Phoenix Dance

Chapter 527 Prepare to be promoted, leave

Chapter 527 Prepare to be promoted, leave (1)

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang returned to the ghost gate base, Feng Range directly brought Ouyang Huang into the Shihuang space to practice.

However, the place he arranged for Ouyang Huang this time was not the small courtyard where he lived with Mr. Ouyang and the others.Instead, he went to practice in the practice room of Shihuang Courtyard!

At the same time, she also told Ouyang Huang about the organs in the practice room, and asked him to make full use of these organs to improve his strength.

After that, she went to inform Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi about Ouyang Huang's affairs.Then, I went to the small courtyard where Ran Yun and the others were located to see them, and then went straight back to the room where I drew the seal talisman.

Next, she will continue to draw the skill seal symbols that have not been drawn before.

Now, the purpose of the seal talisman she draws can be regarded as a means of saving her life when she encounters some dangers when she arrives on the previous plane in the future.

Although these things are done now, some people feel that they are redundant.

However, in Feng Range's view, these things are not superfluous.Rather, it is very necessary!
If she doesn't make these preparations now to save trouble, then when they are in a difficult situation, I'm afraid they won't even have the energy to regret.

This kind of pre-planned matter is actually Miao Yuwei.

Therefore, what Feng Range is doing now, whether it is for herself or for those who follow her, she still has to do it.

When she arrived in the room where the seal was drawn, she didn't start drawing right away.Instead, he meditated for a while to calm down his turbulent mood, and then he took out all the spiritual ink and started to draw the seal talisman.

In the next period of time, Fengrange plans to draw all the spirit ink below the purple level into seal symbols.Then, after drawing a few more seal symbols of purple-level spirit ink, she was about to give up!

As for the silver-level and gold-level inks, Feng Range doesn't plan to move them for the time being.

Moreover, she also believes that the seal symbols drawn with green-level and purple-level spirit ink should be enough for her as long as she doesn't encounter big bosses.

If she really encounters that kind of big boss unfortunately, the ability to escape, even the seal symbols drawn by silver-level and gold-level spirit ink may not be effective.At that time, it would be quicker to just hide in the Shihuang space!
Regarding the estimation and planning of various things, Feng Range has another basic bottom in his heart.

After all, she used to be the young lady of the Feng family on the Dao Shen Continent, and she had heard a little about the old monsters of the aristocratic family and the old monsters of the hidden world.

It was also because of these hearings that she knew so much and made some necessary plans.

Because the amount of seal symbols that Fengrange needs to draw this time is a bit too large, so the corresponding time it takes is naturally longer!
Even in the Shihuang space, because the flow of time was [-] times slower, when Fengrange used all the green-level spiritual ink to draw the seal symbol, more than half a month had passed outside. .

This is equivalent to the fact that it took Fengrange nearly two years to draw all the seal symbols.

After completing the drawing of these seal symbols, Feng Range's mood did not give birth to any joyful emotions.

She put away all these sealing symbols, and then planned to go to the practice room where Ouyang Huang was.Let's see how much his spiritual strength and martial arts strength have grown after he has practiced in Shihuang Space for more than half a month?
After that, she planned to go to see the cultivation situation of Ouyang and Ran Yun.

It's just that, when Feng Range went there this time, in order not to disturb anyone's cultivation, he went there quietly.

After seeing their cultivation results one by one, Feng Range was very surprised!
Obviously, the strength of each of them has more or less advanced by one or two levels.Especially Mo Xuan, in the past half a month, he has already charted the ninth rank of warrior, and stepped into the ranks of Wu Zong.

Although, his current cultivation in martial arts is only at the first level of Wu Zong.However, after crossing a major hurdle, his strength will become a great boost to their entire group!

After seeing their breakthroughs one by one, Feng Range was eager to improve her own strength.

Now, in the two years before leaving this world, there is only one year left.

In the next period of time, Feng Range doesn't plan to do other things.Instead, I plan to concentrate on retreating and practicing!

However, before the real retreat, she had to do one more thing.

At this time, she directly thought out of Shihuang Space.Then, I went to the Martial Arts Arena where there were people on the fourth and fifth floors.

I found Ye Xing and the others and asked them to gather all the families of the ghost gate together. She has something to explain.

After receiving Feng Range's instructions, Ye Xing and the others followed her instructions almost without a moment's hesitation.

Moreover, this action is very fast!In just 2 minutes, all the people were summoned to the martial arts arena on the fifth floor.

Seeing those people coming in, Feng Range's expression was quite indifferent.And when those people saw Feng Range, they all showed doubts on their faces.

They don't know, Feng Range called them here at this time, what's the matter?
All of them stared at Feng Range closely with puzzled and curious eyes!

Seeing that almost everyone was here, Ye Xing and the others also walked towards her, Feng Range took two steps forward at this time, ready to give a lecture!
"Are any of you willing to follow the sect master, or the deputy sect master Ouyang Huang? If so, please step forward!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, at this time, most people's doubts became more serious.However, many people immediately raised one foot and took a step forward.

And solemnly said, "I am willing to follow the master of Fengmen!"

"I am also willing to follow the master of Fengmen!"

"I am willing to follow Ouyang's deputy sect master!"

"I am also willing to follow the master of Fengmen!"

"I am willing too!"

"I am also willing to follow Ouyang's deputy sect master!"

"I am willing to follow the boss and his wife!"


Hearing them one by one opening their mouths to follow, and seeing their expressions becoming more serious one by one.In the end, even Ye Xing, Ye Yu and the others knelt down on one knee towards her. Feng Range expressed that she was very satisfied with the result!
 The first part should be finished after finishing writing today!

(End of this chapter)

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