear at our Moon Shadow Gate again?"

"Sect master, what's wrong with his old man..."


Hearing their chattering voices, Feng Range's eyes didn't even flicker.

However, compared to her calmness, Fu Lao is much more angry.

I couldn't stop cursing in my heart, these brats, brats, if you don't practice well, what are you doing here!The disciples who don't look at other people's ghosts not only fought a big battle with the weak over the strong!Whenever you have time, you still practice behind closed doors!

For these disciples, he really indulged them for too long, making them treat cultivation as a joke!
This matter must be improved!No improvement!have to change!It must be changed!
(End of this chapter)

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