Phoenix Dance

Chapter 461 Arranging Group Retreat

Chapter 461 Arranging Group Retreat (5)

Ouyang Huang's current mood is really unparalleled!Therefore, in the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but tease Feng Range a little bit.

Immediately, he suddenly turned around and came to Feng Range's body, and then wrapped his arms around her waist, facing her face to face!

Regarding this sudden situation, Feng Range had no premonition at all.So, when Ouyang Huang's face suddenly appeared in front of her, Feng Range couldn't help being shocked!Then, she blushed even more.I also felt that my heartbeat seemed to speed up a lot!
As for Feng Range's expression, it naturally fell into Ouyang Huang's eyes.Seeing Feng Range's expression made Ouyang Huang even more happy!
Xiao Ge'er's usual coldness and indifference can only be broken in such an intimate situation.

Then, without further teasing Feng Range, Ouyang Huang suddenly leaned his neck forward and pecked Feng Range's tender lips lightly.

But at this moment, Ouyang Huang suddenly couldn't stop looking at Feng Range's beautiful lips.

So, originally, he just wanted to peck Doudou Xiaoge'er lightly, and take a look at her shy look by the way.But now, Ouyang Huang wanted to absorb the sweetness of Feng Range on a deeper level.

And driven by such demonic nature, Ouyang Huang was a little uncontrollable, and he didn't want to control Feng Range's arms tightly, and brought her to him.

Immediately afterwards, she lowered her head slightly, leaned her jaw forward, and directly captured Feng Range's lips.For a moment, the kiss was like a bonfire, and I couldn't stop!
For Ouyang Huang's sudden sexual outburst, Feng Range's only reaction was to be stunned!
Originally, they were still setting up the formation properly, and she was just a little bit distressed about the spirit stones that she would spend a lot of in the future.

In such a situation where there is no pre-warning of sex, Ouyang Huang's sudden sensuality is absolutely unscientific!Very unscientific!
However, no matter how unscientific the current situation is, she has already been imprisoned by Ouyang Huang to the point of being unable to move.

At the same time, because Ouyang Huang's kiss was so intense, her lips felt a little raw.Then, I felt a little stuffy and short of breath.

So, after being 'ravaged' by Ouyang Huang's lips for nearly half an hour, Feng Range couldn't hold on any longer.

She stretched out her hand and pushed Ouyang Huang, wanting him to let go.

But no matter what, Ouyang Huang is like a wolf that can't get enough to feed, and he has no intention of letting go of her at all.

For this reason, Feng Range had to prepare to continue to endure Ouyang Huang's intimate 'ravages'.

As for shortness of breath, Feng Range had no choice but to take a breath while Ouyang Huang was tactfully on her lips.

Due to the matter of holding your breath, it should be considered no difficulty for practitioners!

After waiting for about half an hour, Ouyang Huang reluctantly let go of Fengrange.

After letting go, he saw that Feng Range's originally tender lips were a little red and swollen from being 'ravaged' by him.Feeling deeply apologetic, I touched it gently with my fingertips.

At the same time, the voice was slightly reproachful and said deeply, "Little Geer, you are not paying attention!"

Not paying attention?she?
For Ouyang Huang's sudden accusation, Feng Range suddenly felt a little speechless.

This guy teased her without saying a word, kissed her without saying a word, and even accused her of not paying attention, what's the point of this day!
So, Feng Range was a little dissatisfied again, and retorted, "You! You are justified in bullying me, why are you so overbearing! Do you know that I almost suffocated just now, and you didn't let go when I pushed you, You want to suffocate me! You also said that I was not paying attention, but you are so attentive! You almost suffocated me with your concentration, scoundrel!"

He is overbearing?Almost smothered her?Still badass?Ouyang Huang felt a little speechless for Feng Range's blurted comments and accusations.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling that he was such an image in Xiao Ge'er's heart!

She smiled helplessly, and sure enough, Xiao Ge'er was relatively innocent.Although she can be shy, in some things, she is still as clean as a blank sheet of paper, and she doesn't know much about love and love.

Ouyang Huang cherished such a little song even more in his heart.

Some things, only if he personally taught her, then she will remember herself more.

My love for her runs deep into my bones.And her longing for herself has also been implemented in every aspect of her life.

This kind of thing, Ouyang Huang is definitely handy and energetic in doing such a thing!
He thought about some of his own thoughts in his heart, so he ignored the response to Feng Range.

As for Feng Range, after complaining to Ouyang Huang, she was originally waiting for his response.However, it was a long time before he made a sound.Instead, Feng Range decided not to pay any attention to him after seeing him blankly thinking and giggling.
Instead, she was going to do something that she had been hesitating for a while.

The formation of this formation has been completely settled, so this activation is definitely going to be done.Otherwise, the time and experience she and Ouyang Huang spent before would be wasted!

As for the spirit stones that will be consumed in large quantities in the future, although Feng Range feels a little painful, it is not too difficult to get out.

So, now that she was determined to activate the formation, she took out [-] middle-grade spirit stones from the primordial space and dumped them on the entire ground.

The amount of these spirit stones should be enough for them to leave this world!

Looking at the high-profile Lingshi, Feng Range felt his flesh ache again.

Although this is originally produced in the original wasteland space, it is almost inexhaustible, but she still feels a bit extravagant and wasteful, is there any!

As for Ouyang Huang, he was originally in a daze.

However, when Feng Range took out a large number of spirit stones at once, he came back to his senses in an instant.

Seeing the high Lingshi hill facing each other, Ouyang Huang couldn't help sighing in his heart, this little song's generosity is really richer than him, the richest man in the world!
See, in the future, he will work harder to make money!
Otherwise, with the wealth of his little daughter-in-law, in the future, there should be no trace of her status.

This matter of doting on a daughter-in-law still needs a certain amount of external material to back it up, doesn't it!

(End of this chapter)

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