Phoenix Dance

Chapter 525 Restoration of the Promotion Altar

Chapter 525 Restoration of the Promotion Altar (2)

When Feng Range woke up from meditation again, the moment she opened her eyes, her eyes flickered slightly!
Now, she has completely mastered the method of repairing the Jinshi altar.Then, she can start to do it next.

So, at this time, she turned to Ouyang Huang and said, "Huang, help me protect the law, I'm about to start!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang immediately walked to the best position and began to prepare to protect Feng Range.

As for Feng Range, after she saw Ouyang Huang's movements from the corner of her eye, her whole body began to move as well.

Walked to the side of the Qinglong Jinshi altar again, and then sorted and arranged the things that were needed.Then, she began to sacrifice her soul-purifying fire outside her body!
I want to restore the edge of Qinglong Jinshi Altar completely, so that its function will not be damaged at all.Then, before repairing, Fengrange needs to refine the required materials before repairing it!

As far as the refining of these materials is concerned, in its sense, it is actually a bit like a refining tool.

However, in terms of refining, Fengrange can use the Sifang Shending to assist in the refining in the Shihuang space.But now?

Because, as far as Chi Qingyao told her, if the use efficiency of the Qinglong Jinshi altar is not damaged at all.She had to integrate it into the gap in the promotion altar as soon as the refining of the material was completed.

After the fusion of these materials enters the gap, the Azure Dragon Promotion Altar will automatically recover these materials and repair itself.

That is to say, there are three difficulties in repairing the Jinshi altar. The first point is that the materials are difficult to find; the second point is the in vitro refining and fusion; The bit forum is self-repairing.

If one of these three points is lacking, then the repair of the promotion altar will fail.And the consequences of failure may completely destroy the promotion altar.

It even burst, and then formed a space-time turbulent zone here.

At that time, I am afraid that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang who are here will die immediately, and even their souls will disappear.

For this reason, when Feng Range was about to start refining these materials, Feng Range was a little nervous.

If she fails this time, it will cause irreversible results.As long as she died, she would have nothing to say.

But what about Ouyang Huang, and these people in her original space?

When thinking about the possible failure of herself and the safety of the people around her, Feng Range hesitated at this moment...

Using their lives in exchange for what she wanted and had to do, was she fair to them?

Like this, is it really good?

At this time, Feng Range was a little hesitant...

As for Ouyang Huang, he was already ready to protect Fengrange.

But at this moment, seeing Feng Range's hesitant expression, he became a little confused.

Then, Xiang Fengrange asked, "Little Geer, have you encountered any difficulties?"

At this time, hearing Ouyang Huang's voice, Feng Range's hesitation became even heavier.Afterwards, he simply extinguished the fire of purifying spirits sacrificed, and then walked to Ouyang Huang's side.

He said to him, "Huang, it is actually a very dangerous thing to repair the Jinshi altar! Once we fail, we may lose our bones and even our souls. Otherwise, I will take Grandpa, Xiaoyun Let them all out, you take them out of here, and I will fix it by myself!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, and seeing her dignified expression, Ouyang Huang's expression also slightly restrained at this time.

"Little Ge'er, do you think you can mend the failure yourself? If you fix the promotion altar with a heart of failure, how can you mend it successfully? Huh?"

After speaking, he took another step forward, walked up to Feng Range, and hugged her tightly.

Holding her in his arms, he said softly, "Xiao Ge'er, as long as you want to succeed, you will succeed! Grandpa and I will stay here. We support you and believe that you will succeed! We Entrust your life to you, you have to go all out!"

Ouyang Huang's soft and earnest words exploded in Feng Range's mind, making her feel a shock in her whole body!
Huang, he...

When Ouyang Huang pushed Feng Range away from his embrace, her eyes became firm again!

At this time, because of Ouyang Huang's words, she underwent a transformation from the inside out.What's more, her transformation at this time has affected her mood in the face of every difficulty in the future.

As long as she wants to succeed, there is no difficulty that can stop her.

Just like the problem of repairing the promotion altar she is facing now, as long as she wants to repair it successfully, she will never fail!

Absolutely not!

Under such belief, Feng Range suddenly nodded slightly towards Ouyang Huang.Then, he broke away from Ouyang Huang's arms, and walked to the side of the Qinglong Jinshi altar again.

With his back to Ouyang Huang, he said firmly, "I will definitely succeed!"

As she said that, she once again sacrificed the fire of purifying spirits in her body, and put the flaming hands on her own hands.He glanced at the materials that had been sorted out, and used his mental power to control them and prepare to refine them.

The materials used to repair the Jinshi altar are all special materials, and their hardness is quite difficult to overcome.

However, fortunately, Fengrange's flame is the second-ranked elven fire on the strange fire list.It is relatively easy to refine these materials.

At this time, in order to successfully repair the altar of advancement, Feng Range was extremely cautious in every step of the way.

I'm afraid, if I'm not careful, I'll make a mistake!Then, the repair will fail, and she, Ouyang Huang and others will die.

At this moment, Feng Range's heart is under great pressure.However, in such a situation, she had to make herself appear calm and abnormal.Otherwise, unnecessary mistakes will really be made in the next actions.

Just as Feng Range's condition is getting better and better at the moment, her subsequent movements are getting smoother and smoother.

After nearly four or five hours, all the materials were finally successfully refined in Feng Range's hands!Then, it is fusion!

During the fusion process, in order to achieve the best fusion effect, Fengrange continued to calcine the material liquid while simultaneously fusion.

This process is quite difficult to do.However, Feng Range is doing this with great joy!
(End of this chapter)

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