Phoenix Dance

Chapter 579 Heading to the Si Family

Chapter 579 Heading to the Si Family
Waking up early the next morning, Feng Range woke up in Ouyang Huang's arms again.

Ouyang Huang was a little too enthusiastic last night, and the two of them almost lost their guns.However, at the last moment, Ouyang Huang still controlled himself and did not break through the last barrier.

After all, he knew that before Xiao Ge'er returned to Feng's house in Qishen Dalu, she didn't want to do this kind of thing with him.Because, she wanted to be with him in an open and above board manner.With another wedding under the witness and blessing of her family, she will truly become his woman.

After understanding Feng Range's thoughts, Ouyang Huang naturally wouldn't force her.

However, due to the serious misfire last night, Feng Range woke up early in the morning with a shy cloud on his face.

As for Ouyang Huang, when he opened his eyes and saw Feng Range's expression, there was a playful smile on his face.Then, she rolled over and fell on Feng Range's body, and whispered softly, "Little Geer, you are so beautiful!"

After saying this, he bent down again to capture Feng Range's pink lips.

For Ouyang Huang to do intimate things with her after waking up in the morning, the bodies under the quilt of the two of them were Chiluo.At this moment, the fit of the two bodies made Feng Range's delicate face, which was already blushing, even more blushing.

"Uh...Huang...don't, don't do this! We, I, uh..."

When Feng Range was blinded by Ouyang Huang's kiss, she was trying to push him away.However, she found that under her hard work, all the pushing and shoving became powerless.

This Ouyang Huang, he just kept her in captivity. After waiting for a long time, he finally let her go.

After loosening the kissing pink lips, the arms that imprisoned her body still did not loosen.

Regarding Ouyang Huang's actions, Feng Range glared at him coquettishly and said, "Hurry up, I'm going to the Si's house today, it's been too long!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, and seeing that her coquettish look was particularly good-looking, Ouyang Huang felt a little reined in at this moment.

Just when Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang in a daze, and noticed the wolfish eyes in his eyes, he was shocked immediately!Then, she muttered silently in her heart for the first time, and summoned the phantom neon clothes that she had taken into her body last night.

When there was a sudden barrier between the two of them, Ouyang Huang's original fiery thoughts faded a little at this moment.

Taking advantage of the moment when she was no longer angry, Feng Range pushed Ouyang Huang with all her strength, and pushed him away from her body.

Then, he jumped under the bed with bare feet, and smiled coquettishly at Ouyang Huang who was still dazed on the bed.

It didn't take long for the two of them to fight like this, and after putting on clean clothes again, they went out together.

When they went out of the room to look for Mu Heng and Gao Ying, they realized that along the way, her enthusiasm for taking apprentices last night had not subsided.

Walking along this road, I kept hearing people discussing the situation of Mu Heng's rejuvenation last night.At the same time, when they noticed the appearance of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, they looked at Feng Range very passionately.

At this moment, if it wasn't for Ouyang Huang, a cold-faced and indifferent man walking aside, those people would have rushed up to ask Feng Range for the Rejuvenation Pill!

Of course, this is just a conjecture that Feng Range thought of after noticing their gazes.Substantive things, no, still haven't happened!

After finding Mu Heng and Gao Ying, Feng Range also took Ran Yu with him this time, and together with Ran Yu, he asked them to change into white shirts and put on their own silver masks.

This time, Feng Range planned to take Ran Yun and Ran Yu with him!

When they changed their outfits one by one and appeared in front of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, Feng Range nodded in satisfaction.Then he said, "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Now that Mu Heng is rejuvenated, he looks two years younger than Ouyang Huang.Now when he heard him calling his master, Feng Range no longer acted so awkwardly.

After they all got on Ye Zhou, Feng Range put on his own mask, then took out another one and handed it to Ouyang Huang to put on.

Originally, Ouyang Huang changed into white clothes when he got up today, but he didn't need to change, it was very suitable.

The Si family they are going to go to today is a second-rate family in Qingwu City.Earlier, Feng Range and Mu Heng, the Qin family that Gao Ying went to, the Tang family who offended her, and the Yu family that Feng Range hadn't had much contact with were the first-class big families in Qingwu City.

The difference between this first-rate family and second-rate family lies only in their backgrounds!
In fact, for Feng Range who lived in a big family like Feng's family, she still knows a little bit about the family's secrets.

The family background of these families is actually not what they put on the surface.Some so-called second-rate families, their background may have surpassed the first-rate families unknowingly and subtly.

In this case, some families will choose to challenge those first-class families, and then choose to replace them!
There are also some families who choose to remain silent, pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and continue to develop slowly and quietly.

Just because she knew the secrets of this kind of aristocratic family, Feng Range never looked up to those first-rate families, but underestimated those second-rate and third-rate families.

As long as people don't put their true strength on the bright side, then none of them will know who the real big tiger in Qingwu City is?

Anyway, their Fenghuang Mansion didn't think about how deep the negotiations with the families in the city were, so Feng Range didn't want to pay too much attention to these.As long as they stumbling her when her strength is established, she still won't do anything to them!

Today, the Si family that Feng Range was going to was in the east of Qingwu City. Feng Range drove Ye Zhou not too slowly, and arrived soon.

When Feng Range arrived at the Si's house this time, it was the same as when she was at the Qin's house last time, controlling Ye Zhou to stay in mid-air.Then, he used his spiritual voice to convey the message to the people below, asking them to report the situation of the Patriarch of the Si family.

Because the name of the silver-faced ghost doctor had resounded throughout Qingwu City, this time the servant of the Si family became much more obedient.After hearing Feng Range's voice, someone immediately went to inform the Patriarch of the Si family...

(End of this chapter)

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