Phoenix Dance

Chapter 601 A Little Confession

Chapter 601 Some Small Confessions
In the evening, after returning to Fenghuang Mansion, Feng Range summoned Gao Ying, Ye Xing and Ye Yu who were going to follow her to Qingwu Academy the next day.As for Ouyang Huang, he has been with her all the time, like conjoined twins, standing by her side without her calling.

Just after the few of them got together, Feng Range began to speak, "Tomorrow morning, we will rush to Qingwu Academy. Before going, I have prepared some necessary things for you. "

Feng Range was talking, and at this time, he took out several space rings and handed them to several of them.

After seeing them accepting it, Feng Range spoke again at this time, "There are things in it, such as healing medicines, poisons and antidotes for plotting people. You can use these things, and be careful not to hurt them unnecessarily Also, I will give you two Pyroblast Talismans inside. This thing is not at the critical moment of life. I hope you will not use it or not. As for the method of use, just go inside Enter a little bit of spiritual power and just throw it out. Besides, I have prepared some clothes and utensils for you inside. I am afraid that there may be some freshman experience after you arrive at the Qingwu Academy, and you may use them by then! Remember, wait for you tomorrow! After leaving Fenghuang Mansion, you all need to be more careful in all aspects! If you encounter any difficult problems, you all take this sound transmission stone, and if there is a situation, input spiritual power into it, and I will be able to detect it. "

Speaking of this, Feng Range paused for a while, and then looked towards the few people in front of him.

After seeing them all listening to her very seriously, she continued to preach, "I give you these things and say these things just in case something happens, it doesn't mean that you will definitely encounter something Trouble! After arriving at Qingwu Academy, we may be assigned to study in different places. At that time, you still have to pay attention to your studies and life, and don't go looking for trouble at will. If someone treats you unreasonably, You don't have to restrain your temper, and use all your means to return it! If something goes wrong, I'll cover it for you!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Hearing Feng Range's domineering words to them, Gao Ying and Ye Xing, Ye Yu responded one by one.

And, when they took the sound transmission stone that Fengrange handed to them again, they began to play with a small crystal-like stone in their hands with a puzzled look.

However, they are all cultivators now, but they will not easily think that the things Fengrange brings out will be ordinary.After taking a closer look and finding nothing special, the few of them also collected this sound transmission stone.

After arranging these things for them, Feng Range asked them to leave first, and have a good rest tonight!

However, just as Ye Yu was about to leave, Feng Range stopped her, "Ye Yu, help me call Bai Lao, Mu Heng and Ka Yina over!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Ye Yu was stunned for a moment when she heard Feng Range's sudden order.Then, after the child reflected it, he directly responded and went to deal with it.

After Gao Ying, Ye Xing, and Ye Yu left, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang.And just as soon as he turned his head, Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang playing with the sound transmission stone she had given him before.

When he noticed that Feng Range was looking at him, Ouyang Huang twitched the corner of his mouth, and then asked, "Xiao Geer, is this sound transmission stone used like a mobile phone?"

Um?Hearing that Ouyang Huang suddenly opened his mouth at this moment, and the topic of the question was still about the function of the sound transmission stone, Feng Range was a little surprised at this moment.

However, just after she was in a daze, she shook her head and said lightly, "It's different, the sound transmission stone can only transmit sound. It doesn't have other functions that mobile phones have!"

When she was on the Azure Continent, Feng Range also learned how to use a mobile phone from Kai Feng.Although she didn't use her mobile phone much at that time, even the computer was rarely used.However, regarding the multi-functions of these two technologies, especially the more comprehensive functions of the technology that Ouyang Huang gave her, Feng Range still learned very thoroughly.So, when he heard Ouyang Huang's question now, Feng Range was a little surprised!

The Ming Forest Continent is a land of cultivators, and the Azure Continent is a modern technological continent, if they hadn't appeared here.Then, some modern technological products were brought over, I'm afraid there may not be such a thing here!
Based on this possibility, Feng Range didn't have much to say, but Ouyang Huang had nothing to say.

After telling Ouyang Huang the only function of the sound transmission stone, Feng Range stopped talking now.Instead, she walked to Ouyang Huang's side, and then took out some things she had prepared earlier, and put them into the three space rings as well.When Bai Jing, Mu Heng and Ka Yina come later, give them to use after she leaves.

After she prepared these things, after waiting for a while, Bai Jing, Mu Heng and Kayina came together.

Seeing them coming, Feng Range didn't say much, and directly handed them the things she had prepared a long time ago.Moreover, he said briefly, "The things in this are the resources left in Fenghuang Mansion for six months. During this period of time, we may not be able to come back from Qingwu Academy. You have to plan everything yourself! During this period, if you If you really encounter any uncertain things or enemies, first open the defensive formations I set up in the house and in various shops. After that, you all take this sound transmission stone and notify me if you have anything. Huang will come back immediately. The way to use this sound transmission stone is to input a little spiritual power into it, and I can receive the news by talking to it. Alright, you guys leave now!"

After briefly explaining the matter to Bai Jing and the others, Feng Range started to chase people away.

And when Feng Range asked Ye Yu to come over and only took some things and listened to a confession, Bai Jing and the others looked a little astonished at this moment!
startled?Call them over specially, say a few words of confession, and then start chasing them away?

Regarding Feng Range's reaction and style, the three of Bai Jing still wanted to say something more to Feng Range at this time.After all, Feng Range and the others went to Qingwu Academy this time, as she said, it will take a long time before they come back.

However, after seeing Feng Range's direct order to drive away the guest, the three of them choked.

In the end, he just bowed, and after a simple salute, he turned around and left...

(End of this chapter)

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