Phoenix Dance

Chapter 440 4th Party Promotion Altar

Chapter 440 Sifang Promotion Altar (1)

Regarding Ouyang Huang's arrangement, Feng Range naturally had no doubts, but she was still slightly puzzled.

Can this kind of training really train a group of people like Ye Xing and the others?

Just when he saw her expressive expression, Ouyang Huang stepped up to her side.

He said lightly, "Xiao Ge'er, this training method is to exercise their physique. Only when their physical strength is refined, can their other practices be doubled! Practicing is just like we practice physical arts, forging the strength of our body. Don't underestimate this little training!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, especially when he compared the physical training of these disciples with the physical skills she practiced, and thought they were of the same level, Feng Range couldn't help being a little surprised!

And just before her expression was put away, she heard Ouyang Huang say again, "If you don't believe me, why don't Xiao Geer experience it for herself? Seal her own strength and only use this physique for weight-bearing endurance training? "

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak again, he was even slightly tempted.

Feng Range originally wanted to resist, but after moving his mouth, he agreed unexpectedly.

"Then... I might as well try it! How should I do it?"

From the moment he walked to Feng Range's side, Ouyang Huang's eyes stayed on her.After seeing her hesitating for a moment and agreeing to his proposal, Ouyang Huang smiled slightly.

"Then, since Xiao Ge'er has such a good mood, why don't I accompany you!"

So, following Ouyang Huang's opening, four leggings weight bags appeared out of nowhere and fell to the ground.

Seeing these four things, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang with a slightly astonished expression.

Noticing Feng Range's expression, Ouyang Huang looked at her and said again, "Each of these weighs one hundred catties, and each foot is tied to two hundred catties. I think, with Xiao Geer, you are now His physique and strength should be able to bear this burden!"

Hearing that Ouyang Huang spoke once, with a strong provocative tone in his tone, Feng Range couldn't help raising his eyebrows and replied, "This shouldn't be difficult!"

After saying that, he squatted down, ready to tie the two weights that Ouyang Huang took out to his legs.

It was only two hundred catties, Feng Range felt that there should be nothing wrong with her!
Seeing Feng Range squatting down to tie the weight without hesitation, Ouyang Huang slightly hooked the corners of his lips.Then he also squatted down, preparing to tie the weight that belonged to him to his legs.

After tying up the two weights, Feng Range stood up, and tried to jump lightly a couple of times without any spiritual power or inner strength in the world, but found that it was a bit laborious to do this movement.

She frowned slightly, then looked at Ouyang Huang.

As for Ouyang Huang, when he noticed the way she was looking at him, he smiled slightly.



Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range originally wanted to answer him or something.However, when he opened his mouth, the words came to his lips and he swallowed them down.

This weight training, she really only underestimated it before.

She really didn't expect that after the weight was tied to her legs, she actually felt that it was a bit like a gravity suppression training in the practice room.

In the practice room, with the suppression of gravity, even if they used their spiritual power and inner strength.Cultivating under such circumstances, they also feel strenuous.

But right now, the weight on this leg is nothing if it uses spiritual power and inner strength.However, the premise of training is that spiritual power and internal strength cannot be used, so the situation is different!

Under such weight-bearing training that cannot use spiritual power and inner strength, I really saw the effect of body training.

So, I want to keep trying.

So, when he saw some disciples running around the range of the Martial Arts Field with heavy loads, Feng Range also stepped up and tried to follow.

It's just that when she took this step, she felt unaccustomed.She frowned slightly and paused, but she didn't back down.

Instead, when he saw Ouyang Huang coming to her with a load tied, he glanced at him.Then he continued, raising his footsteps with that unaccustomed feeling.

She raised her steps and ran slowly, slowly getting used to it.As for Ouyang Huang, he ran beside her at a leisurely pace.

Seeing the sudden behavior of the two of them, all the disciples who were training were all surprised!
At the same time, everyone is excited!

I didn't expect that!After being tossed about by the 'devil' deputy sect master for so long, this 'devil' deputy sect master actually went into battle with them, it feels really good!

Both Ouyang Huang and Feng Range noticed their looks.However, the expressions of the two did not change at all.

After running down lap after lap, Feng Range's forehead gradually secreted a thin layer of sweat.At the same time, she gradually got used to the two weights on her legs.

Until the seventh lap, Feng Range felt that the weight on the leg seemed to have disappeared, and there was no feeling of weight at all.

She knew that it wasn't that there was no weight on her legs, but that she was used to the weight.

After that, Feng Range ran two more laps, and then gradually slowed down.

Finally, after running a total of ten laps, he stopped.

Seeing her stop, Ouyang Huang also stopped!

At this moment, Ouyang Huang suddenly spoke again, "Little Geer, how is it? Do you want to take off the weight and try again?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's suggestion at this moment, Feng Range turned his head and gave him a sideways glance.Then, I also want to see what it feels like after unbinding the weight at this moment.

So, she squatted down again, ready to remove the weight from her feet.

And when she lifted the weight and stood up again, Feng Range's entire expression was shocked!
This feeling!
She instantly raised her spiritual power, and then she dodged, and she teleported quickly!
The ease after putting weight on her feet actually speeded up her teleportation!How is this going?

Feng Range was puzzled by this, so she turned to look at Ouyang Huang, hoping he would give her an answer.

However, when Ouyang Huang received her gaze, he smiled lightly and did not speak.

After waiting for a long time, Feng Range didn't wait until Ouyang Huang spoke, so he stopped waiting.

Then, she walked to the center of the martial arts arena.

After a little deliberation, he said softly, "Everyone! Recently, you have been trained by the deputy sect master and Ye Xing. The master of your training has deeply felt the effect of your training today! So, next, This sect master is planning to give you a different kind of actual combat training, okay?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, all the disciples who were training stopped.Then, they gathered towards Fengrange!

(End of this chapter)

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