Phoenix Dance

Chapter 537 Encountered Provocation

Chapter 537 Encountered Provocation
Because Feng Range and the others left the inn a little early, they didn't rush too nervously on the way to Qingwu Academy.

I walked and watched slowly, but soon arrived at the foot of Qingwu Mountain.

When they got here, Feng Range and his team found that there were still many people waiting here.

Among them, there are many additional young masters with brocade clothes and jade robes, some descendants of sects with partial demeanor, and children from poor families who are not very rich but talented.

Just as Feng Range and his group approached to observe them, some of these people squinted their eyes and observed them when they saw Feng Range and his group approaching in an extraordinary manner.

The two groups of people observed each other, and at the same time, some people thought they were superior, so they cast contemptuous looks at Feng Range and the others.

At this moment, suddenly a young man with a happy smile came towards Feng Range and the others.

"Young masters, miss, you are also here to participate in the enrollment of Qingwu Academy this year! I have a strategy here, why don't you buy a copy, and it only takes one silver coin!"

Hearing this person's words and seeing a pamphlet he took out, Feng Range's eyes flickered slightly!
Then, she heard Gao Ying yelling beside her, "Hey! Master, it's a strategy guide! Shall we buy a copy and have a look!"

When Gao Ying saw this person talking to them, she showed excitement.She hasn't communicated with anyone here yet!Except for the accident of the environment, I haven't seen anything else here!
Therefore, Gao Ying was extremely excited when she saw this person selling things to them!
When hearing her words, Feng Range did not dismiss her expectations.

So, he took out a silver coin and handed it to her and said, "Go and take a look yourself! We don't need it."

"Okay! Okay!" Seeing Feng Range happily handing her the silver coin, Gao Ying immediately took it.

Then, he jumped up to the boy immediately, handed him the silver coin, and said, "Here's a book!"


The boy took the silver coin that Gao Ying handed him, and immediately pulled out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to her, "Here, here you are!"

When Gao Ying saw the pamphlet handed to her by the young man, she immediately took it, then walked back to Feng Range and the others, and began to look through it!

However, when she opened the first page and saw the text inside, Gao Ying was completely dumbfounded!

What are the words here?How come they know themselves, but they don't know them?
They are all written in classical Chinese and ancient Chinese characters. What do you think of her, a new generation of human beings who only know simplified characters?

When Gao Ying got the booklet and opened it for inspection, her expression suddenly froze.At this moment, Feng Range pursed her lips and smiled lightly!
There was a look of understanding in her eyes, and she said, "Okay, don't look! Let's stand here for a while and listen to the news from the crowd!"

When she heard Feng Range's timely interruption of her embarrassment, Gao Ying's cheeks were stained with embarrassment.After that, I no longer expressed myself in a hearty and excited manner like before.

Seeing her like this, Feng Range didn't say anything to him.

At this time, he turned his head to look at Mo Xuan who was at the side, and asked, "Mo Xuan, do you know what the assessment here is?"

Hearing Feng Range speak to her, Mo Xuan squeezed the corner of his mouth at this moment, and then said lightly, "Fight against the puppets, there are nine puppets, if you defeat half of them, you will pass!"

Fighting golems?When he heard the answer given by Mo Xuan, a moment of surprise flashed in Feng Range's eyes!
It turned out to be a battle with a puppet!Is this assessment specifically for them?Feng Range couldn't help being suspicious at this moment.

You know, among the six of them, Gao Ying's martial arts strength is only the fourth level of spiritual master, which is barely above the admission threshold of Qingwu Academy.If it was another test, it would be very dangerous with Gao Ying's strength.

But now, after learning that the assessment task was to fight against the puppet, Feng Range's worries dissipated at this moment.

When she was practicing with Ran Yun and the others in the Shihuang space, Gao Ying also followed them into the practice room and fought against the puppets.Although, she had never won at that time, and she was attacked very badly by the puppet!

But now, Feng Range was not afraid that Gao Ying would not be able to defeat the puppets of Qingwu Academy's assessment.Because, although the puppets in Fengrange's Shihuang space are stronger than the outside world, I don't know how many times they are!

In the same way, that is to say, if there is no accident in the assessment of Qingwu Academy, Feng Range and his party of six will easily pass it.

So, after knowing this, the mentality of Feng Range and the others obviously relaxed a lot.

And the change in their mentality at this moment was noticed by some people.

At this time, there was an extremely beautiful girl with an arrogant face, and walked up to Fengrange and the others with a few people behind her.

He asked very bluntly, "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

When they heard the girl's extremely arrogant attitude, Feng Range and the others didn't say a word, and directly ignored it.

But when she saw Feng Range and the others showing a reaction of ignoring herself, the girl's face became extremely ugly!

At the same time, Feng Range noticed that she looked at Ouyang Huang with some kind of implicit admiration.But when she looked at him, there was a trace of murderous intent in jealousy, which showed that she had a murderous intention towards herself!
At this time, Feng Range also felt displeased with this girl!
A person who wants to kill herself really makes her unable to feel like it!

When seeing Feng Range and the others not answering her question for a long time, the girl stomped her feet.Then, he walked towards Ouyang Huang.

When she walked up to Ouyang Huang, she introduced herself shamelessly and confessed to Ouyang Huang, "Master, my name is Tang Xueya, and I am the second lady of the Tang family. Which family are you from? Is there a marriage? Can we get along close to each other?"

When he heard Tang Xueya confessing to him, Ouyang Huang's face immediately turned down.

Then, she gave Tang Xueya a word very coldly, "Get lost!"

When she heard that Ouyang Huang's response to her was the word 'scroll', Tang Xueya lost her mind for another moment.

Then, when she realized it, she started to go crazy!

She, Tang Xueya, is the second young lady of the Tang family, loved by her parents, elder sister, and elder brother, but no one has ever dared to treat her so unceremoniously!
(End of this chapter)

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