Phoenix Dance

Chapter 448 Healing 2 Birdman

Chapter 448 Healing the Twelve Bird People (1)

So, she turned her head and said to the four old men, "Guys, they are the children of my ghost gate. Before, I let them enter the phantom array I set up to conduct the test of demons. But, just before the arrival At the end, for some unknown reason, they all spit out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out! Afterwards, it became what they are now. When they just fainted, I entered They have checked their bodies and found that their condition, apart from the disordered pulse, the only abnormality is that I found a powerful black force in their bodies. Regarding that black force, just when I thought When I wanted to investigate further, I found that a barrier blocked my consciousness from further investigation! For this reason, I now ask you for help! Five, I wonder if you can help me take a good look Looking at that black power, are you sure what it is? I think, as long as I know what it is, then I, I should know how to break it? How many people?"

After hearing Fengrange's simple situation about the twelve bird people, the first feeling of the five old men was that the problem that Fengrange couldn't solve should be quite difficult to solve in front of them. Bar!
It's just that Feng Range has already spoken, so they might as well give it a try and see if they can find any clues!

So, the five of them glanced at each other, discussed a few words, and decided to let Mr. Fu come and try it first!
In this way, Mr. Fu was the first to come up to try, and the remaining four immediately surrounded him in the center, ready to protect him.

Seeing this, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's eyes froze slightly, and then stood aside, waiting for the result.

Mr. Fu walked up to one of the birdmen with a rare dignified expression.

Like Fengrange before, he gave the birdman a pulse now.After confirming that the result was as Feng Range said, he also tried to penetrate the birdman's eyebrows and into his body, preparing to find out.

Although Old Fu's age and qualifications are higher than Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's.However, in terms of the strength of his spiritual consciousness, he was completely inferior to Feng Range, so after his spiritual consciousness entered the body of this bird man, Fu Lao's face became a little pale.

Obviously, he wanted to let his spiritual consciousness go deeper, and staying in this bird man's body for a long time would be quite exhausting.

In this way, after it lasted for about a quarter of an hour, when Fu Laogang saw a few black threads in Birdman's body, he vomited a mouthful of blood because of his internal strength, and fell backwards. past!

Seeing this situation, Bai Jing and the other four sect elders were shocked!
They surrounded Mr. Fu one by one, and asked with concern, "Old boy, are you okay?"

"How? Are you okay?"

"Did you find anything? Did that thing hurt you?"


Hearing their questions one by one, Mr. Fu just stared at them silently for a few moments, and then turned his gaze to Feng Range.

Facing her, he said with some difficulty, "Girl Feng, I'm sorry! My consciousness is weak, and I couldn't find anything useful for you... Cough cough... Puff!"

Mr. Fu said apologetically to Feng Range, coughed twice while talking, and then spit out another mouthful of blood.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range immediately pushed away the several elders who surrounded Mr. Fu, and then took Mr. Fu's hand to feel his pulse.

And this time, Feng Range discovered that Mr. Fu had just been backlashed by his spiritual consciousness.However, his internal injuries were so severe!

How is this going?

As soon as Feng Range checked the pulse, he found that all the meridians in Fu's body had been injured quite a bit.This situation should not only be caused by backlash!
In such a situation, although Mr. Fu only said that it was caused by the backlash of his spiritual consciousness.However, Feng Range didn't think so.Instead, she felt that Mr. Fu might have been attacked by the power in Birdman's body!

However, at this time, I feel that it is not the time to think about these things, but instead, I should deal with Fu Lao's injury as soon as possible!

So, Feng Range immediately took out a lot of healing pills and spirit pills from the space bracelet.All of a sudden, he stuffed it all into Old Fu's mouth and let him swallow it in one gulp!
As for Mr. Fu, because Feng Range stuffed a lot of pills at once, he swallowed too quickly and almost choked.

So, he kept coughing lightly, "cough cough...cough...cough cough..."

It wasn't until after a while that his complexion turned a liver-colored color, and he finally stopped coughing.

And after he stopped coughing, Mr. Fu looked at Feng Range with resentful eyes, begging for comfort in all kinds of ways!
However, before her eyes reached Feng Range's body, Ouyang Huang, who was standing beside her, suddenly stopped her.

Ouyang Huang didn't pay much attention to Old Fu, so he turned his head to look at Feng Range, and said to her, "Little Geer, this old man is like this, those few... why don't let them try. Next, let me help you check their situation!"

After speaking, Ouyang Huang walked directly to one of the birdmen without waiting for Fengrange's answer.

There was no need for anyone to protect him, so he directly condensed his spiritual consciousness and penetrated into the brow of the bird man.

Because of Ouyang Huang's physique, his spiritual consciousness is much stronger than Fu Lao and the others, second only to Feng Range.Therefore, after his consciousness entered Feng Range's body, his consciousness went on a rampage and directly came to the dantian of Birdman's body.

Ouyang Huang did not have any difficulty in doing such a big move.Without changing his face, he carefully observed the findings that Feng Range told him earlier.

As Feng Range said, Ouyang Huang saw black lines on Birdman's dantian.At the same time, when he went further, he encountered a strong barrier, which prevented his spiritual consciousness from further investigation.

So, at this moment, Ouyang Huang couldn't help frowning a little.

Can't investigate any further?Then how would he find out the reason and tell Xiao Ge'er?
Ouyang Huang's consciousness lingered in Birdman's body...

In this way, after he lingered for a while, Ouyang Huang suddenly thought of a second-best method to solve this problem.

He can't break into the things inside this barrier!However, if he wants to study the overflowing black line, it should be possible!

After thinking this way, Ouyang Huang immediately changed his target, and his consciousness went towards those overflowing black lines...

(End of this chapter)

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