Phoenix Dance

Chapter 443 Crowd Gathering, Discussion

Chapter 443 Crowd Gathering, Discussion (1)

And when they stared wide-eyed, Feng Range suddenly felt movement in the phantom array.

She and Ouyang Huang immediately looked back, and when they looked, they saw the twelve birdmen who were forcibly captured by her back then, all of them vomited blood.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range's complexion immediately turned bad!

Because, although she didn't take a closer look, she could smell a stench from the blood spit out by the twelve birdmen from a distance.

This is... poisoning!
How could they be poisoned?Fengrange was surprised by this!

With the status of the Twelve Birds in the Holy See, it stands to reason that no one should do anything to them.

Besides, their strength is not weak, no one can easily plot against them.In this way, Feng Range became even more curious about the source of the poison on them!

So, after seeing them spit out a mouthful of blood, they passed out one by one.

With a wave of Feng Range's hand, the illusion array was closed.Then, let Ouyang Huang take a few people who had woken up from the phantom formation, and work together to move the twelve bird people aside, and she was going to check them.

Hearing Feng Range's order, Ouyang Huang moved immediately.

As for Qi Qi of the Twelve Birds who fainted, seeing Feng Range's serious expression, one knew that the situation was a bit serious!
After the twelve birdmen were moved aside, Feng Range began to inspect them.

She first took their pulses one by one, and Feng Range's brows couldn't help but tighten after taking the pulse.

Their pulses were surprisingly chaotic!In addition, Feng Range's perception went a step further, but he didn't notice any abnormalities.

Then, she let go of the wrist of the last person, and the whole person squatted down and meditated...

Seeing Feng Range like this, Ouyang Huang stood far away and didn't bother her!

However, with Feng Range's serious expression, Ouyang Huang's eyes froze slightly.

In this way, Feng Range came back to his senses after meditating for a while.Then, in order to find more clues, Feng Range considered and decided that this time she wanted to directly use her spiritual sense to check their bodies.See if they can get other clues from their bodies?
Thinking of this, Feng Range looked up at Ouyang Huang.

He said to him, "Huang, next I want to use my spiritual sense to check their bodies, please protect me!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, Ouyang Huang also knew immediately that the situation of these twelve birdmen should be very difficult!

Otherwise, relying on Xiao Ge'er's medical skills, why do we still need to inspect their bodies!
Then, he nodded and walked a meter away from her before stopping.Standing upright, with slightly focused eyes, ready to be on guard.

Seeing him like this, Feng Range nodded slightly towards him, and then began to prepare to check.

She took a deep breath, concentrated her mind, and with a 'drink', she condensed twelve strands of spiritual consciousness from her body.

Seeing the successful condensing of these twelve strands of spiritual consciousness, at this moment, Feng Range's expression froze again, and with a 'drink', he controlled these divine consciousnesses to penetrate into the bodies of the twelve birdmen from between their eyebrows. .

At this moment, fortunately, they all passed out and were completely defenseless.

Otherwise, relying on their strength when they are awake, if Feng Range wants to use his spiritual sense to probe into their bodies.Even if they didn't resist, it would be quite difficult for her to get in all at once.

Feng Range's spiritual consciousness penetrated into their bodies, while walking around, checking for possible anomalies.

Along the way, starting from between the eyebrows and going down, Feng Range didn't notice anything strange.Thus, their bodies are in the best possible condition.

However, they are in such a good state, how come the blood that spits out has a stench?
Regarding this, Feng Range was even more puzzled...

Feng Range is a doctor, what's more, these twelve bird people are now her disciples, and Feng Range is quite protective of her own people.Therefore, even if there is no trace of abnormality found at this moment, Feng Range still does not give up on investigating.

If there is something wrong with this person's body, then there must be traces to follow.

But, where are the strange parts of these birdmen?

Feng Range's spiritual consciousness continued to cover the meridians in their bodies and explore down.

Going all the way, and just when he was about to reach the dantian, Feng Range suddenly noticed something strange!
black lines?Extending from the dantian, what is this?
Feng Range was curious about what she found.Then, I want to go further into their dantian.

However, when her consciousness was about to approach their dantian, she was blocked by an invisible force!
This is... a seal?
No!This is not a seal!But what is it?

Black lines and invisible barriers exist in the body of the Twelve Birds, which is no small matter!

In this way, Feng Range wanted to continue to investigate, but he was powerless.So, she decided to take the next best thing, and was going to exit their bodies first, talk to Ouyang Huang about the situation before deciding how to treat them next!
Having decided in this way, Feng Range quickly pulled his consciousness out of their bodies.

Seeing Feng Range safely withdrawing his consciousness from the bodies of the twelve birdmen, Ouyang Huang immediately stepped to her side.

He asked slightly worried, "Are you okay?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's concern, Feng Range looked up at him, then shook his head slightly, "It's okay."

After answering Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range shifted his gaze to the Yexing people who followed Ouyang Huang.

Then, he said to them, "Ye Xing, they will be fine for the time being, and they won't wake up, you can arrange some people to take them down to rest!"

As he spoke, he looked back at Ouyang Huang.

Then he said, "Huang, their situation is a bit special, I need to discuss it with a few elders, let's get out of here first!"

Hearing Feng Range's words and seeing her solemn expression, Ouyang Huang understood.

The situation of those twelve birdmen should be a little more difficult than he thought!Otherwise, with Xiao Ge'er's medical skills, why do you need to discuss with those elders before dealing with it!

For this reason, Ouyang Huang nodded and agreed, "Okay! Then let's go find them now!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to hold Feng Range, ready to leave here with her...

(End of this chapter)

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