Phoenix Dance

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

"Master, please accept my disciple Mu Heng's worship!" Just as the other old men beside him were laughing and laughing, Mu Heng bowed down to Feng Range in a serious manner, and kowtowed heavily. A ringing head.

Seeing Mu Heng's sudden behavior like this, the old men who were laughing at him at first couldn't laugh anymore...

Old man Mu is really lucky!To be able to meet the talented master that he loves, and to worship her as his teacher.And they, alas...

In fact, seeing old man Mu being able to worship girl Feng as a teacher, these old men can only be envious.In other words, besides martial arts, they were also later spiritual cultivators. Unlike old man Mu, who was also an alchemist, he was able to make Feng girl accept him as an apprentice with a little skill.

These old men, at the moment, are only sadly envious...

When he saw Mu Heng kowtow to Feng Range, Feng Range didn't stop him.However, as soon as he finished praying, she reached out and lifted Mu Heng up from the ground.

"Get up! Don't worship me seriously now, I will have someone prepare a teacher's ceremony later. Now we are in the cultivation world, this teacher's ceremony cannot be sloppy. Earlier, Xiaoyun's teacher's ceremony was not formal , After that, you will all be apprenticed again, and your order will be rearranged!"

"Yes, Master!"

After hearing Feng Range's teaching, Mu Heng, Ran Yun, Ran Yu, and Gao Ying who were standing beside him bowed their heads and answered.Now, they still need to wait for Kayina, who was working outside, to come back.

At the same time, while waiting for Kayina, they felt that they should set up the apprentice hall first.

When Kayina comes back later, they can prepare a little bit, and then directly apprentice.

So, at this moment, Mu Heng said, "Master, what preparations are needed, and I will do it right away?"

Hearing that Mu Heng spoke to him, Feng Range turned to look at him, and replied, "Then you go and prepare two chairs, a desk, and a few of you brothers and sisters for Huang Jing and me. Ten cups of tea. We will keep the rest of the rules simple, so I will save them here. Go do it!"

"Yes, Master!" After hearing Feng Range's order, Mu Heng responded directly, and then ran away.

Now Mu Heng is so excited that he does all kinds of things, just like a young man, making Fu Yue, who is his senior brother, feel a little ashamed.

Isn't it just buying a gift code for apprenticeship, why is this little old man so excited!It's as if you haven't had a teacher before, shame on you!What a shame!
Now that Mu Heng is doing these things, Feng Range doesn't need to make other preparations.So, she confessed to Ran Yun, Ran Yu, and Gao Ying, telling them to come to Kayina after she came back.Then, she turned around and left.

Now, she still has to go back to her room to prepare some things. By the way, let's take a look at how the two little guys, Shihuang and Xiaohuo, have cultivated and planted the medicine field.

If they haven't dealt with the medicine fields well, then she has to think about how to clean them up.

After she returned to the room and entered the Shihuang space, she saw that Shihuang and Xiaohuo had reclaimed and planted a new medicine field.

Now the two of them are lying on the edge of the medicine field, chatting with a contented look.

"Xiao Shi, when do you think the master will come in?"

"The master has come in."



"Xiao Huo, Xiao Shi, you two are very comfortable!" Hearing Xiao Huo and Shi Huang chatting, Feng Range suddenly spoke out.

And when he heard her voice suddenly sounded, Shi Huang was relatively calm.

But Xiao Huo, who hadn't noticed it, couldn't help being startled at this moment, "Master...Master, you're coming in!"

Seeing Xiaohuo's frightened look, Feng Range looked at it with a slight smile, "Xiaohuo, the medicinal materials haven't matured yet, so you can stay in the space for now! Xiaoshi is with you, Of course, you can also go to Nini or Baqi, you will not be too lonely. Master, I still have something to do, so I will go to work first!"

Saying that, Feng Range didn't wait for Xiaohuo to react, and his figure disappeared in front of it and Shihuang.

Seeing this, Xiao Huo showed a dazed expression.And Shihuang, at this moment, spoke, "Master has gone to the Treasure Pavilion!"

Treasure Pavilion?Hearing Shihuang's opening, Xiaohuo turned to look at it with a surprised expression.

However, after looking at it for a while, Zi-ah turned to reveal a look of despair.And, muttering to himself, "It's useless to know that the master is in the Treasure Pavilion. The medicinal materials have not matured yet. Even if I ask the master now, the master will not take me out. I..."

"Okay! Alright! Xiaohuo, the medicinal materials will mature soon, so just stay here patiently for two more days!"

"Well! I'll just wait!"


After Feng Range left the medicine field, she came to the Treasure Pavilion.

Because of the apprenticeship ceremony to be held later, according to the rules, Feng Range, the master, needs to give a meeting ceremony to the new apprentice.

Now, she entered the Treasure Pavilion, just to find some gifts for Mu Heng and Gao Ying.

But what exactly do you want her to give them?Feng Range didn't think about it at all, so I came here to take a look now.

However, after wandering around in the Treasure Pavilion, Feng Range still couldn't find anything that satisfied her.In this way, it made her a little worried!

"What should I give them as a gift?" At this time, Feng Range muttered to himself in distress.

Mu Heng is getting old, maybe she can give him an emperor-level rejuvenation pill to make him rejuvenate and return to his youth.In this way, maybe Feng Range won't feel so weird and repulsive about facing him as a disciple in the future.

Now that we have decided what to give to Mu Heng, then we should consider Gao Ying and the others...

Among the four of them, the three are generally younger, and Kayina is the weaker woman.After thinking about it for a while, Feng Range decided that it would be better to give each of them a magic weapon for body protection!

At least, it would allow them to save their lives when something happened when she, Ouyang Huang, and several elders were not around.

After thinking about it, Feng Range decided that it would be better to give Gao Ying, Ran Yun and Kayina each a golden silkworm robe that Ran Yu already had for them to protect themselves!
In the past two years, the celestial silkworms in the Shihuang space have spun silk and made no less than ten pieces of celestial silkworm golden thread clothes.It's also good to take a few pieces to give to your apprentices for body protection now!

As for Ran Yu among them, who already has the Golden Silkworm Clothes, Feng Range might consider giving her some other magic weapon for protection!

After thinking about the things in his collection, Feng Range decided to give Ran Yu a piece of protective jade...

(End of this chapter)

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