Phoenix Dance

Chapter 438 Break the seal again and succeed

Chapter 438 Break the seal again and succeed
After seeing that the spirit fruit liquid was added, it merged with the spirit liquid in the bottle little by little.

Then, after two hours, a bottle of golden spirit ink was placed in front of Feng Range.She saw it, but she was extremely surprised!

It worked!She actually succeeded in refining high-level spirit ink at one time, and it was also a high-level golden spirit ink.

For this, Fengrange felt even more excited and satisfied.

After a series of hard work, it finally paid off for her now!This made her feel very contented, very contented!

And after the excitement, at this moment, she finally felt a little tired.

So, at this moment, although she still wanted to continue to use the high-level spiritual ink that had just been exchanged, draw another seal-breaking talisman to break the seal on the ancient book.

However, some people feel that such eagerness for quick success and instant benefit is a bit unreasonable!
For this reason, she tried her best to suppress her inner impulse.Then, I decided to take a medicated bath now, to get rid of the fatigue of the whole body, and then sleep again.

When this mental strength is fully raised again, she will proceed to the next step of drawing advanced cracking seal symbols.Then, go to break the seal on the ancient book.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Range just kept the bottle of high-level spirit ink and those things that drew high-level seal symbols, and put away the rest of the spirit liquid.

After doing this, she turned around and left the practice room, and went back to the room where she rested before.

Then, I started to prepare the medicated bath directly.

Because of the potions needed for the medicinal bath, Fengrange had refined many of them long ago.So, at this moment, people came to prepare the medicated bath, and she used those potions.

After a few minutes, after successfully preparing the medicinal bath, Feng Range took off all her clothes and entered the bathtub.

As soon as she sat in, the potion in the tub seemed to come alive, rushing straight into her body.

Regarding this phenomenon, Feng Range didn't even show the slightest surprise.

Now, her strength has improved a lot, but the cultivation of her body has not been carried out for a long time.

Therefore, these liquid medicines can't wait to get into her ROU's body, so as to help her body forge.

As a result, Feng Range couldn't help but feel that her current cultivation was still a bit inadequate.

Just like her physical training, when she first started practicing, she still soaked in medicinal baths many times.

However, later, because of various trivial matters, she forgot all these things.Before, she couldn't help thinking that when she had free time, she still wanted to practice a few more exercises.

But based on her current situation, Feng Range felt that she couldn't even practice one kind of physical training well every day, so how could she practice other exercises!
In this way, Feng Range couldn't help thinking that if she wanted to make full use of her time to practice next, it seemed that she would still have to do it in the Shihuang space.

After all, the flow of time inside is thirty times faster than outside.One day in the outside world, one month in Shihuang space.

After she has practiced here for a year, I'm afraid that she will completely surpass Ouyang Huang in both spiritual and martial arts!

In this way, Feng Range felt that this plan is still necessary and imperative!
Just as she was thinking about these things, the medicated bath in the tub became clear unconsciously.

After getting out of the bathtub, Feng Range used spiritual power to evaporate the water stains all over her body, and then put the phantom neon dress back on her body.

After soaking in a medicinal bath, Feng Range's spirit became refreshed.

Then, she was ready to go back to the practice room
Feng Range couldn't wait to crack the seal on the ancient book.

After repeatedly perceiving the seal on the ancient book, Feng Range's mental power keenly sensed that there was a treasure in this ancient book.And this treasured thing is very likely what Feng Range wanted, the one with clues about leaving this world!
Thinking this way, guessing like this, Feng Range tried her best to suppress her impulsive emotions when taking the medicine bath before!
Otherwise, at this moment, how could she go to take a medicinal bath like before!

Driven by this urgent impulse, Feng Range hurried back to the practice room.

When I got there again, everything I needed was already on the table.

So right now, Fengrange only needs to start drawing the seal symbol directly.

Therefore, Feng Range directly picked up the crystal pen and talisman paper, dipped it in the high-grade golden spirit ink, and prepared to start drawing.

At this moment, although the crystal pen and talisman paper used by Fengrange are still of intermediate grade, but because the most critical spiritual ink is of high grade, this alone will not affect the seal talisman she draws. of grade.

With the experience of drawing intermediate seal symbols for the first time, Feng Range became more fluent in this drawing.

Her brush strokes are free and easy, and it doesn't seem like she is doing something very important at the moment, but like she is playing!
After nearly 10 minutes of drawing with concentration, Fengrange did as she wished, and smoothly drew a high-level cracking seal talisman.

Seeing the successful drawing of this seal talisman, Feng Range was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while.

Reaching out to pick up the sealing talisman, she even trembled with excitement.

Then, there was an urgent desire to break the seal on the ancient book.So, she immediately took out the ancient book again, and then directly pasted the seal symbol that had just been successfully drawn on it.

After completing these steps, Feng Range secretly suppressed her floating mood.

Then, the ancient book was placed on the table again, and then Feng cracked the seal talisman to input spiritual power.

With the input of Fengrange's spiritual power little by little, the seal breaking symbol gradually became brighter.

And just when the input of spiritual power was about to be saturated, Feng Range suddenly stopped.Then, he retreated to the side, waiting for the automatic effect of cracking the seal talisman after a while.

This time, she had to wait for nearly half an hour, only to hear a "bang..." burst!
The seal seal symbol on the ancient book was directly broken.

Seeing the ancient book after the seal talisman was broken, Feng Range could clearly see the whole picture of the ancient book.

Especially the four words 'Tianjiu Dimension' written on the cover of this ancient book made Feng Range stunned!
The nine planes of heaven!This ancient book actually introduced the Tianjiu plane, so there must be a way to leave this world!

At this moment, Feng Range's mood is even happier than before successfully redeeming the high-level spirit ink and successfully drawing the high-level seal talisman.

Because, now she finally found what she had been looking for...

(End of this chapter)

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