Phoenix Dance

Chapter 606 Goodbye Mo Xuan

Chapter 606 Goodbye Mo Xuan
After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were taken away by Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu, they followed them without asking where they were taking them.

Just after they walked for a while, Yang Qiu, who was still quite talkative among the two, walked slowly to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, and said, "Little girl, what did you say before?" What you said is not bad! But, is that younger girl really your apprentice?"

Hearing that Yang Qiu was chatting with her now, Feng Range glanced at him, and then responded lightly, "En!"

With this simple answer, it can be regarded as an answer to Yang Qiu's question.

Before meeting Feng Range, he was quite friendly, but now he has become a little cold, which makes Yang Qiu a little puzzled.

To these two new students, he didn't seem to offend them!But now, why are they so indifferent to him?
However, Yang Qiu is usually not a meddlesome person, and if he was not curious about Feng Range and the others, he might not speak up now.

Right now, seeing that Feng Range and the two seem not to be talking to him, Yang Qiu will not be so hot as to provoke them.

So, seeing that Feng Range didn't want to talk to him, he slowly picked up his pace and walked back to Ji Xiao's side.

Seeing Yang Qiu's action, Feng Range's eyes flickered slightly at this moment.

After that, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang came to an independent small courtyard after being led by Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu for nearly half an hour.

After arriving in this small courtyard, Yang Qiu pointed to the buildings in this courtyard and said to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, "This is your future courtyard. Since you are students of the dean, this The courtyard is independent. For other students, their living quarters will be in the dormitory on the west side, if you want to recruit your partners later, you can go there to find them!"

"Okay! Thank you!" After hearing Yang Qiu pointing to everything in the yard and introducing them to them, and at the same time mentioning Gao Ying and the others' residence, Feng Range thanked Yang Qiu in a rare way.

After hearing Feng Range's thanks, Yang Qiu nodded slightly without saying anything.

Then, seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looking at the courtyard, Yang Qiu said again, "You guys have a look here now, and later go to the auditorium of the college to hold the admission ceremony for new students. After that, use the Report to the dean after lunch! After that, you can do whatever you want!"

"Oh, I see!"

"Then let's go! Another friend of yours will come to recruit you later." After Yang Qiu said the last sentence, he turned and left with Ji Xiao.

Seeing their backs turning around, Feng Range's expression was a little dazed!

another friend?Could it be Mo Xuan?

Originally, after the last assessment, Feng Range left Mo Xuan at the Qingwu Academy to communicate with the master and apprentice of Qingwu Dean.

But this exchange, who knew that Mo Xuan sent someone to bring a letter three days later, saying that he would stay in Qingwu Academy to study and would not come!
As for Mo Xuan's decision, Feng Range naturally wouldn't interfere with his family.Then, he was allowed to stay in Qingwu Academy.

And in this whole month, Feng Range has been so busy that she almost forgot the existence of Mo Xuan.At this moment, if it wasn't because of Yang Qiu's words, Feng Range almost forgot that Mo Xuan was also in this academy.

Regarding Mo Xuan's thoughts, Feng Range just went through it in her mind, and then began to inspect the yard with Ouyang Huang in a calm state of mind.

The yard that Yang Qiu and the others arranged for them was actually not that big, only about [-] square meters.Except for a nursery, there is nothing in this house except two rooms.

Regarding this situation, Feng Range suddenly felt that this Qingwu Academy is a bit shabby?

However, Feng Range just thought about this situation in his mind, and didn't show any disgust.Anyway, besides cultivating, they came here to do other things.For this residence, they actually did not expect extravagant treatment.

Anyway, if they lived longer in the future, they would feel that it would be inconvenient.At worst, a defensive formation would be set up around the area, and then she and Ouyang Huang would go to the Shihuang space to practice and rest.

Besides, their cultivators not only only enjoy happiness, but can't bear a little bit of suffering.

Once applied in practice, only when the body and mind are tempered and strengthened, then their will will be more firm!

In the future, when they have completed their cultivation and stood at the pinnacle of their cultivation, looking back on the past, they will be extremely grateful for the hardships they have endured today.

Just when they looked at the small courtyard and then exited the house, they saw a handsome man in black standing at the door.

"Mo Xuan..."

"You are here! Let me take you to the auditorium to attend the admission ceremony for new students!"

Seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang retreat from the room, Mo Xuan spoke in a cold voice as soon as he saw them.

And after finishing this sentence, Mo Xuan turned around and walked out.Seeing such an indifferent and cold expression, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other.Although the two of them are indifferent, they must be quite inferior compared to Mo Xuan!
Finally, after Mo Xuan walked a little farther, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walked out of the small courtyard to chase Mo Xuan...

When Feng Range and Ouyang Huang followed Mo Xuan's footsteps to the auditorium, the two of them realized that they were late, and the auditorium was already full of people.

When seeing the appearance of the three of them, because the appearance of the three of them is particularly outstanding, especially the rumors after the three of them were accepted as apprentices and students by the dean, the people sitting here saw their appearance At that time, it caused a commotion!
"It's them……"

"That Mo Xuan, the apprentice recruited by the headmaster! There are two other people..."

"Those two men are so handsome! It would be great if I could fall into the eyes of one of them!"

"That woman is also so stunning! It seems that she faintly surpasses Xuelian Saintess Rao Xuelian!"

"It seems to be! I really don't know what kind of expression the Holy Maiden Rao Xuelian will have when she sees this woman after returning to the academy..."


After hearing that since they appeared, the people in the whole scene kept whispering, and even said some words unabashedly in front of Feng Range and the three of them, the expressions of the three became a little cold!
The 'geniuses' of these master families are really talkative, talking so much!This strength may not have been cultivated to the level of lip service, what a waste!

Finally, under the gaze of the instructor in front of the auditorium, the three of Feng Range found three empty seats and sat down, ready to listen to the new students' admonition...

(End of this chapter)

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