Phoenix Dance

Chapter 45 Breakthrough, Bloodline

Chapter 45 Breakthrough, Bloodline (3)

Thinking of this, Feng Range couldn't wait to improve her strength.

So, after getting out of the bathtub, Feng Range didn't rest for a while, and immediately returned to the practice room.

This time, she was even more ruthless, directly doubling the gravity!The gravity of the practice room has reached six times.

Under six times the gravity, Feng Range stood in the practice room, facing the short arrows and the attacks of puppets, he could barely move.

But she didn't take a step back, even if the short arrow shot into her body and the puppet hit her body, she still persevered and didn't take a step back!

If you are not cruel to yourself, you will not be able to improve your cultivation quickly!

Feng Range is cruel enough to herself, even if she is constantly being hit by short arrows and puppets, she still keeps breaking through her limits.Even though she was bruised, she still persisted.

Fall down, stand up, get hurt, swallow a few pills and persevere.

Finally, after persisting for five days, her body gradually adapted to six times the force of gravity, and she was able to move freely in the exercise room.

Feng Range turned off the organ again when her physical energy was completely exhausted, and dragged her exhausted body out of the practice room.

Back in the room, Feng Range soaked in the medicinal bath again.

After recovering a bit, she checked the seal in her dantian again with her spiritual sense.

As her strength improved, the seal became a little weaker.It seems that this seal cannot be forcibly broken by external force, and can only be broken through continuous improvement of strength.

In this way, Feng Range can't slack off at all times, and can only devote himself to cultivation whenever he has time, and try his best to improve his strength.

This medicated bath, with the weakening of the seal, absorbed more than the previous one.

It seems that if the seal is not broken, her body will not be able to absorb more medicine.

Feng Range got out of the tub and went outside, wanting to see Shihuang and Four Eggs.

Shi Huang and Four Eggs are not in Shi Huang's courtyard, but live in a cave outside.

The space of Shi Huang is now as big as a city!About tens of thousands of hectares of land.

There are mountains and waters, vegetation, birds and animals here, everything that one expects to find.

Except for this area where Feng Range often haunts, she only visited other places when she came in for the first time, and never went there again.

The cave where Shihuang and the four eggs are located is on the mountain not far from Shihuang courtyard.

Feng Range is the owner of Shihuang Divine Bead, and like Shihuang, she controls everything in this space.Wherever she wants to go, she can get there with just one thought.

However, she didn't intend to go directly there, but wanted to stroll over slowly to see if there was any change in this space.

This time, she walked for an hour.Walking along the way, she found that the area here seems to be larger than before, and there are many more things, such as some spiritual fruit trees that have not been seen before, some animals that have not been seen before, and some that have not been seen before, but are described in medical books. Some medicinal materials.

She is a little curious about the appearance of these things. Could it be that the space of the original wasteland has become larger, or has it evolved?

Why didn't she discover the function of evolution in the frontier space before?Could it be that she has not been reborn here, and she will never discover the function of this primitive space?
Thinking of the power of the double bloodlines in the dantian and the evolution of the Shihuang space, Feng Range really didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky at this moment.

To be able to obtain these rare secret treasures in the world is unlucky, but it is unlucky that she died and was reborn here.

Everything may be predestined!This is an experience, a catastrophe.

This catastrophe requires her to experience it personally and go through it before she can achieve great success.

This time I discovered the evolutionary function of the primordial space. I really don't know how many opportunities are waiting for her in the future. She is looking forward to it...

 I'm about to sign a contract. After writing it down, I will slowly resume the habit of updating during the day, and I will try my best to save the manuscript and add updates.Friends who like this book, please give Axi more support!Axi thanked everyone here!

(End of this chapter)

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