Phoenix Dance

Chapter 509 The Birth of Little Fire

Chapter 509 The Birth of Little Fire (1)

The applause from the guests gradually faded away after ringing for a while.

At this time, Bai Jing spoke again, "Then next, let's invite the two newcomers to stand facing Master Ouyang's grandfather and father, and come to our worship ceremony!"

Just as Bai Jing's voice fell, Feng Range turned around and sent a voice transmission to Chi Qingyao who was inside the space bracelet, "Master! Master! Please come out for a while?"

"What's the matter, girl?" When she heard Feng Range's voice transmission, Chi Qingyao immediately sent her voice transmission back.

Earlier, after being hit by Feng Range's advanced speed, although Chi Qingyao is still in the state of spirit lift, he can still cultivate.So, from then on, he practiced in closed doors.

For this reason, he didn't notice the slightest thing about the outside world.

But right now, Chi Qingyao was a little surprised when he suddenly heard Feng Range's sound transmission and asked him to come out for a while!
At the same time, after finishing the question, he immediately dodged and appeared in front of Feng Range in the state of a spirit body.

When Chi Qingyao appeared, the practitioners present immediately noticed him.Then, a look of doubt and surprise appeared!
Especially Ouyang Huang, when he saw Chi Qingyao's appearance, he looked at Chi Qingyao with the look of facing an enemy.Looking at Feng Range, he gestured with his eyes, "Who is he?"

In response to Ouyang Huang's gesture, Feng Range simply replied via voice transmission, "My master."

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to Chi Qingyao again.

Just now, when Ouyang Huang looked at her with questioning eyes, when Chi Qingyao saw the layout of the scene and her outfit, he asked her via voice transmission, "Girl, are you going to marry someone?" gone?"

"Well, Master! So I want you to represent my parents and witness the completion of the ceremony!"

Regarding Chi Qingyao's question, Feng Range did not hide it, but answered him frankly.

At the same time, after answering Chi Qingyao's words, Feng Range sent a message to those who could see him, and introduced his master to them.

Then, under this sudden situation, everyone was slightly taken aback for a moment!
But simply, this state did not last long.

Soon, Ouyang Huang came back to his senses first, walked to the side of old man Ouyang, and whispered a few words to him.

Just when Ouyang Huang walked back to Feng Range's side, old man Ouyang ordered a waiter to bring up a chair and put it beside him.

After these things were completed, Ouyang Huang, who could see Chi Qingyao, made a gesture of invitation to him.After that, he signaled Bai Jing to continue!
For this sudden change, it only slowed down the progress of the wedding by tens of seconds, and did not affect the final ceremony!

Shouted at Bai Jing, "Bow to heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"


With four loud shouts, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range completed the worship ceremony.Then, accept the blessings of all relatives, friends and friends sitting here!

"Hundred Years of Harmony!"

"Born your son early!"


"Take off the red hijab! Lift the red hijab!"

"Take off the red hijab!"

"Take off the red hijab! Lift the red hijab!"


Amidst the sound of blessings, someone suddenly yelled 'Take off the red hijab', and everyone booed out of curiosity!
As for their sudden booing, Ouyang Huang, who was originally smiling, suddenly froze.

Lift... the red hijab?However, under the red hijab, Xiao Ge'er's appearance...

Ouyang Huang's face revealed an obsessive look when he thought of Feng Range's stunning beauty dressed up in the small bamboo house at the ghost gate base.

It's just that, after being dazed for a moment, Ouyang Huang's face became even uglier when he thought that the guests sitting now wanted to have a glimpse of Feng Range's face!

He didn't want to let these people see Xiao Ge'er's beauty. Who knew if these people would get her attention after seeing Xiao Ge'er's stunning appearance.

You know, Xiao Ge'er will be his wife, his lover, and his woman from now on.From now on, if anyone wants to touch Xiao Ge'er's mind, I'm afraid if he finds out, he won't be able to help but want to kill him!

For his woman, he only has an exclusive share!As for others, if you want to think about it, you can't even have bad thoughts!

So right now, for those who booed and wanted to see Xiao Ge'er's appearance, Ouyang Huang subconsciously regarded them as "rivals in love" who wanted to seduce Xiao Ge'er.

Under such circumstances, Ouyang Huang was still a little embarrassed to refute their face.That's it, stalemate!

Waiting, after about a few minutes, Chi Qingyao suddenly returned to the space bracelet.

Then, Feng Range's figure also began to move.Quickly teleported outside, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Ouyang Huang, "Go to the room on the top floor!"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded by the sudden situation.

Especially, when seeing Fengrange's teleportation speed, all the guests felt the horror!What speed is this?Why so fast?

After receiving Feng Range's sound transmission, Ouyang Huang immediately teleported after him.Then, Bai Jing, Ran Yun and Ranyu brothers and sisters, Ka Yina, Ouyang Chi, Ouyang Chi, and Mo Xuan, Wen Chen, Yi Shaojun, Saranuo and others who were sitting below watching the ceremony also joined him. follow up!
After Feng Range arrived at the room on the top floor, she immediately set up a defensive formation on the four corners of the room.Then he lifted the red hijab on his head, ignoring the people who were chasing him, and just dodged into the Shihuang space!
After entering inside, she went straight to the alchemy room.

As early as the end of the wedding ceremony, Feng Range suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.Then, the power in the space of Shi Huang began to riot a little bit!
At the same time, Shihuang also sent a sound transmission to it, saying that Xiaohuo seemed to have some movement, and was about to be born!
Feng Range has always been very concerned about her four beasts.Now that she suddenly learned that Xiao Huo might be born, she couldn't hold back her impulsive thoughts.Immediately after Licheng, and within a short while, he greeted Ouyang Huang and went straight to the top floor, wanting to see what Xiaohuo was doing now.

And when she got to the alchemy room, she saw Xiaohuo's whole egg floating in mid-air, circling around the whole alchemy room.

At this moment, Feng Range estimates that if it is not in the space of Shihuang, the things here are indestructible.I'm afraid that with Xiaohuo's current strength, he can destroy this place in one fell swoop!
At the same time, Feng Range crawled aside when he saw Shihuang, always keeping an eye on Xiaohuo's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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