Phoenix Dance

Chapter 519 Arrangements

Chapter 519 Arrangements (2)

After seeing that everyone sat down according to Feng Range's trace, Saranuo, who was still wandering around, twitched the corners of his mouth and sat down beside him!

However, after sitting down, he said to Feng Range, "Miss Feng, your people have already started training, so what about the people I brought? How do you arrange them?"

Hearing his opening, Feng Range's eyes moved to him at this moment.

After looking at him for a while, he said to him, "When the current matter is completed, you bring them to me, and I will give you something that can help you improve your strength, and it can also help you stop drinking. Bloody poop won't be anything to be hungry for."

As she said that, she looked away from Saranno again, glanced at everyone sitting there, and said, "Next, you all practice with me! You are my personal guards , I hope that in the next period of time, you will use the resources I provide you to improve your strength as much as possible! Also, I am going to teach you another way of cultivation. I hope that after a month, you will all Let me see your progress!"

"Now let's get started!"

As Fengrange said, he used sound transmission to transmit a spiritual practice formula to everyone present.Among them, of course, also includes Salano.

For the blood race, many of the exercises that ordinary human monks can practice, they cannot practice.

But this time, the exercise given by Fengrange is called "Starlight Chaos Jue".In addition to absorbing spiritual power, the cultivation of this technique can also absorb extraterrestrial power for cultivation.

In the original sense, vampires cannot absorb spiritual power to cultivate.But now, if they can cultivate by absorbing star power, then they can naturally practice together with Fengrange's other followers and disciples.

This situation, when Feng Range planned to accept the deal with Saranuo, she had already thought of it.Therefore, this exercise, in a sense, was prepared by her for Saranuo and the people he brought.

After teaching them all the formulas of the exercise, Feng Range also told Sa Lannuo through voice transmission alone that this exercise can be given to him to practice.Moreover, let him arrange the blood race brought to him by the professor.

When he heard Fengrange's secret sound transmission to him, he was a little stunned!
It is really incredible for their blood race to practice with them and practice like normal humans!

At this moment, after teaching them the exercises, Feng Range said to them again, "Now, I will send you to a place to retreat and practice. There you will stay until we leave this world. Let you come out! Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu, Xiaoying, Kayina, Moxuan, Saranuo, wait a moment!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, the few people she named stood aside temporarily.Then, seeing Feng Range's thought, he sent Mr. Bai Jingfu and the others into the space bracelet for retreat.

Earlier, when teaching Ran Yun, Ran Yun, Kayina and Gao Ying to practice in the Shihuang space, Chi Qingyao discovered the existence of the Shihuang space.Then, he no longer stayed in the space bracelet, just like Feng Range expressed his willingness to stay in the space of Shihuang.

Since Chi Qingyao is now her master, Feng Range naturally agreed to his request!

So, a small quiet courtyard was set up in Shihuang space, and Chi Qingyao was left there alone.

And after Chi Qingyao left the space bracelet, now there is nothing in it except things.

Now, looking at Bai Jing and the others, Feng Range felt that it would be good to send them into the space bracelet to practice!
After all, there are some spiritual plants planted there, and the aura inside is similar to the one outside, even more intense.At the same time, there is also a martial arts arena that changes with their strength, so it would be great for them to practice in it.

This space bracelet has always been used although Feng Range only used it as a storage bracelet.But in terms of its use function and value, it also accounts for one percent of the Shihuang Divine Orb.

You must know that the Shihuang Divine Orb is the most precious treasure of the prehistoric era, and its meaning and value are supreme!
In this way, this space bracelet can account for one percent of it, so its meaning and value are naturally considerable.

After sending Bai Jing and the others away, Feng Range's gaze turned to Saranuo who was standing with Ran Yun and the others.

He opened his mouth and said to him, "Saranuo, you go and call your people here now! I will send you to practice later."

Hearing Feng Range speak, Saranuo was a little convinced by Feng Range's aura at the moment.So, he nodded his head slightly, and then left the alchemy room.

After Saranuo left, Feng Range looked at Ran Yun and the others again.

Finally, his gaze stayed on Mo Xuan, and he said to him, "Mo Xuan, you have been cultivating for a long time, and you are also a cultivator from the previous plane. Regarding the things along the way of cultivation, you should be more careful than Xiaoyun and the others. Clear. I want you to practice with them next, would you like to?"

are you willing?Cultivate with Ran Yun and the others?
When he heard Feng Range's words, Mo Xuan's expression froze for a moment.

Then, she reacted quickly, and answered Feng Range's question, "I am willing!"

"Okay!" After Mo Xuan agreed, Feng Range nodded and said, "Then I will send you to a place to practice together!"

As he said that, with a single thought, he sent them together to the practice room in Shihuang space.

At the same time, when sending them in, she also notified Shihuang.

Let Shihuang look at them properly, don't make any trouble!
After finishing these things, Feng Range glanced at the door, and then sacrificed the Divine Phoenix Cauldron again.

Then, with another idea, some special medicinal materials were picked from the space of Shihuang.

What she said to Saranno before was true.Now she is preparing to refine a special elixir for their arrival.This elixir is called Huaxue Pill.

Huaxue Pill, this is a very vicious pill.

If this is given to ordinary normal people, they will definitely die from bleeding.This so-called bleeding to death means that the blood is separated from the human body automatically.If there is a small wound on the human body, the whole body will lose blood in a few seconds and become dry bones.

However, although this elixir is poisonous to normal people, it is a good medicine for blood clots.

It can help their blood to thin, and then promote peristaltic flow of blood vessels.

With such an improvement in the situation, these blood races will naturally be fine without drinking blood in the future!

In this way, after all the preparations were completed, she began to refine...

(End of this chapter)

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