Phoenix Dance

Chapter 514 Find all the materials

Chapter 514 Find all the materials (1)

Among them, Mr. Ouyang's gaze is the sharpest!
After being stared at by him, Feng Range also felt a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, the old man said to her with great anger, "Girl, come to Grandpa's side!"

grandfather?When he heard old man Ouyang claiming to be her grandfather, Feng Range's body shook suddenly!

A while ago, Feng Range often thought of her grandfather in the Continent of God because of her inner demons.She only realized how much she missed him, the grandfather who doted on her everywhere in Feng's house.

However, after arriving here, although she often thought of him, she dared not mention him.She was afraid that if she mentioned her most respected grandfather, her mood might collapse.

I dared not mention it then, but what about now?
When old man Ouyang claimed to be her grandfather in front of her, Feng Range felt that his tears burst uncontrollably...


"Xiao Ge'er, are you okay?" Ouyang Huang saw Feng Range, and after hearing his old man speak, he was a little dazed!
He even started to mutter to himself, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

When hearing Ouyang Huang's concern, Feng Range still didn't respond at all!

And at this moment, Ouyang Huang saw his old man stand up from his original seat, and then walked slowly in front of Feng Range step by step.

Stretched out a big wrinkled hand, stroked Feng Range's head, and said in relief, "Girl, you are now the daughter-in-law of my Ouyang family, and I will be your grandfather from now on! From now on, who If you are bullied, including Ouyang Huang, you can come and tell grandpa. Grandpa will clean up your baby for you!"

Seeing that old man Ouyang treats him with kindness and generosity, Feng Range was stunned when he looked at him!

At this time, old man Ouyang really looked like his grandfather in the land of gods.That kind of love to herself, and the protection of her domineering, this thing seems to be a natural act, which makes her feel a deep warmth!
Her eyes stayed firmly on Ouyang's face, and she didn't leave for a long time.

It wasn't until old man Ouyang spoke again that she came back to her senses.

"Girl, I see that you haven't come back after going out all night, why don't you go wash up and have a good rest now! Let's have a good chat when you are rested!"

Hearing what old man Ouyang said, Ouyang Huang also walked to her side at this moment.

He said softly to her, "Xiao Ge'er, grandpa is right! I'll take you to another room, wash up and rest!"

Seeing that Ouyang Huang also spoke, Feng Range, who came back to his senses, turned to look at him as well.

And after watching it for a while, he nodded slightly at him, and replied, "Yeah!"

After getting Feng Range's response, Ouyang Huang turned around with Feng Range half in his arms, ready to go out.

Just when the two of them walked to the door, Ouyang Huang glanced back at the old man Ouyang in the room again, and said to him, "Grandpa, please help arrange the guests!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Huang didn't wait for Mr. Ouyang's answer, and walked away with Feng Range in his arms again.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range left, and the room they went to was not too far from the original room, only four or five rooms away.

When they got there, Ouyang Huang didn't bother Feng Range, and asked her to go to the bathroom to wash up first.As for himself.I've been busy for the past few days and I'm a little tired, so I ran to the next room to wash up while Feng Range was washing up.

Originally, he and Feng Range were considered husband and wife, if they did everything together, no one would say anything.

However, considering that Xiao Ge'er might be unaccustomed and shy, he was not eager to get close to Xiao Ge'er.

As far as this matter is concerned, he should take his time!

After both of them finished washing, Feng Range took out a long white dress from the space bracelet and put it on again when the phantom neon clothes were put away, and then lay down on the bed to take a nap.

At this moment, Ouyang Huang also opened the door and came back from the next room.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that he used to be dressed in black, but now he was lying on the bed in white and taking a nap, his eyes flickered slightly at this moment!
"Little song!"

Ouyang Huang called softly, walked in, walked to Feng Range's bed and sat down!
Seeing Ouyang Huang suddenly come in from the outside and sit by her bed, Feng Range felt a little nervous.


Hearing Feng Range also calling him softly, Ouyang Huang didn't answer.However, at this moment, he suddenly turned over and fell on the bed, his whole body seemed to be half-leaning towards Feng Range.

"Little song..."

When seeing Ouyang Huang who suddenly rushed towards him, Feng Range's face suddenly showed a look of shock!Then at the same time, her body began to dodge subconsciously.

At this moment, although Feng Range knew that she was married to Ouyang Huang, if there was something to be done between husband and wife, it would be a normal thing.However, just now, when Ouyang Huang walked in, she was a little nervous and a little unaccustomed to it.

In other words, although she felt shy when the two of them occasionally kissed and hugged each other earlier, there was nothing she couldn't accept.

But what about the current situation?If she was allowed to have further in-depth contact with Ouyang Huang, Feng Range couldn't help but resist a little!
Ouyang Huang noticed her changes in expression and dodging.At this time, he was feeling a little bit lost. It seemed that Xiao Ge'er was not ready to give himself completely to him!
In this way, although he felt a little regretful, he would not force her.

So at this moment, he turned over, lay flat on half of the bed, turned his head to look at Feng Range who had jumped off the bed and said, "Little Geer, come here! I won't touch you, we are all tired, take care have a rest!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words and seeing his sincere expression, Feng Range was still slightly hesitant at this moment, not daring to approach the bed.

But at this moment, seeing her hesitant meeting, Ouyang Huang got up suddenly, came to Feng Range's side, and put his arms around her body.

Whispered in her ear, "Hey, I won't touch you, let's rest!"

After saying that, regardless of Feng Range's resistance, she hugged her and fell on the bed together, and the two fell asleep with their clothes on.

In this situation, although Feng Range could break free with a big move, but she hesitated.

After all, she and Ouyang Huang are also husband and wife!He just slept with him in his arms, and she couldn't refuse no matter what.Let alone resisting with hands!

Right now, things have come to this point, although Feng Range is not used to it at the moment, but it is not easy to resist.

Since he promised not to move himself, then for the time being... it's better to do this first...

(End of this chapter)

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