Phoenix Dance

Chapter 603 The Tang Sisters

Chapter 603 The Tang Sisters
Just when Feng Range and Guo Xiangjun were not in particularly 'harmonious' contact, Feng Range suddenly felt that someone was coming towards them with a strong killing intent.

Immediately, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's expressions darkened, and they looked up at the two people who were coming towards them.

After looking at it, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang frowned slightly.

The two people who came here turned out to be Tang Xueling and Tang Xueya, who they had met once.After seeing that the two who came towards them were their sisters, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang felt a layer of anger in their hearts.

For the Tang family, they came here to make trouble for them several times, which really gave them the urge to wipe out the entire Tang family!

Their annoying behavior from time to time really made them feel a little impatient!
It's just that temporarily because of their failure and lack of influence in all aspects, if they don't let it go, Fengrange will absolutely wipe out the Tang family now!

When the two sisters Tang Xueling and Tang Xueya walked up to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, they glanced at them with contemptuous eyes.Then, Tang Xueya said arrogantly, "Sister, it's them! Last time they bullied me, you must maim them today to avenge me!"

Hearing Tang Xueya's first sentence was to have a feast for Feng Range and the others, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang heard a cold light flash in their eyes!
Then, with a cold snort, "The tone is not small!"

Hearing Feng Range's response, Tang Xueling, who was standing beside Tang Xueya at this moment, raised his gaze slightly to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

When seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's stunning looks, Tang Xueling's eyes flashed with amazement and jealousy for a moment!
Then, with a strong disdain and murderous intent on his face, he sternly shouted at Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, "Bully my sister Xueya, today I will let you taste the tricks of my Miss Tang family!" strength!"

As he said that, Tang Xueling immediately drew his sword and shot at Fengrange without saying a word.

Tang Xueling, who had been quite annoyed during the training, now saw a person whose appearance was far superior to hers, and even surpassed that Xuemen saintess Rao Xuelian who robbed Qing Aoyang, the most beloved prince of Mingqing Kingdom. , just at this moment, let her want to kill Feng Range and kill Fengrange quickly!
Anyway, Rao Xuelian, the Saintess of Xuemen, could not touch her because of her status.However, it is easy for her to be confident in killing this woman who is also more beautiful than her!In particular, her talent is one of the best in this Qingwu Academy. As long as she wants to deal with a new student entering the academy, this is still very easy to do.

Besides, they are currently at the foot of the Qingwu Academy, and other people cannot do anything here, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the Qingwu Academy.However, because Tang Xueling was originally a student of Qingwu Academy, she didn't need to worry about this.

When the elders who came to pick up the new students later came and saw the bodies of these people, she must have just charged them with any crime at that time. Based on her status in the college, the elders of this college would not choose to punish her. of.

In this self-comforting imagination, and in the envy of Feng Range's stunning appearance, Tang Xueling shot at Feng Range regardless of other consequences!

When she saw Tang Xueling waving her sword at Feng Range, Tang Xueya, who was standing behind her, shouted in relief, "Sister, kill her! Kill this bitch! Sister, come on!"

Hearing Tang Xueya calling Feng Range a bitch behind Tang Xueling's back, Ouyang Huang's face turned dark immediately after hearing this.Then, when he saw Tang Xueling's long sword stabbing towards him, Ouyang Huang stretched out his hand and pulled Feng Range back.

And, said to her calmly, "Xiao Geer let me come!"

"En!" Hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this moment, Feng Range responded lightly.Then, they took Gao Ying, Ye Xing, and Ye Yu to the side to watch the play.

At the same time, she also thought that Guo Xiangjun and the others were pleasing to the eye, and reminded them, "You three, don't stand here, and stand aside to watch the show!"

"Ah? Oh!" Hearing Feng Range speak, the expressions of the three of them were startled!
Before Guo Xiangjun said a lot of things to them, they ignored them, but now Feng Range talked to them.After answering a little to Feng Range, the three of them smiled a little at this moment, and then walked aside as Feng Range said, and watched a good show.

Seeing Tang Xueling and Ouyang Huang fighting, Feng Range and the others stood aside as if avoiding it.At this time, Tang Xueya couldn't hold back her inner superiority and joy, and began to provoke Feng Range and the others continuously.

He yelled at them, "You guys probably know about it! My sister Tang Xueling is a gifted student that Qingwu Academy accepts as a key talent. For newcomers like you, it's a dream to beat my sister right now! Wait a minute, When my sister defeats this good-looking man, I will ask my sister to abolish his dantian to be my male favorite, hahaha! And you, wait for my sister to clean him up first, and then kill you one by one. Hey, even if you beg us sisters at that time, we won't let you go!"

When Tang Xueya spoke viciously about how to deal with them, the faces of Feng Range and the others became as cold as if covered with ice!
Then, Feng Range opened her red lips lightly, and said coldly to Ye Xing, "Ye Xing, abolished her and tore her mouth apart!"

"Yes, ma'am!" At this moment, Ye Xing and Ye Yu's faces were livid with anger. After hearing Feng Range's order, Ye Xing's figure immediately moved!
After Feng Range's elixir improved his physique and practiced in Shihuang space, Ye Xing's current forces had to deal with a Xiaoxiao like Tang Xueya like a flip of the palm of his hand.

However, because of Feng Range's decision to watch a good show, Ye Xing would not slash her with a sword, but would torture her well!

The last provocation, the lesson they taught her didn't seem to be profound enough!So, this time she recruited Tang Xueling to deal with them with her.

However, this time gave Fengrange and the others a chance to make another move. Presumably they will make the memory of their sisters more profound!Just like Ouyang Huang Zeng Jin to their Tang family's killer, the hanging corpse city gate is such a profound warning!

Under Feng Range's cold gaze, Ouyang Huang and Ye Xing abused the Tang family sisters almost jokingly...

 Thank you for voting for my recommendation, monthly votes, friends who like this article!Axi's health has improved recently. In two days, I will resume the update of the six thousand words and three chapters. Thank you for your support!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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