Phoenix Dance

Chapter 585 Visit from the Si Family

Chapter 585 Visit from the Si Family
After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang left the Martial Arts Field and passed through several other places, they found that Sarannuo was very efficient in handling affairs. Now those blood races who were on the bright side had already put on white robes and masks. Wearing a silver mask.

Moreover, even those people in the dark, Feng Range also noticed that they also changed into black robes and silver masks.

After seeing the attire of the man in the dark, Feng Range faintly felt that there was a fly in the ointment.But where is the fly in the ointment?
Just when she was puzzled, Ouyang Huang beside her said, "Xiao Ge'er, I think it would be better for them to wear black masks, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden opening, Feng Range's eyes lit up.

yes!It's a mask!It was good for them to hide in the dark in black robes, but because of the silvery brightness of their masks, they couldn't hide all of them, so it was obviously not enough.

Yes, the mask is what she thought was a fly in the ointment!
If the mask was changed to black as Ouyang Huang said... Feng Range imagined it a little bit, and felt that it would be more perfect.

So, at this moment, she immediately took out one or two hundred black masks from the Shihuang space, and used her spiritual power to pass these masks to the hands of every dark blood race in Fenghuang Mansion.Moreover, they also sent voice transmissions to each of them, asking them to replace the silver masks on their faces!
After getting Feng Range's order, they immediately followed suit.

After waiting for a while, seeing that all the silver masks on their faces had been replaced, Feng Range felt that they looked much more comfortable in this way.

After solving this mistake, he and Ouyang Huang decided to go to Mu Heng and the others.

When she was going to receive the Si family later, she also hoped that Mu Heng and the others who had been to the Si family before would be able to accompany her.

This also just showed Feng Range's respect for the Si family!After all, if everyone who has met once is present, they will not be restrained.

While they were at Mu Heng's place right now, Mu Heng and the others also received Feng Range's request that the Si family come to visit Fenghuang's mansion, and the head of the Si family would bring his youngest son soon.

After receiving this news, Mu Heng's mood was also peaceful, and he thought it was nothing.The reason why Master did this must be because of her reasons!

But it's useless for him to be peaceful. Gao Ying, Ran Yun, and Ran Yu, after hearing the news, have no intention of learning from Mu Heng anymore.Instead, they all clamored to find Feng Range, and wanted to meet Master Si and Young Master Si with her.

When the three of them joined forces to plead with Mu Heng, Mu Heng felt a little helpless for their stubbornness.So, after thinking about it, I agreed.

So, at this moment, they also took the three little guys to the direction of Feng Range and the others.

Just when they were halfway there, Mu Heng and the others met Feng Range and Ouyang Huang who came to look for them.

Seeing the two of them, Mu Heng and the others bowed immediately, "Master, master!"

"Master, master!"

"Master, master!"


Under their greetings and shouts, Feng Range's expression was fine, but Ouyang Huang's expression became stinky!
The name of this master is really ugly!
Then Ouyang Huang said to Mu Heng and the others in a cold voice, "Don't call me Master in the future, but Master Ouyang!"

"Huh?" When they heard Ouyang Huang's sudden displeasure, Gao Ying and the little fellows were all stunned.And there was indeed a faint smile on Mu Heng's face.

This kid, finally can't bear their name?

However, it seems inappropriate for him to call him Master Ouyang who was originally his uncle!

It's better to let the little ones call him Master Ouyang, and he just call him Ouyang.

So, Mu Heng and Gao Ying responded in unison, "Okay, Ouyang."

"Yes, Master... No, it's Master Ouyang!"

"Yes, Master Ouyang!"

"Yes, Master Ouyang!"

After hearing that each of them stopped calling him master, Ouyang Huang's originally ugly expression became much better at this moment.

Just after the small conflict between the two of them was resolved, Feng Range told Mu Heng and the others about the Si family's coming visit.But the facts are not as she expected, Mu Heng and the others have already known about this situation, and are planning to tell her about it!
After learning about this situation, Feng Range was stunned!
And when they were still worried about this trivial matter, Gao Jin began to look for Feng Range and Ouyang Huang all over the house.

Because, at the same time they met Mu Heng and the others, Patriarch Si brought Si Xiaogong, Si, to the door.

At the same time, because Feng Range and the others could not be found for a while, he took on the task of reception by himself.

Now that he finally got away, Gao Jin hurried to find Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.As for the other elders, he also went to look for them, but they told him that they had already told Feng Range that they would not meet the father and son of Patriarch Si.

After getting their answer, Ke made Gao Jin depressed for a while.Then, continue to look for Feng Range and the others.

But Huang Tian paid off, Gao Jin soon found Feng Range not far from Mu Heng's courtyard.When Gao Jin saw them, he almost burst into tears with excitement.

"Miss, I finally found you! It was hard for me to find you. Patriarch Si and Young Master Si have arrived and are waiting in the lobby!"

"What!" They came so fast!After hearing Gao Jin's words, Feng Range was a little shocked!

Then, as soon as the phantom neon clothes on his body changed, after putting on a mask on his face, he said to Gao Jin and Ouyang Huang, "Gao Jin, take me there first! Huang, after you change your clothes, immediately come on!"

"it is good!"


After hearing Feng Range's urgent arrangement, Ouyang Huang and the others responded immediately.Then, he watched Feng Range follow Gao Jinxian away.

After that, Ouyang Huang and the others went to Mu Heng's courtyard nearby to change their clothes.

After they rectified, they went directly to the lobby of the front yard to meet Feng Range and Patriarch Si.

When Feng Range and Gao Jin met Si Jiazhu and Si Xiaogong together, Feng Range discovered that Si Bei, the Si Xiaogong who had met once, was now more energetic than when he met earlier, but It's too good to be true.

If she hadn't diagnosed him personally, I'm afraid Feng Range would have thought that he was weak after seeing his current state, rather than that his life was short.

As soon as the two sides met, they both implied each other, "Master Ghost Doctor!"

"Patriarch Si!"


(End of this chapter)

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