Phoenix Dance

Chapter 517 Re-chapter Nanyun City

Chapter 517 Returning to Nanyun City (2)

By the time Ouyang Huang returned to his room, it was already midnight.

At this moment, Feng Range had sent Xiao Huo back into the Shihuang space, and meditated by himself.

Ouyang Huang returned to the room, seeing this situation, he did not bother her.Stepping up to her side, after seeing how she was meditating, I was going to wash up first, and then I also planned to practice.

Regarding Feng Range's efforts, he doesn't think he still has time to dawdle.

If he doesn't work harder, I'm afraid his strength will not only allow Xiao Geer to surpass, but also make the distance wider and wider.Ouyang Huang was not happy to see this.

Just when Ouyang Huang was going to the bathroom, Feng Range, who was practicing with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her beautiful phoenix eyes.

Looking at the door leading to the bathroom, his eyes flickered slightly.

Then, he stood up suddenly again, preparing to set up a spirit gathering array here.

I don't know if there is telepathy, Feng Range suddenly felt that Ouyang Huang should be able to practice when he comes out later!
For this reason, she thought about setting up a spirit gathering array for him as a backup.

Feng Range set up the formation very quickly, and when Ouyang Huang came out of the bathroom, he saw him meditating again with his eyes closed as before.

However, when Ouyang Huang took a step out of the bathroom, although he didn't see any changes in Feng Range's figure, he clearly felt that the aura in his room had become stronger than before!

The situation is... Ouyang Huang's eyes scanned the whole room, and then they stopped on Feng Range.

The aura in this room suddenly became thicker, and the only person who can change the concentration of aura here should be Xiao Ge'er!
At the same time, Ouyang Huang also guessed that she must have set up a gathering array in his room, which caused the current situation.

In this regard, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range's eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly.Then, he walked in front of Feng Range again, showing a wanton smile, and said to her, "Little Geer?"

When Ouyang Huang's voice came out, Fengrange didn't respond for the first three seconds.After waiting for three seconds, she quietly opened her eyes and looked at Ouyang Huang.

He asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Feng Range opened his eyes at this time, and stared directly at him.When he saw the flash of light in Feng Range's eyes, he was a little dazed!
He stared blankly at Feng Range, and was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Feng Range was still indifferent, staring at Ouyang Huang without saying a word.

After waiting for a while, Ouyang Huang came back to his senses, looking at Feng Range's eyes full of deep affection that cannot be resolved.

Suddenly, he stretched out his arms to embrace her, and took her into his arms.

For Ouyang Huang's actions, Feng Range was completely unprepared.Immediately, he was a little frightened by his movements and froze for a moment, unable to respond.

Even, I forgot to break free.

While Feng Range's body was stiff, Ouyang Huang, who was holding her in his arms, naturally felt it.

At this time, he reached out and stroked Feng Range's back, and comforted her in her ear, "Little Geer, relax! Don't be nervous, have you forgotten? We are all married, you have to get used to it." My existence. Hey, don't be nervous...don't be nervous..."

After hearing Ouyang Huang's reassurance over and over again, and saying "don't be nervous" many times, he felt Feng Range's body, and finally relaxed a little bit!
Regarding this sudden situation, Ouyang Huang was a little troubled right now.

It seems that although he has been intimate with Xiao Ge'er, Xiao Ge'er is not used to him being in close contact with her all the time!If this is the case, it seems that although they are married, if he wants to eat this little woman, it may take some time.

He has to boil the frog in warm water, let Xiao Ge'er get used to it slowly, he will be by her side all the time!
After having such self-awareness, temporarily in order to prevent Xiao Ge'er from resisting him, he let go of Feng Range first.

After releasing Feng Range, he became calm again, as if the embarrassment just now hadn't happened, and said to Feng Range, "I have discussed with grandpa just now, this time we will go back to the gate base, grandpa and I Father will go back together. When we leave this world, I want to take Grandpa and the others with me! As for everything here, I will leave some of my subordinates in charge. They are absolutely loyal to me, and they will take the Ouyang family I am very relieved to teach them everything about management!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang suddenly talk about serious business, Feng Range didn't react for a while.

After she realized it, she said softly to Ouyang Huang, "Okay! At that time, I can improve their physique, teach them a little spiritual practice suitable for them, and let them cultivate their morality. At that time, it is estimated that they will live longer." A few hundred years old should be no problem. As for leaving, I have another good place for them to stay to ensure their safety."

After hearing that Feng Range had no objection to his decision, and had a series of plans, Ouyang Huang's eyes lit up when he looked at Feng Range!
As for Feng Range, after saying these words, when he noticed the change in Ouyang Huang's eyes, he involuntarily backed away a little.

Then, he said to Ouyang Huang, "Now that the spirit-gathering array is set up here, you haven't tried the "Eight Seals" I taught you before, why don't you try it now! And I, I also want to practice Already!"

After saying this, Feng Range ignored Ouyang Huang's response, and directly sat cross-legged and closed his eyes again to prepare to practice.

Seeing this situation, Ouyang Huang felt a little helpless about Feng Range's reaction!

So, he also sat cross-legged beside Feng Range, ready to listen to her and try to practice "Ba Yin Jue".

During this practice, the two of them never opened their eyes again.In this way, immersed in cultivation, he absorbed the spiritual energy from the outside world day after day, and circulated the spiritual energy that became his own body in his body.

In the early morning of the next day, because Ouyang Huang had already greeted Mr. Ouyang, they drove directly to the airport.Then I bought a ticket to fly to Nanyun City an hour later, and flew directly to Nanyun City to the ghost gate base.

And at the same time as they were acting, starting at noon that day, the disciples of the ghost gate who were originally staying in the hotel and those brought by Saranuo also began to prepare to go to the base of the ghost gate in Nanyun City...

(End of this chapter)

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