Phoenix Dance

Chapter 611 The Challenge of the Popular Academy

Chapter 611 The Challenge of the Popular Academy

Seeing Dean Qingwu's excited expression after she and Ouyang Huang came over, Feng Range's lips turned up slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face!

Then, he repeated his previous sentence, and said it again to Dean Qingwu, "Give this emperor-level Yuanling Pill to the teacher! I hope that after the teacher improves his strength, I will be with you in the future." Huang broke into trouble, please take good care of us, Teacher!"

"Here, take it for me?" After hearing Feng Range say it again, Dean Qingwu only heard the first sentence, and he ignored the second sentence directly.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range fixed his eyes on Dean Qingwu, and then narrowed his eyes again.

Afterwards, he still nodded his head and snorted lightly, "En!"

Although the dean of Qingwu didn't show any obvious greed for Feng Range's elixir, he was still very tempted.Otherwise, since he has lived to his age and achieved such high achievements, how could he show excited expressions over and over again for a elixir!
Of course, this may also be because this elixir is not available in this world.However, his excitement intensified after her words.Feng Range saw this change in him and knew that the old guy wanted this elixir very much.

However, after she decided to give the elixir to this old guy, this old guy was not righteous at all!He is not at all willing to promise to protect them after getting good things, what a stingy old man!

However, at the end Fengrange decided to give this elixir to the old man.After all, when they get into trouble in the future, they are also students of Qingwu Academy, and they still bear the name of his old man's students, so he can't leave them alone!

After figuring out the key to this, Feng Range readily gave the emperor-level Yuanling Pill to Dean Qingwu.

When I heard Feng Range repeatedly say that I would give this pill to him, then Dean Qingwu was even more excited with the pill in his hand!
Then, he said directly to the three of Feng Range, "Mo Xuan stayed here to practice, you two little fellows can do whatever you want! The old man is going to retreat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Range, Ouyang Huang, and Mo Xuan disappeared in front of their eyes in a flash.

At this moment, Dean Qingwu seemed to disappear out of thin air. When seeing this scene happen, even Feng Range, the three of them looked a little shocked.

Although it is said that Feng Range met many people who were much stronger than Dean Qingwu in his previous life.However, as far as it is concerned, because her strength is much lower than that of Dean Qingwu, the three of Feng Range still feel quite deeply about the coercion and oppression of the superiors on the inferiors just now.

For this reason, Feng Range, Ouyang Huang, and Mo Xuan were stunned when they saw Dean Qingwu showing his great strength!
After that, they just sat there for a long time in a daze.After regaining their senses, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang spoke briefly to Mo Xuan and left.

After leaving Dean Qingwu's courtyard in the center of the lake, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang went directly back to their courtyard.

After returning to the small courtyard where they will live for a short period of time, Feng Range asked Ouyang Huang to assist her and asked her to set up two defensive formations here to protect them during this period of time. Privacy and Security.

Ouyang Huang naturally agreed with Feng Range's proposal.

So, the two of them worked together as partners, and together they found positions and formations where they could set up positions in the entire yard.Then, he took out a lot of spirit stones, ready to set up this formation.

Because the colleges and instructors in Qingwu Academy are not as humble as they were on the Azure Continent, Feng Range can no longer build a basic formation.Otherwise, her formation might not be able to withstand the blow of any mentor.

Therefore, when Fengrange set up the formation this time, she followed a technique that was also derived from the prehistoric era.

If someone who understands the formation method set up with this method notices it, they will feel a simple and supreme atmosphere from this formation method.

Similarly, if this kind of formation appears in any tomb, I'm afraid some people who don't see the clue will think that they have encountered a powerful tomb from ancient times!
For this formation, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang worked together to set it up, and it took more than two hours.After the setting was completed, the sky began to darken.

And for the rest of the time, because there is still a challenge with Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian tomorrow, Feng Range will just meditate directly.

However, Ouyang Huang, who had always been clinging to her, suggested that he should go outside alone.

Feng Range didn't have any plans for Ouyang Huang, and then Ouyang Huang left the small courtyard directly and went out.

After he left, Feng Range started to meditate just as she said...

And her meditation did not wake up until the next morning when Ouyang Huang called her.

"Little Geer! Little Geer..."

Because Feng Range meditated too deeply last night, if Ouyang Huang hadn't woken her up, I'm afraid she would have known when she was going to meditate.For this reason, the same Feng Range didn't know when Ouyang Huan came back last night.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's handsome face appearing in front of her at this moment, and waking her up in a low voice, Feng Range was still a little overwhelmed for a while.

"What time is it?"

"It's early in the morning, and I shouldn't be going to the examination site in a while. They set the location there!"

"Oh, then get up!" After learning the current time from Ouyang Huang, Feng Range resolutely restrained her meditation breath, and then stood up.

After Feng Range got up and washed up briefly, they went directly to the cafeteria to eat.

"Master, master, you are here!"

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they happened to meet Gao Ying and Mo Xuan who arrived at the cafeteria one step earlier than them.

In fact, in a sense, after breakfast, Gao Ying and the others were still waiting here for Feng Range and the others to come.

After a while, the few of them plan to go to the assessment field together to give Feng Range and Ouyang Huang support!

When Gao Ying woke up early this morning, the three of them discovered that Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian didn't know what method they used, and all the students and instructors of the Qingwu Academy knew about their challenge today!
At that time, I am afraid that there will be many people watching!

At the same time, because Feng Range and the others are newcomers, there should be very few people supporting them.Therefore, Gao Ying and the others are going to come out to support Feng Range and Ouyang Huang...

(End of this chapter)

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