Phoenix Dance

Chapter 570 The name of the ghost doctor swept across

Chapter 570 The name of the ghost doctor swept across
Because of the special nature of Shengxue Pill, after she successfully refined this batch of pill, it was already the evening of the next day.

During this period, Ran Yun, Ran Yu, Gao Ying and Mu Heng, who were asked to watch from the sidelines, all watched intently.Among them, there are quite a few alchemy techniques of hers, which made Mu Heng, who knew a little about alchemy, very pleasantly surprised!

It was also because of her technique that after Mu Heng saw her elixir for the first time, he had the intention of worshiping Feng Range as his teacher regardless of his age.

However, it may also be because the age gap is a bit unattractive, Feng Range is always unwilling to accept him as a disciple.In the end, what he was reluctant to do was to accept him as a nominal disciple.

But even so, for Mu Heng, he was quite content.

As for Ouyang Huang, when he returned to the martial arts field last night, he saw Feng Range refining alchemy here.He didn't bother, and just sat quietly beside her and practiced all night.Then, when it was daylight, it was gone again.

For Ouyang Huang's company, Feng Range, who was not deep in alchemy, was aware of it.However, because of the importance of this furnace of elixir, she cannot be distracted in the slightest.Therefore, under such circumstances, she did not spare any thought to communicate with Ouyang Huang.

Back in the Qin family, Feng Range actually didn't tell the Qin family one thing.

That is, it would take less than three or four days to refine all the pills taken by Qin Shaokun, the eldest son of Qin.But now that he met Feng Range, it is considered that his life should not die.

Feng Range has two of the three elixirs he needs here, and the third one is the Shengxue elixir that she has just refined.

With these three kinds of elixirs, the life of the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Shaokun, was saved.

However, after she put all the elixir into the small porcelain bottle, she noticed Mu Heng who was already stunned.

So, she said to him, "Old Mu, here are some herbs, you can use them to make alchemy! Teach the three of them well!"

After saying that, Feng Range put away her own Danding, and took out the other four three tripods!At the same time, he also took out a space ring filled with medicinal materials and handed it to Mu Heng.

There are always [-] to [-] tons of medicinal materials here, enough for Mu Heng to teach Ran Yun and the others to learn elementary alchemy from him.

Mu Heng did not refuse Feng Range's offer.After receiving it, the whole person was as excited as if he had obtained a treasure!
Seeing Mu Heng like this, Feng Range didn't say much.She is an alchemist, so she naturally understands how it feels for an alchemist to suddenly get so many medicinal ingredients.

After Mu Heng took over, Feng Range stayed in the martial arts field for a while, and then left directly to go back to her room.

When she was doing alchemy before, her energy was a little exhausted, and now she urgently needs to meditate and practice to recover!

However, although the aura in the Martial Arts Field became very rich under the effect of the spirit gathering array, it was still not as rich as the aura in the Shihuang space.Therefore, after she thought about it earlier, she decided to go to the space of the beginning to recover and practice.

After returning to her room, Feng Range directly entered the Shihuang space without hesitation.

Once inside, she went directly to the practice room to prepare for training!

Because by the time she entered the primordial space to practice, it was getting late.Just as she left the martial arts arena, other people who were out to deal with things came back one after another.

Especially Ouyang Huang, after he came back, he went directly to find Feng Range.However, after searching around, there was no sign of her.

So, I inquired from other people that she went back to her room to practice.Then I guessed that she probably entered the space to rest!
With such a guess, Ouyang Huang no longer looked for her.Instead, after taking dinner, he went directly to the martial arts field to practice.

In the past two days, a new chef was hired in Fenghuang Mansion to cook three meals for them.

After eating the three meals of spirit beast meat prepared by the chef, Ouyang Huang was not the only one in Fenghuang Mansion who felt that their physical strength and strength had increased a lot!

Under such a beautiful situation, they all knew that the spiritual power in the flesh of the spirit beast had played a great role in them.

For this reason, in order not to cut off their feast of spirit beasts, after discussing with Ouyang Huang, several elders in the mansion decided to send some people in the mansion to regularly go hunting in the Mingsen Mountains in turn.

However, for the safety of these people, several elders and Ouyang Huang still decided.Every time they went, they still had to be accompanied by some of them.

Just in case, if they encounter a more powerful spirit beast, they can also have a way to deal with it.

Regarding their arrangement, after the notification went down, they also got responses from other people.

Then, in the past two days, someone arranged for people to enter the Mingsen Mountains to hunt.As for the accompanying people, except for Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, they came out of the Mingsen Mountains.Therefore, the first accompanying team leader became Ouyang Huang.

Just as they were carrying out various things in full swing, because the Qin family's search for medicinal materials was really too loud.Then, the name of Feng Range's silver-faced ghost doctor became popular throughout Qingwu City within a day and a half.

At the same time, all forces in Qingwu City and Lincheng frantically investigated the origin and information of Feng Range.

You know, that's a ghost doctor, with the strength of a genius doctor!It's hard for each of them to guarantee that someone will get sick or injured in the future, and they will never suffer a disadvantage if they can make friends with a ghost doctor who has the ability of a genius doctor.

However, after a lot of investigation, it was discovered that this silver-faced ghost doctor seemed to have fallen from the sky, so that they couldn't find a trace of it.

Even, where she went after leaving the Qin family, they didn't find any trace of the silver-faced ghost doctor.

In this way, after holding a family meeting, each family decided to put it down and seek information about this silver-faced ghost doctor!

If they have any requests in the future, they can go to the Fenghuang Tower to seek medical invitations.

As for now, they should wait and watch the situation of the eldest son of the Qin family!

If this eldest son of the Qin family was poisoned by the poison of Baishi's blood, it would be a fatal poison!It's really not that the silver-faced ghost doctor can really heal him!
Among them, especially the other two families who have given Feng Range a medical request together, are looking forward to the result.

While they were making noise outside, it was Feng Range in the practice room of Shihuang Space, who was still practicing quietly...

 The editorial responsibility has changed since the day before yesterday, and I am not used to it, but the daily update of [-] will still be maintained, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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