Phoenix Dance

Chapter 539 Dean Qingwu

Chapter 539 Dean Qingwu
These people are so powerful!
After witnessing Tang Xueya and her servant not only stepping back but spitting blood from Feng Range's explosive roar, everyone present became afraid of Feng Range and his party.

One by one, they all secretly warned themselves that these people must not be provoked!Otherwise, it was definitely them who had the accident.

Just when these people were afraid of Feng Range and the others, an old but loud Hong Yin came from above their heads.

The owner of the voice didn't see the person, so he heard the voice first, and praised Feng Range with a chuckle, "Little girl is really brave! This old man, at the foot of the Qingwu Academy, has been beaten by the second girl of the Tang family many times. Picking up troubles, I haven’t seen anyone who made the girls of the Tang family suffer. Just you, the first one! Good! Good! Good! It’s all about your strength, you don’t need to be assessed, the old man will be the master, Qingwu Academy I recruited you!"

As soon as they heard the old man's voice, all the people present saw an old man with white robe and silver hair falling from the sky in front of Feng Range and others.

When seeing the old man appear, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment.

Who is this old man?Or someone from Qingwu Academy?His strength is so strong that they couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Just when Feng Range and the others looked at the old man, they heard the people next to them shouting excitedly!
"It's Master Qingwu Dean!"

"I really didn't expect Dean Qingwu to show up!"

"Wow, I feel so happy at this moment! No matter whether I can pass the test or not, I must go back and tell my mother that I have met the most powerful man in the mainland, Mr. Qingwu Dean!"

"I feel like I'm dreaming! Ah..."


Hearing exclamations from the people next to them reached their ears, Feng Range and the others understood the identity of the person in front of them at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the person who appeared was actually the dean of Qingwu Academy!Moreover, it seems that I heard that he is the number one powerhouse in this continent!

So, it's no wonder that even Feng Range couldn't see his strength anymore.

After knowing the identity of the old man in front of him, Feng Range and the others also came back to God at this time.

Ouyang Huang and the other four people bent down to salute with Feng Range at this time, "Wait, I have seen the dean!"

"I've seen Mr. Dean!"

"I've seen Mr. Dean!"


After seeing Fengrange and six people, after knowing his identity, they were still polite and saluted him without arrogance or rashness, Dean Qingwu was even more satisfied with the performance of these young people!
So, he opened his mouth and said to them again, "You guys, the old man looks very strong! I can't see the strength of the two little guys, but they shouldn't be smaller than these two and the Tang family. The little guy who fights with each other is not good! Hey, this little guy is really good, he is the second rank of Wuzong! Well, very good! Very good! There is also this little girl, although she is only the fourth rank of martial artist, the lowest strength, but the qualifications But it’s very good! There seems to be a soul fire in the body... well, it’s the fire of mysterious life, it can become an alchemist, very good! Very good!”

Hearing what Dean Qingwu could see, he told the strength of Feng Range and the others one by one, and Feng Range and the others frowned upon hearing this.

Just when Feng Range wanted to say something, Dean Qingwu cut off his words again.

He then said to Feng Range and the others with a friendly smile on his face, "You guys, in the eyes of this old man, you are already qualified to study at Qingwu Academy... Oh no, it's yours!" It is a great blessing for our Qingwu Academy to be able to join our Qingwu Academy with qualifications! Next, how about recruiting you directly as the dean? You will go to the academy with the old man now to have a look? "

Hearing that Dean Qingwu suddenly said in a flattering tone that he would directly recruit Feng Range and others, even skipping the assessment.This situation, after falling into the eyes of others, made them directly show envy, jealousy and hatred!
Especially Tang Xueya, who had provoked them before and had no time to leave, gulped down a mouthful of blood and was so angry!
"Master Dean, they don't know who they are, how can you recruit them into Qingwu Academy? This will make people laugh, Dean Qingwu!"

Tang Xueya was quite resentful towards Feng Range, she didn't want to see them really favored by Dean Qingwu.So, at this moment, he boldly stepped forward and prepared to discredit Feng Range and his party.

It's just that this little trick of hers can't catch the eyes of Dean Qingwu.Instead, they will only be disliked by Dean Qingwu.

After hearing Tang Xueya's words, Dean Qingwu's eyes obviously flashed for a moment of displeasure, and then he said in a cold voice, "The second girl of the Tang family, you often come down to my Qingwu Mountain to make trouble and hurt me. How many talents with good qualifications have been lost by Qingwu Academy. You said, the old man didn’t tell your Tang family about this, but your parents. Now, you are in charge of the old man’s recruitment of students himself. You What is your intention? Hmm? Do you want to snatch away all the students from my Qingwu Academy on behalf of your Tang family?"

Dean Qingwu's complexion did not change, but he was not angry.When Tang Xueya heard what he said, Tang Xueya's original expression of resentment turned into a look of panic!

What is this all about!According to what Dean Qingwu said, she, Tang Xueya, should be a sinner on this entire continent!
At the same time, there is no need for Qingwu Academy to do anything to punish her right now.As for what Dean Qingwu said today spread to the Tang family and to her parents, I'm afraid her parents should punish her properly.

Regarding this, even though nothing happened now, Tang Xueya was so frightened that her legs went limp.

Then, he knelt directly at the feet of Dean Qingwu and begged for mercy, "Master Dean! Mr. Dean! Xiaoya is wrong! Xiaoya will never dare to make trouble under Qingwu Mountain again. My lord, forgive me!"

"Go away! Go back and tell your father to discipline your children well. If similar things happen again, I don't think your Tang family needs to exist anymore!"

Hearing Tang Xueya's begging for mercy, Dean Qingwu did not soften his heart.Then he gave a warning in a deep voice and told her to get out!
In one day, Yilian was yelled 'Get out' by three people for three days!
Regarding the danger of Dean Qingwu, Tang Xueya dared not do anything.However, this jealousy was imposed on Feng Range and the others.

After a cold killing intent flashed in his lowered eyes, he immediately scrambled away from Dean Qingwu.

(End of this chapter)

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