Phoenix Dance

Chapter 429 Raising Spiritual Ink

Chapter 429 Raising Spiritual Ink (3)

Seeing that Xiao Huo became quiet obediently after hearing her order.Fengrange is quite satisfied with Xiaohuo on this point!

You know, after Xiaohuo hatched, it was Suzaku, with a fiery temper and no restraint.If it wasn't for Fengrange being its owner, and sometimes saying what he said, Xiaohuo would no longer be under her control.

Seeing that Xiao Huo had calmed down, Feng Range raised her hand and gently stroked its eggshell a few times.

Then he said, "Little Huo, I've almost had a rest now, why don't you go back to the alchemy cauldron first! Wait a minute, I'm going to start refining the medicinal liquid."

Hearing Feng Range's words, although Xiaohuo still wanted to stay by Feng Range's side, he knew that it had to go back to the cauldron to absorb the power of fire and medicine, because only in this way could it be stronger. Quickly hatch out.

For this reason, although it was somewhat reluctant, it obediently returned to the Danding after bouncing around twice.

After seeing Xiao Huo returning to the Danding, Feng Range also stood up.

Now, she has almost rested, and her energy has recovered, it is time to start refining the medicinal liquid.

So, she began to concentrate on the first steps of alchemy, clearing the cauldron and warming up.

Feng Range's alchemy was learned from the ancient books on alchemy in Shihuang Space, so every step of her operation was also based on the operations in the ancient books.

It is precisely because of her adherence that her attainments in alchemy are far higher than those of alchemists of the same generation.

After thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of time changes, the secret arts and cultivation techniques handed down from the ancient prehistoric era have been lost and evolved a lot.

Therefore, in the era of Fengrange's previous life, many alchemists omitted the steps of clearing the cauldron and preheating before alchemy, thus reducing the refining efficiency and quality of the alchemy. order.

On this point, Feng Range has participated in several alchemy conferences, so he has seen some of them.

At the same time, after seeing other people's alchemy techniques, Hou Fengrange followed the alchemy techniques in ancient books.

Before alchemy, it is absolutely necessary to clear the cauldron and preheat it.It is precisely because of her persistence that in her previous life, she became the only alchemy god in the Trace God Continent.

And right now, in order to make the performance of Lingmo reach the best state as much as possible, Fengrange is careful to do the best in every step!
Especially after clearing the cauldron, Feng Range used his spiritual sense to probe in to check the cleanliness of the cauldron, to see if there were any impurities left.

And after checking and confirming that there was no trace of impurities left, she threw in a wisp of Purifying Spirit Fire and prepared to warm it up.

After a brief warm-up, Feng Range took a deep breath and was ready to start adding medicinal materials.

Because he has practiced alchemy countless times, in order to improve the progress of refining the medicinal liquid, Feng Range controlled six strands of mental power and poured six kinds of medicinal materials into the alchemy cauldron.

In the Dan Ding, she divided the six kinds of medicinal materials into certain areas and refined them in that specific area.

In the past, Feng Range often did this kind of thing, so although Feng Range was a little nervous about refining this time, the process was quite smooth.

After more than two hours, Feng Range successfully refined the six medicinal materials that needed to be added to the spirit ink.

The medicinal liquids refined from these six medicinal materials are purple, red, green, blue and colorless.

Seeing the successful refining of the six colors of liquid medicine, Feng Range exuded joy.

After all, this was her first time refining the liquid medicine, and if she could successfully refine it, it meant that her success rate in extracting spirit ink had already accounted for half of it.

Under such a gratifying situation, Fengrange is of course very happy!

So, in such a good state, Feng Range controlled his mental power again, and put the six medicinal liquids into six crystal bottles.

The liquid medicine has been refined successfully, so the next thing she asked to do was withdraw it.

It is still quite difficult for Lingmo's promotion to achieve the best effect.After all, for a new talisman master like Feng Range who was promoted for the first time, he has no experience at all.

However, in the same way, Feng Range did not retreat at all on this point!Because, now that she can successfully refine the liquid medicine, in the process of extracting the spirit ink, she can extract countless times and sum up an experience.

In this regard, compared to other new talisman masters, Feng Range has a lot of resources, so she is very willful!
All the liquid medicine has been installed in the crystal bottle, and there are six full bottles.

Next, Feng Range took another deep breath, and was about to start withdrawing.

The method of redeeming the spirit ink is very simple, but the difficulty lies in that if the ratio is not well grasped during the withdrawal process, then the effectiveness of the spirit ink will be reduced a lot.

If the effectiveness of this spiritual ink is reduced, then the effectiveness of the drawn seal symbol will naturally be much worse.

However, Feng Range was not worried about this because of the first withdrawal at this time.

In the next withdrawal process, what she needs is to sum up experience.For this reason, she took a crystal bottle at random, and then poured two parts of one of the six liquid medicines into the empty crystal bottle.

After that, she took another transparent liquid medicine and poured it into the previous crystal bottle in two portions.Then, she began to observe carefully!
However, because the two liquid medicines are transparent, Feng Range can't see anything when observing with the naked eye.

So, she separated another ray of consciousness and observed it in the crystal bottle.

And this observation revealed that these two medicinal liquids had collided violently in the dark!
This collision, under the evolution of time, gradually became a fusion.

Regarding this situation, Feng Range saw that the expression in his eyes did not change at all, but in his heart, he was shocked!
This... is amazing!
The collision and fusion between the two spiritual fluids is really amazing!

After the state of the two medicinal liquids gradually merged, and calmness was restored again, Feng Range was ready to add the second spiritual liquid.

This second liquid is blue, and the original medicinal material is Orchid Grass.

This is a kind of colored medicinal liquid. I really know that if this is added, what kind of changes will happen to the state of this spiritual liquid?Fengrange is looking forward to this!

So, she reached out and took the crystal bottle containing the orchid herbal liquid, and was about to pour the same two portions into the previous spiritual liquid bottle...

(End of this chapter)

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