Phoenix Dance

Chapter 564

Chapter 564
When Ouyang Huang walked into the martial arts arena, he saw all the people here, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Then, he walked to Feng Range's side, put his arms around her waist and said, "Little Geer, why are you all here? Have you finished all your work?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range turned to look at him, and replied, "Well, it's all done! Look at this martial arts arena, why don't you go in and have a try!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang just smiled and didn't take any action.

Instead, he said, "Okay, I'll try later."

After hearing Ouyang Huang's promise, Feng Range nodded slightly, "Yeah!"

While the two of them were talking, Gao Jin came over and bent slightly towards Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

After finishing, he reached out and handed something to Feng Range, which was a letter.Seeing Gao Jin take out such a thing, Feng Range was a little confused for a while.

So, looking at him, he asked, "Gao Jin, what is this?"

"These three envelopes contain the invitations for several important people to seek medical treatment." Hearing Feng Range's question, Gao Jin answered her directly.

After hearing Gao Jin's answer, Feng Range showed a surprised look, "Big man?"

"Yes, ma'am. I have asked people to check the people who posted the posts later. They are indeed famous and important people. Among them, there is one who is not from Qingwu City. He also happened to hear about us. Came here specially to post!"

"Oh?" Hearing Gao Jin's sudden answer, the astonishment on Feng Range's face became more intense.

Then, he reached out and took the posts from Gao Jin, and read them one by one!
There are three posts in this post, two of which were posted by people from Qingwu City.There was another letter, just as Gao Jin said, the seeker was not from the city, but a wealthy businessman from Lincheng.

One of the patients described in this post had severed meridians and destroyed his dantian. This was the son of the wealthy Lincheng businessman.After seeing the description in his post, Feng Range frowned slightly!
She can heal this injury.However, it is a bit time consuming.After all, injuries like meridian and dantian are very serious injuries.If it weren't for the profound research in this area, I'm afraid ordinary people would not be able to heal me!

It was also because of this that this wealthy businessman wanted to try his luck after hearing about her.

In addition to this patient, there are two other patients in Qingwu City.The symptoms of these two people, one is poisoning, and the other is suffering from a genetic disease.

The situation of these two people is the same as that of the son of a wealthy businessman before, and there is no hope that they can be cured.

Faced with this situation, when the family members of those people heard the news of the silver-masked ghost doctor, they all wanted to try the luck of the blind cat meeting the dead mouse.Let's see if the ghost doctor who released the news can heal their loved ones.

After reading these three invitations, Feng Range also had a basic understanding of their situation.

However, at this moment, she didn't open her mouth to tell Gao Jin that she decided which two people's posts to follow, but fell into a moment of contemplation.

Seeing that Feng Range was silent, none of the people standing beside her dared to disturb her.

After waiting for a long time, Feng Range came back to his senses, and said to Gao Jin, "Accept the two posts from the native of Qingwu City first, and tomorrow I will go to the poisoned one." The one with the genetic disease, I will arrange the time later. As for the post of the son of the rich businessman, go back, but tell him that his post will be sent next month, and I will accept it!"

"Ma'am... yes!" When Feng Range came back to his senses and gave the order, Gao Jin was surprised for a split second.

However, when he saw Feng Range's determined expression, he swallowed the question he originally wanted to ask.Then, in response, he stepped back to the side.

Just after Feng Range and Gao Jin finished discussing their matters, Feng Range discovered that none of the other people wanted to leave here.It seems that they really decided to stay here to practice tonight.

So Feng Range turned his head to look at Ouyang Huang.He opened his mouth and asked, "Are you going to practice here too? Didn't you go?"

Hearing Feng Range ask him, he also turned to look at her.

When meeting Feng Range's eyes, Ouyang Huang said to her, "No, I'll stay here to practice today too!"

"Oh, good!" After hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range didn't show any strangeness.Nodding his head, he answered.

However, just after she responded to Ouyang Huang's answer, she said, "Then I'll leave first, I have something to deal with!"

"Okay!" At this time, when Feng Range said that he would leave here and not stay, Ouyang Huang's eyes showed a touch of surprise.However, she didn't ask her to stay, so she agreed to let her go about her own affairs.

After getting Ouyang Huang's response, Feng Range greeted the others again, and then left.

After leaving the martial arts arena, Feng Range went straight back to her room.And after she left, all the people who stayed in the Martial Arts Field began to practice in an orderly manner at this time...

Back in the room, Feng Range didn't stay outside, but entered the Shihuang space.

As early as Fengrange brought everyone out of Shihuang space, Xiaohuo kept saying in the sound transmission that he would also come out of the space to play.

However, Feng Range is very aware of Xiaohuo's temperament, and I'm really afraid that it will cause trouble when it goes outside.So, even when Xiao Huo was so noisy, she still held back and didn't let it out!
It's just that today, Xiaohuo is making more noise, so Feng Range has to come to Shihuang Space for a visit.

"Xiao Shi! Xiaohuo! Come here!"

After Feng Range entered the space, she saw that some medicinal materials were scorched by the flames of the small fire, and her face became ugly.

As for the perpetrators, Xiaohuo and Shihuang, who was unfavorable to guard, when they heard Fengrange's cold voice, their first reaction was to hide!

Feng Range seems to be able to clearly perceive the thoughts of the two of them.Just when the two of them hadn't consciously appeared automatically, Feng Range directly made them appear in front of her with a thought.



Seeing Feng Range standing next to the burnt medicinal materials with a serious face, the arrogance of the two little guys, Shihuang and Xiaohuo, immediately collapsed...

(End of this chapter)

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