Phoenix Dance

Chapter 614 Collecting the Loot

Chapter 614 Collecting the Loot
Before stopping himself, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang stood beside them and waited for a while.After confirming that they would not wake up for the time being, their eyes scanned for a week at this moment.

While scanning these mentors and students, Feng Range's and Ouyang Huang's auras were on full display.With sharp eyes, he used his own way to warn everyone present not to provoke them easily, otherwise the consequences would be like Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian!
What identity, what status!With Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, they don't care at all!If you want to make trouble with them, then if you have the ability, punch them hard.Otherwise, you have opened your eyes to them, don't provoke them easily!
After receiving the double gaze warning from Fengrange and Ouyang Huang, those who are weaker than Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian, or those who are similar, at this time involuntarily lowered their gazes, not daring to talk to Fengran. Song they look at each other.

After warning them, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang restrained their expressions at this moment, then walked up to Vice President Aoki, and said to him, "Principal, our things."

"Here!" Seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walking in front of him, he didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and directly asked for their things and the spoils of the bet.Vice President Aoki didn't procrastinate, and directly handed things over to Feng Range.

After Feng Range took it, she directly received it into her space bracelet.

Vice President Aoki was a little surprised when he saw Feng Range took out a space ring that was rarely seen on this continent!At the same time, they secretly guessed which family Fengrange and the others came from.

But at this moment, when he saw Feng Range had a storage space bracelet on his wrist, the eyes of Vice President Aoki looking at Feng Range changed.

For some reason, he feels that these two little guys standing in front of him are not easy!

It seems that after a while, when they are free from what they are doing, it is necessary for him to check the background of these two little guys.But for the time being, he'd better keep this matter in his heart!
At this time, Feng Range still didn't know about Vice President Aoki's thoughts.If she knew, Feng Range would still smile indifferently and would not show anything.

Especially to check her and Ouyang Huang's background, even if they use their powerful force, at most they can only find out that they walked out of the Mingsen Mountains, and everything else is similar.

After receiving the things from Vice President Aoki and putting them away, Feng Range said again, "Thank you, President, for being the referee! If we encounter someone who makes things difficult for us in the future, I also ask the dean to justly help us prove that this is a normal challenge for us, and those things are also our spoils of war!"

startled?After hearing Feng Range's next words, Vice President Aoki couldn't help being stunned after hearing the meaning of her words!

This girl is really a ghost!After knowing the identities behind Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian, he dared to lay such a heavy hand on them.Now that he even came to seek refuge from him, Vice President Aoki had to admire Feng Range's cleverness.

For this reason, after a little bit of a pause, after realizing it, she agreed to Feng Range, "Yes!"

"Then thank you Vice President Aoki! Let's go first!" After getting the affirmative consent of Vice President Aoki at this time, Feng Range nodded, and then prepared to leave!

After greeting Vice President Aoki for the last time, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang.Then, the two of them turned around and left side by side...

When they walked up to Gao Ying, Mo Xuan and the others, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and then left together...

After they left, Vice President Aoki asked several students to help bring Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian back to rest.At the same time, he also asked the mentor next to him to invite two doctors to help Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian take a look!
Now Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian are also students of Qingwu Academy, and now they are injured and comatose, they can't ignore them as vice presidents and mentors!

After receiving his order, the students and instructors immediately started to move.

Then, after the main ones had dispersed, the rest stayed shortly thereafter.

After leaving the assessment site, Gao Ying was very excited on the way back!
She walked beside Feng Range, and said while bouncing around, "Master, you and master are so awesome! It's so cool to see you beat up that hypocrite and Bai Lianhua so badly! In the future, if someone dares to be arrogant in front of me, I will beat them to the ground like my master and master! Let them take a good look at how powerful I am, Gao Ying!"

Seeing Gao Ying flaunting her fangs and claws in front of her now, with her tone and words still so frivolous, Feng Range glanced at her lightly.

Then, he said to her softly, "If you want to do this, then you should first increase your strength! Only when your strength has reached the point where you can crush the opponent, you can do whatever you want!"

"Stun!" At this moment, after seeing Feng Range and listening to her words, he started to preach again.Gao Ying's original enthusiasm was suddenly wiped out at this moment, feeling a little disappointed.

But disappointment is disappointment, but Gao Ying felt that what Feng Range said was true.If it weren't for Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's formidable strength to absolutely crush Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian, then who would have been miserably crushed before could not be named!
So, after Huang Shen was stunned for a moment, Gao Ying nodded heavily to Feng Range, and solemnly replied, "Yes, Master! Next, I will work hard to cultivate, and I will follow Instructor Ji Xiao studied alchemy well."

"En!" When hearing Gao Ying's decision at this time, Feng Range didn't give too much reaction, and just responded softly.

Afterwards, they went straight to the courtyard of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

After arriving at their courtyard, Mo Xuan was the first to discover that they had set up formations around the courtyard.However, Mo Xuan didn't ask much about it.

Following Feng Range and Ouyang Huang into the house, followed by Gao Ying, Ye Xing and Ye Yu, they looked at the small courtyard where they lived.

After looking around, Gao Ying murmured softly at this moment, "I really want to move here to live with Master and Master!"

Hearing Gao Ying's words at this time, Fengrange and others, who are cultivators, naturally heard it with keen eyes and ears.Ignoring them is ignoring it.

And because of Feng Range's non-response, Gao Ying's flash of hope was shattered in this silence...

(End of this chapter)

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