Phoenix Dance

Chapter 424 Remembering Ancient Books

Chapter 424 Remembering Ancient Books (1)

After Feng Range left Moon Shadow Gate alone, she drove Ye Zhou back to the Ghost Gate as quickly as possible.

But after returning to the ghost gate, she ignored anyone and directly entered the thirteenth floor of the training tower, then opened the formation of the alchemy room, and entered inside.

Once inside, she didn't care that there was a white mirror that she had trapped inside earlier.Just dodge directly and enter the space of Shihuang.

Once inside, Feng Range's whole body went limp, lying on the ground a little slumped.

After arriving in this world, she wanted to find a chance to go back with all her heart.This time, when she went to Moon Shadow Gate, she thought that she would be able to find some clues to leave this world, but...

Nothing at all!Why is there nothing!Is she inseparable from this world?

For this possible conjecture, Feng Range's original indifferent mood was almost destroyed!
As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If she hadn't been full of hope before going, she wouldn't be so hit right now!
When Feng Range was so depressed, Shihuang rushed over as soon as he felt her presence.

However, as soon as he came here, he saw Feng Range in a very bad state, and his whole body exploded!

"Master! Master! How are you? Has something happened?"

Hearing Shi Huang's anxious and worried voice came to his ears, Feng Range was drawn back to his attention leisurely.She raised her head little by little, and looked at Shihuang, with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Xiao Shi..."

"Master, what happened? How did you become like this?"

Shi Huang saw Feng Range's head up. How could the master, who was so high-spirited and magnificent before, become so depressed now?Seeing Fengrange like this, Shihuang couldn't help but be stunned!
Feng Range was still trying to bear it, but after hearing Shihuang's post, the emotional string in her mind seemed to be snapped.

She straightened up from the ground abruptly, then reached out and hugged Shi Huang tightly in her arms.

Beginning said sadly, "Xiao Shi, I went to Yueyingmen to check ancient books, but I didn't find a single clue... We can't go back to the God Continent... We can't go back... We will never see Grandpa again, He has passed 500 years, his life...shouyuan... woo woo woo..."

As she spoke, Feng Range broke down and burst into tears!

When she first came to this world, she was not sad because of her death in the previous life and coming here through another world.Because, she thought with all her heart, she must find the way back, and then go back to Feng's house along that way!
But now, after searching through the ancient books of the Moon Shadow Gate, she is only left with a heart full of disappointment...

In such a mood, Feng Range felt that his whole body was about to collapse, feeling a little hopeless.

Seeing his master like this, Shi Huang fell silent.

Then, it secretly used its ability as the spirit of Shihuang Shenzhu, and prepared to let its little friends come to comfort and comfort its master.

Just after Shihuang's voice quickly spread throughout the Shihuang space, Nini appeared in front of Fengrange in just a moment.

"Master! Dear master, what's the matter with you?"

And just after Nini appeared for a moment, before he opened his mouth to say a word, Xiao Huo jumped out of Lian Fang.

Even when he reached Fengrange, he jumped up and down, directly pressing Nini under its eggshell.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Shi Huang was stunned, even Feng Range, who was originally very sad, was dumbfounded all of a sudden!

"Master, what's wrong with you? What happened? Why are you so unhappy? Did someone bully you? Tell Xiaohuo, you take Xiaohuo out, I crushed them! The master who dares to bully me, Xiaohuo, he Grandma's!"

Squeeze... Fengrange and Shihuang were speechless when Xiaohuo uttered all kinds of foul language.

One person, one wielder, just stared at it in a daze until, seeing it stopped bouncing around.

At this moment, Fengrange and Shihuang couldn't bear to look directly at Nini who was being suppressed by Xiaohuo...

And because of Xiaohuo and Nini's quarrel, Feng Range's original bad mood was really wiped away.

In order to prevent Xiao Huo from accidentally crushing Nini, Feng Range reached out and moved Xiao Huo to a position.

After removing the small fire, Fengrange and Shihuang bent down to look at Nini.

Seeing Nini, howling, straightened its flower stem.

"Ouch! My small waist, it was that bastard who pressed me violently, what a big bad guy! Master... woo...someone bullies Nini, I'm your plant pet, you have to protect me !Master! Woohoo..."

Hearing Nini's wailing, Feng Range immediately felt the veins on his forehead twitch violently.

Then, before Feng Range could speak, Xiaohuo immediately jumped in front of Nini.

Facing it very politely, he said, "Plant pet, the eye of the earth? So what if you are a treasure of heaven and earth? How can a broken plant without fighting power help its master? Cry, cry, cry! So good to cry, just cry You are only causing trouble to the master, get out of here, or you will be pressured again, believe it or not!"

Hearing that Xiao Huo not only didn't apologize to Nini properly, but also taught him a lesson about Nini's love to cry, Fengrange and Shihuang stood aside and listened, and they were immediately messed up in the wind!
What animal pets and plant pets did she accept!One loves to cry, the other is fiery, who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Is this trying to make a quarrel in front of her?
At this moment, seeing that Nini was crying more and more, and Xiaohuo was about to strike, Feng Range suddenly picked up Shihuang.

He said very bluntly, "Xiao Shi, you summoned them, and you resolved the conflict between them!"

When Feng Range picked it up, Shi Huang felt bad!
And when Feng Range opened his mouth to tell the reason, Shihuang knew that his little trick could not be hidden from the owner of Shihuang Shenzhu.

However, even if the owner sees through its actions now, Shihuang still thinks it's worth it.

After all, after Nini and Xiaohuo appeared, the master's expression is no longer as sad as before.That being the case, now, even if he is blamed by the master, Shihuang still feels nothing.

So, in order not to annoy the master and get angry with it, Shi Huang nodded abruptly and agreed to Feng Range's request.

After seeing it nodding obediently, Feng Range let it go freely.

As soon as he was free, Shihuang smiled at Fengrange with a 'hehe'.After that, she disappeared in front of Feng Range in a flash.

At the same time, it also took away Nini and Xiaohuo...

(End of this chapter)

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