Phoenix Dance

Chapter 427 Raising Spiritual Ink

Chapter 427 Raising Spiritual Ink (1)

Feng Range's whole body was suddenly surrounded by a white mist, and then the restlessness in his whole body was gradually calmed down.

Then, she also woke up leisurely from sleep.However, his expression was still in a daze, and he didn't react from what he saw in the dream.

In her dream... when she went back, she saw the devastation of the entire Feng family.In the entire Feng family, there is not a single corpse, let alone a living person!
The mottled traces all over the ground all showed what kind of massacre the entire Feng family faced after she left!

Massacre, after she left the Feng family, the Feng family suffered a massacre!What do people call this?
At this moment, Feng Range's entire chest was filled with sadness and pain, except for his stunned expression!
Although this was just a dream, but because she was a practitioner, Feng Range didn't believe it was just an ordinary dream!This dream must be showing something!
Could it be that this dream reflected the current situation of the entire Feng family after she left?Feng Range couldn't help being suspicious.

When she went back to the God Continent and returned to Feng's house, if she really saw such a scene then.Once she finds out who did what to the Feng family, she will definitely make them return it thousands of times!
How could her Feng family allow any force or family to bully her!
Thinking of this, Feng Range's entire aura changed, becoming extremely violent.

However, because she already knew that she had the blood power of the ghost clan in her body, she was afraid that she would let her emotions run wild and affect the overflow of ghost energy.Thus, while getting angry, there is still a little restraint.

Just like that, Feng Range sat on the bed in a daze for a while, then got up and left the room.

Now, after taking a nap, she is almost rested.

If she has enough energy, then she should continue with the next thing.

She has already learned all the methods of drawing the seal symbol.However, she wanted to try to draw for the time being, but she was still missing something, so she had to make some preparations right now.

To draw the seal talisman, she needs these three things: spirit ink, crystal pen and talisman paper.

These three things, if you put them on someone's body, you definitely don't want to look for them, especially in this world.

However, as far as Feng Range was carrying the Shihuang Divine Orb, it was still easy to get it.

As far as crystal pens and talisman papers are concerned, there are some in the Treasure Pavilion in Shihuang Courtyard.Since those were collected by the previous owners of the Shihuang Divine Orb, they can be regarded as rare secret treasures after some years.

If Fengrange hadn't learned the sealing technique now, I'm afraid that these things would have to be sealed for an unknown number of years before they would be excavated by their current masters.

The crystal pen and talisman paper are already available, but the spirit ink still requires Feng Range to pick a few specific medicinal materials to refine it!

However, fortunately, Feng Range is a god of medicine and also a god of alchemy.The types of medicinal materials that she cultivated in this barren space are quite complete.

Here, whether it is common medicinal materials, rare medicinal materials, or extinct medicinal materials in the prehistoric era, they are basically available.

Before, when she was looking at the classics, she saw that if she wanted to redeem the spirit ink, she would need the following medicinal materials: Orchid Grass, Vermillion Spirit Grass, Purple Cherry Vine, Green Spirit Fruit and other six medicinal materials.

These six kinds of medicinal materials, although there are no large areas of cultivation in the space of the original wasteland, there are still dozens or hundreds of plants of each kind.

Now that he has decided to try to redeem the spirit ink, after Feng Range left the room, he went directly to the medicine garden in Shihuang courtyard to pick herbs.

Because this is Fengrange's first attempt to redeem spirit ink, in order to avoid possible mistakes at the beginning, she also deliberately picked some more for backup.

After picking, Feng Range took the medicinal materials directly to the alchemy room.

Lingmo's liquid medicine, if you want to refine it, is actually similar to Fengrange's previous refining medicine.But the main difference is that after the medicinal materials are refined into liquid medicine, before the liquid medicine becomes Lingmo, Fengrange needs to add it.

This withdrawal absolutely requires experience.If there is no such experience base, the matching ratio will be slightly different, and it will not reach the most perfect level.When the spiritual ink is redeemed, the power of the drawn seal symbol will be greatly reduced.

Before, because I read all the classics about the sealing technique, even without the teacher's professor, Feng Range knew about it.

If earlier, she was really eager for quick success and read less of the classics that she basically thought were unnecessary, then later, when she was offering spiritual ink, she would not know how many detours she would have to take, how many times she would have failed!
Holding all the medicinal materials, Feng Range came to the alchemy room.

Before refining the medicinal materials, Feng Range first had to find some utensils.

As far as the small porcelain bottles containing the pills and potions in her hand are no longer enough.

There is a big difference between the container for spirit ink and the container for pills.

Because after the medicinal materials are refined into liquid medicine, there is a step of extraction.During the withdrawal process, in order to facilitate the observation of the condition and color of the Lingmo withdrawal.Usually, the containers containing the liquid medicine and spirit ink are replaced by transparent crystal bottles.

However, at this moment, Feng Range suddenly remembered that there seems to be no crystal bottle in this Shihuang space!
Now that the herbs have been picked, she is ready to refine them.However, there is no crystal bottle containing the liquid medicine and the spirit ink, so what should I do?

Feng Range had seen the material of this crystal bottle in the classics. It can be refined with ordinary crystal stones or spirit stones.

The refining method is probably similar to the refining method.However, it is a little simpler than refining equipment.

That being the case, because I am really in a hurry to use the crystal bottle right now, Feng Range can't go outside to get some temporarily.In this case, she might as well refine some!

As early as in the Continent of Gods, because alchemy and tool refining are of the same clan.Although Feng Range didn't master the art of refining weapons, she did try to refine some spiritual weapons.

In the current situation, since Feng Range wanted to refine some crystal bottles, she still had some confidence in it.

So, while living in Biqing Ding and warming up, she took out dozens of high-grade spirit stones and put them aside, preparing to refine them into crystal bottles.

There is still a certain difference between the crystal bottle refined from ordinary crystal stones and the crystal bottle refined from spirit stones.

After the spirit ink was extracted, it contained a strong spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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