Phoenix Dance

Chapter 459 Arranging Group Retreat

Chapter 459 Arranging Group Retreat (3)

At the same time, those Moon Shadow Sect disciples closest to the impact source were also impacted by the impact wave, and flew out one by one!
Seeing this, Feng Range didn't care to test Mr. Fu at this time, or he was trying to rub Mrs. Fu's vigor, or he snuggled into Ouyang Huang's arms and continued to watch the 'drama' .

She broke free from Ouyang Huang directly, and moved towards the source of the impact in a dodge.By the time she got there, the force of the impact had almost dissipated.

However, the movement and dust caused by the impact are still there!

Feng Range scanned for a week, and saw many disciples of Moon Shadow Sect lying on the ground.

At this time, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she almost used her spiritual power to yell softly, "All the disciples of the ghost sect obey the order and come to the open space outside the cultivation tower. Some people are injured and urgently need to be treated!"

Because Fengrange was infused with spiritual power when she spoke, so at this moment her voice almost spread to the ears of everyone in the ghost gate.

And in response to her voice, the elders and disciples who were originally cultivating in the cultivation tower came out of it almost immediately one by one!

Once outside, everyone who came out of the training tower was almost stunned when they saw a scene of dust flying and many people lying on the ground!

Here, what's going on?Who are these people, and why are they all here?Still lying on the ground, what happened?

Because the Moon Shadow Sect didn't participate in the siege of the Seven Great Sects before, so many people in the Ghost Sect have never met the disciples of the Moon Shadow Sect.Naturally, from their bodies, it is impossible to judge that they are the disciples of the Moon Shadow Gate.

After seeing their stunned expressions, Feng Range immediately injected spiritual power again, and said, "They are all out? Now put these people in the residential area! Ye Yu, you should have medical staff The team, right? Arrange them out to treat them. It’s just some small blast injuries, and I don’t think I need to deal with them myself!”

Speaking of this, Feng Range's words paused a little.Immediately afterwards, Elder Fu was found in the crowd.

And when she saw a disheveled old man standing up from the crowd, Feng Range rushed to him with a serious expression.

"Old man, are you the master of this sect? Since you put your disciples in such a dangerous situation, you are too 'playful'! Look at them now, many people have been injured, you Let's see how to deal with it!"

After saying that, Feng Range turned around and left, never looking at Mr. Fu again!

As the master of a sect, this stinky old man turned out to be playful, without any awareness of being a strong man and master of a sect, and he made the whole scene like this, he really owes a lesson!

At this moment, Feng Range doesn't think that the biggest responsibility is her four moves.

You know, her starting point is to test out Fu Lao's strength.Unexpectedly, this old Fu didn't accept the move, and made this situation into the current situation!
The most fundamental reason for this is that Mr. Fu didn't accept the move!
Therefore, as the master that Fu Lao is now following, Feng Range decided that he must punish the old man Fu!
At the same time, she also wants to improve the strength of all the disciples in the ghost sect!In case, in a situation like this, her disciple of the Ghost Sect is also like Yi Yang, a disciple of the Moon Shadow Sect, who is so inferior that he dodges in a hurry or is slightly or seriously injured.

You know, her current disciples of the ghost gate are all going to follow her to the next plane.The improvement of their strength cannot be underestimated at all.

Otherwise, after reaching the last plane, they might not be her help, but her burden.Then, even their own survival cannot be guaranteed!

In this way, when Feng Range walked back to Ouyang Huang's side, he said to him, "Let's leave things like this first! Did you have anything to tell me before? Can we walk together while walking?" Said, looking at the strength of these people, I think it is very necessary to give them an actual battle! Now I am going to set up the actual battle formation and the demon test magic formation, are you going?"

Hearing Feng Range's words and seeing her inviting him, Ouyang Huang nodded immediately, "Okay, let's go!"

So, the two of them stood side by side, leaving their sight in front of everyone.

Back in the training tower again, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang went directly to the fourth floor.

This time, Feng Range planned to set up formations here and on the fifth floor.At the same time, set up an actual combat formation and a demon test magic formation on each floor, so that it is more convenient for all disciples to have both the demon test and the actual combat training!
Regarding Feng Range's ideas and practices, Ouyang Huang stood by Feng Range's side, expressing that he would never interfere!

As long as it was something Xiao Ge'er wanted to do, he would absolutely support it.

However, when Feng Range mentioned the heart demon test magic array, Ouyang Huang suddenly remembered what he wanted to tell Feng Range.

So, he patted Feng Range's shoulder lightly, and said, "Little Ge'er, you... want to set up the magic array for the heart demon test? When it's set up, why don't we go in and experiment with it?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak to her suddenly, Feng Range turned around slowly with the spirit stone in his hand.

He promised to Ouyang Huang, "Okay!"

Seeing that Feng Range agreed easily, Ouyang Huang was a little afraid that she would refuse, so he was a little nervous and worried!

However, after hearing her readily agree, Ouyang Huang immediately felt relieved.

But at the same time, he felt a little uneasy.

The test of the inner demon is quite dangerous.If there is a slight carelessness in the process of the test, then you may really fall into the demon all of a sudden!That situation, once encountered, that situation is quite not optimistic.

On this point, Ouyang Huang hoped that Feng Range could accept the heart demon test.But on the other hand, some are worried about Feng Range!I was afraid that she would fall into the demon if she was a little careless during the demon test.


At this moment, although he saw Feng Range agreeing to his opinion, Ouyang Huang's heart has not relaxed yet!
He never cared or worried about his own affairs!
But regarding Fengrange's matter, Ouyang Huang has always kept it in his heart.

And Feng Range, after agreeing to Ouyang Huang, saw that he was a little stunned for a while, so he didn't care too much, and went on to busy with his own affairs!
(End of this chapter)

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