Phoenix Dance

Chapter 436 Raising Advanced Spiritual Ink

Chapter 436 Raising Advanced Spiritual Ink (1)

Seeing the things placed one by one, although Feng Range has always been very good-natured!However, at the moment, it is inevitable to be a little nervous.

And with such a mood in mind, Feng Range took a few deep breaths, and then started to move.

With the first withdrawal, this second time, Feng Range's technique will be much more proficient.However, because this time it is necessary to extract high-level Lingmo, Feng Range's expression is quite dignified.

And while she was working hard to promote the spirit ink, other places in the ghost gate were also practicing in full swing.

Especially on the second floor of the training tower, Ouyang Huang wanted to improve the overall strength of the ghost disciples.At the same time, in order to give Feng Range a stronger boost in the future, he worked hard to promote the special training of those people.

While Feng Range was working hard in the Shihuang space, those disciples of the ghost gate were trained by Ouyang Huang as if they had returned from a trip to the gate of ghosts, and they all wailed endlessly!
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Is this vice sect master still letting people live? People are exhausted, and they still need to practice!"

"Damn it! I used to think that in the Holy See, being with the Pope was the saddest thing. Now I realize that it's a real paradise!"

"The deputy sect master is a devil! If I didn't know that he is from Ouyang's family, I really doubt that he is King Yama who crawled out of hell! Sister!"


Hearing their complaints one by one, but not seeing any signs of shrinking from them, so even if Ouyang Huang saw it at this moment, he didn't punish them in any way.

As for their comments, he had heard many times from those under him when he was in his own base in the early years!
Especially Yi Shaojun, who was the one who talked the most among all the members at that time!
At that time, Ouyang Huang could still vaguely remember that this guy had a closer relationship with them, and he was even more unprincipled in scolding him.

At that time, after those words of his reached his ears, he was severely punished by him.

For this reason, although this Yi Shaojun is usually more out of the loopy, but when he is serious, he is still more rigorous and dare not provoke Ouyang Huang.

After all, for a 'devil' like Ouyang Huang, once they angered anyone, they couldn't afford the price!

Of course, Fengrange should be included in this.

With Ouyang Huang's love for Feng Range, even if Feng Range really touched his bottom line, I'm afraid he would laugh it off!
Now, who made Ouyang Huang's whole heart fall into Feng Range's body!

The external training is raging, and the experiment in the Shihuang space is promoted, and the same liquid medicine is flying all over the sky. The situation is spectacular!
Feng Range tried several times in a row, but after several days, the level of this spirit ink still stopped at the intermediate level.

For this reason, Feng Range couldn't help but wonder, isn't it the medicinal liquid she extracted before?Otherwise, how could this Lingmo have been redeemed hundreds, thousands of times, and still stay at the intermediate level?
The best thing is that it has been promoted from the green level to the purple level, but Feng Range is still not satisfied with this.

At the same time, the original liquid medicine in her hand was almost consumed at this time.

If she wants to continue to try, then she will have to pick some medicinal materials and refine more medicinal liquid.

However, if she really wants to continue to try to echelon high-level spirit ink at this moment, then she still has to look through those classics before refining the liquid medicine.

After all, after so many failures, Feng Range couldn't help wondering whether he had missed something because he couldn't redeem the high-level ink.

In this way, with this kind of speculation, Feng Range wanted to try again to see if he could redeem high-level spirit ink.So, she went to Zangshu Pavilion first, planning to read those classics again.

Perhaps because of the previous reading experience, although Fengrange read more carefully this time than the last time, the time was as much as half faster.

After reading it, Feng Range really found a very important point!
Spirit fruit!In order to refine the ultimate attribute seal talisman, the fruit juice of the corresponding spiritual fruit should be added to it.

I really didn't expect that the reason why she failed to extract high-level spirit ink after many attempts was here!
For this, Feng Range couldn't help feeling a little regretful, why didn't he think of coming here to look through the classics before?

Otherwise, after a while, she wouldn't have to pick the medicinal materials and refine some medicinal liquids.And as long as you pick a few spiritless fruits and refine the fruit juice, it will be fine.

In this way, although Feng Range is very regretful, she also feels that it is useless to regret it, so why not just do the next thing obediently!

So, after leaving the Library Pavilion, she took a short rest, and then went to pick medicinal materials and spiritual fruits.

When picking spirit fruits, Feng Range not only picked spiritless fruits, she also picked several spirit fruits of other attributes.

This time, since he purposely refined a lot of medicinal liquid, he might as well refine some fruit liquid for later use.

Anyway, this thing can be stored outside for half a year, so it can be stored for at least three years in this primitive space.In this way, she will make more preparations, and before they leave this world, she will draw more seal symbols and store them just in case.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Range was still a little depressed, but now he completely let go.

Everything she's doing now is nothing but preparations for the future.In the future, the road she will take will inevitably be very bumpy.Now that you have more chips in hand, you will have more life-saving means in the future!

These things, no matter they are fine or abundant, Feng Range doesn't think too much of them.After all, when she really wants to leave here, there will be many people behind her.

As for those people, since they put their lives in her hands, she had to make plans for them!

After picking the medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, Feng Range went straight back to the alchemy room.

When she arrived at the alchemy room, she immediately took out enough crystal bottles, and began to refine the liquid medicine without delay.

This time, in addition to refining the medicinal liquid, Fengrange decided to refine all these things in two batches.

The first batch, as before, will first refine the liquid medicine.And when the refining of the medicinal liquid is completed, she will refine the fruit liquid for the second batch.

With such a plan, Feng Range finally started to refine it!

Qing Ding, warm up...

(End of this chapter)

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