Phoenix Dance

Chapter 454 Looking for the altar of advancement

Chapter 454 Looking for the altar of advancement (2)

Feng Range noticed the back and forth provocations of Ouyang Huang, Bai Jing and the others, but did not stop them!
However, it has been delayed for a while now.So, this time, Er Fengrange opened her vermilion lips lightly, and said, "It's all good! We should start to help them get rid of their demonic energy! Here, keep these pills, I'm going to make two of them later." Get rid of it, if you feel a little tired, take this pill!"

After speaking, Feng Range took out several bottles of Yuanling Pill, and stuffed each bottle into the hands of Ouyang Huang and the four old men.

Then, he said, "Ye Yu, you can leave later! Stay here, and when I call you, you can feed them some water of life and elixir. Here, these are for them, and this Take the Pingyuan Lingdan, too! If you feel tired after waiting for a long time, just take one! Because the matter of getting rid of the demonic energy is extra cautious, so everyone must be more energetic to do it!"

Speaking of this, Feng Range looked at the few people present, and glanced at each of them.

Then he said, "Let's get started! Bai Jing, let me do what I want, you assist Xia Zuo! Mo Sanyang, why are you so anxious to support Weiner! Huang, you are always ready to take over from them! Ye Yu, you are also ready at any time !"

Hearing Feng Range's arrangement of one order and one order!Those who heard her order followed suit one by one.

After Bai Jing and Ren Woxing helped Xia Zuo, and Mo Sanyang and He Taiji helped Weiner, Feng Range began to prepare for what she was going to do.

She held her breath and condensed two wisps of pure spiritual fire in one fell swoop!Then, quickly condensed two strands of spiritual power and consciousness, wrapped the Purifying Spirit Fire, and penetrated directly between the eyebrows of Xia Zuo and Werner.

Because this time it is necessary to get rid of the devil energy for two people at once, so when getting rid of the devil energy, Feng Range must do his best to focus on two tasks, and can't be distracted in the slightest!

For this reason, under such circumstances, Fengrange will consume a lot of energy.

Therefore, to ensure that there would be no accidents in the middle, Feng Range stuffed a lot of pills into his own mouth while giving them pills to help them, wrapping them with spiritual power.

Just in case you need it, just swallow it in one gulp!

In this way, after Fengrange's consciousness, spiritual power, and spiritual fire entered their bodies together, Fengrange controlled these three forces and came to their dantian by Qingmen.

When they got there, Feng Range took a small breath for a while!

Because the next situation is the most important link in the whole process.Therefore, in order to avoid any abnormal situation later, Feng Range paused for a while, and then continued with the following steps.

When she continued, her mental strength became even more concentrated.

She controlled this spirit, and stripped the entire spiritual fire into strands of fire.Then, it was controlled to weave into a fire net.

After the fire net was woven, it directly controlled the entire fire net to cover the barrier that protected the devil energy.

And when Zao Huowang touched the barrier, the barrier was quickly burned by Huowang!

This process lasted for less than 10 minutes, and it was over!
Then, after all the devilish energy was revealed, the subsequent situation was the same as when he was removing the devilish energy for Sakis.

Huowang ignited all the magic energy at one point, which wasted a lot of time and Feng Range's energy.

Just in the middle of the process, Feng Range suddenly felt a little strenuous.

So, in order to relieve her own strenuous effort, she swallowed the elixir hidden in her mouth in one gulp.

The elixir entered the stomach, and soon the power of the medicine was released!
The power of the medicine entered her body, immediately making Feng Range feel refreshed.Then, the next action went much smoother!

In this way, it continued for about two hours before Feng Range withdrew her three forces.At the same time, Ye Yu also asked Ye Yu to feed the two of them with pills and water of life, and take care of them to lie down!
After giving these instructions, Feng Range said again, "I'm tired today, let's continue tomorrow!"

After speaking, he turned and left...

Just when she was about to reach the door, Ouyang Huang quickly followed her, and then left with her.

Not long after they left, Bai Jing and the others didn't stay any longer.After standing for a while, Ye Yu was left alone and left.

After leaving there, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, like last time, went directly to the small bamboo hut on the cliff to meditate and recover their energy.

Of course, Feng Range is the only one who needs to recover.As for Ouyang Huang, he just followed her and accompanied her!

In the next few days, Feng Range went to get rid of the evil energy of the remaining nine elves every day, two people a day, for five days in a row.

Finally, at noon on the fifth day, Feng Range successfully helped the last elf get rid of the evil energy.

And after she finally pulled out the three forces from the last of them for the last time, the twelve elves sent Sakis, the first of them, who had accepted Fengrange to dispel the evil energy, to express their gratitude to her. Sincere thanks!
"Feng... sect master!"

Hearing Sakis's sudden opening, Feng Range completely restrained his consciousness, spiritual power and spiritual fire before turning his eyes to the elves who had already recovered.

Looking at them, he asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden question, the elves were a little stunned!
Just now, when they saw that Feng Range didn't pay attention to them immediately, they thought she would ignore them.

So, when they were thinking about how to speak, they heard Feng Range speak unexpectedly.

And when they heard Feng Range's unexpected opening, the elves were caught off guard, and they didn't know how to open it for a while.

Seeing them in a daze and astonishment, they didn't answer.

Feng Range frowned slightly, and then asked again, "Is there anything wrong with you? I'll leave if I'm fine!"

With that said, he made a gesture to leave.

And when they saw her pretending to leave, the elves immediately became anxious!

"Don't! Wait!"

"Please wait! Don't go!"


Hearing the persuasion of several elves, Feng Range's footsteps, which were about to go, paused slightly at this moment, and then stopped.

She didn't turn around, but said, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

Hearing Feng Range ask again, this time, the elves didn't dare to hesitate anymore!
They were afraid that if they hesitated a little more, Feng Range might turn around and leave!
 I won't tell you that I have a cervical spondylosis, and I can't write!Thank you friends who like Axiwen!

(End of this chapter)

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