Phoenix Dance

Chapter 445 Crowd Gathering, Discussion

Chapter 445 Crowd Gathering, Discussion (3)

As for Bai Jing and the old men's thoughts, when Feng Range was still negotiating with Mr. Fu, Wei Wei knew what they were doing.

After all, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range are not the only people who know the old man's temperament.

It's just that, if she let them watch a good show under the arrangement of her and Ouyang Huang, shouldn't she make them pay something?

The four old men watched the battle between Ouyang Huang and Fu Lao with great interest, but suddenly felt a chill down their backs!
Then, she shifted her gaze to Feng Range not far away.And just at this glance, the four of them saw an obvious ulterior motive from Feng Range's face and smile!

In this regard, the four of them couldn't help but shuddered together.

During this time, the four of them stayed in the ghost gate.As early as when they fought against each other before, they saw Fengrange's extraordinary and powerful strength!
At that time, Fengrange had already given them a very shocking feeling.

Now, although they have all become Feng Range's people.However, when they saw Feng Range showing the expression in front of their eyes, they still felt slightly uneasy in their hearts.

Just when they were hesitantly thinking about how to deal with Feng Range, they saw a long sword suddenly appeared in her hand.

Then, I saw her running towards them in a flash!This is……

Could it be... does this girl want to fight the four old men?
Regarding this speculation in their hearts, Feng Range soon gave them verification.

Feng Range came in front of the four elders, swung his sword and performed the first move of "Nine Profound Sword", sweeping away thousands of troops!

Fengrange's current strength is indeed very strong.If she used her full strength of combining spirit and martial arts to fight against Bai Jing alone, then she would definitely be invincible.

But right now, she chose to fight with the four of them, so she might not be able to fight with all her strength!
After such a calculation, they were still a little afraid of Feng Range's strength, but it became illusory.

The more you fight the less!Then if the old men still lose, it would be really embarrassing to throw them at grandma's house!

For Feng Range's first move, among the four old men, Mo Sanyang took the lead, and took her move with ease.

It's shameful to have more enemies than few, and the four old men will not really unite together to attack a little girl in Fengrange.Especially, this little girl is still their master now!
Seeing Mo Sanyang, who took her move to sweep away thousands of troops as soon as she made a move, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Feng Range's lips.

Then, when the four old men were smug and thought she had only such a little strength, she smiled strangely and made repeated moves!
"Sparks start a prairie fire! Fireflies compete for glory! The moon bends like a hook! The sun shines! Go!"

Four moves in a row, facing Feng Range's sudden explosion, the old men in Bai Jing were shocked immediately!

Because they felt that there were many against few, they were a little lax about Fengrange.Unexpectedly, Feng Range gave them a trick at this moment.

Four moves in a row, dealing with the four of them, is simply a monstrous behavior!
The four of them were shocked, and now they had to prepare to face it face to face.

Feng Range's sword move, after Mo Sanyang took the move before, found that her move was a little different from their martial arts!
Because Feng Range is still a spiritual cultivator, her sword moves also contain very powerful spiritual attacks.When they are dealing with sword moves, they have to guard against the 'stab in the back'.

After Feng Range sent out four moves in a row, on the one hand, he was on guard against the counterattack of these four old guys, and on the other hand, he watched them change their expressions slightly, very proud!

Let them underestimate her in the past, but now, she will give them a hard time!
If they don't do this, they will really treat themselves as the elders of those sects in the past, and say what they say!

Now, she wants them to recognize their identity and situation. They are her followers now, and everything depends on her!Don't think that getting her elixir changed their physique and increased their strength, so there is nothing special about it!
What she can give them, she can also deprive them of everything they have now!You know, she, Feng Range, is not a kind person!
When Feng Range started fighting with the four old men, Ouyang Huang and Fu Lao had already fought hard.

Because of Ouyang Huang's physique, and how did he grow in strength.Facing him now, with Mr. Fu in his hands, he was obviously at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Ouyang Huang dealt with Mr. Fu with ease, and kept moving towards Fengrange.

With one against four, Xiao Geer is really brave!

Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range's eyes, and couldn't help showing praise.

But at the same time, he also knew that Xiao Ge'er's strength alone should not be enough to deal with the four old men.Ever since, he decided that it would be good to have two against five!

Just these five old men, none of them are law-abiding, it's time to teach them a lesson!

From the moment Feng Range entered here, from her eyes, Ouyang Huang knew what Feng Range was up to.So, as Xiao Ge'er's dear man right now, of course he will help her a bit.

If these old men still can't learn to listen to Xiao Ge'er after a fight, then he doesn't mind beating them until they obey.

With this in mind, when Ouyang Huang came to Feng Range's side, he looked at her and smiled slightly.

When looking at Ouyang Huang, Feng Range saw the cunning in his eyes.At the same time, he also understood the meaning of his glance.

It seemed that he knew what he was going to do!

However, this is also good!At least with Ouyang Huang's help, it is very possible for her to subdue Fu Laohe and make those four obedient, and stop being so arrogant!
In this way, Feng Range subtly nodded to Ouyang Huang, expressing that she had agreed to his help.

And when he noticed Feng Range's acceptance, Ouyang Huang deepened the smile on his lips in satisfaction!

As for the unobservable interaction between the two, the five old men were busy dealing with Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's moves, so naturally they didn't notice it.

So, later on, they realized how hard it was for these two couples to team up to trap them!

Because Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's talents are special!Therefore, their tricks are naturally difficult to deal with.

Seeing the five old men struggling to deal with their tricks one by one, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang leaned back against each other for a while, watching a good show!
(End of this chapter)

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