Phoenix Dance

Chapter 622 Ouyang Huang wins

Chapter 622 Ouyang Huang wins
For Ouyang Huang's emotions, Gao Yuan, who was constantly fighting against him, also slowly felt it.

Similarly, for Ouyang Huang's strong fighting spirit, Gao Yuan felt the same interest as Ouyang Huang at this moment.As a result, the fight between the two became more intense at this time.

From Ouyang Huang's eyes to Gao Yuan, and the way he shot, Feng Range, who was watching from the side, also saw Ouyang Huang's emotional change at this time.She found that Ouyang Huang's fighting spirit was high right now, and his interest was high!

In this way, Feng Range's eyes flickered slightly at this time, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile!
This Ouyang Huang finally slowly saw the rules of the cultivator's world, which really made her happy!As long as this continues, Huang's strength should grow even faster!

After being distracted for a while and thinking about something, Feng Range immediately regained his composure, and then continued to watch the two people who were fighting in the center of the competition field.

After nearly an hour of physical combat between the two, there was still no winner.

So Gao Yuan said at this time, "Young Master Ouyang, we have been fighting each other physically for a long time, and if this continues, there will be no winner between us, or let's start using martial arts!"


Following the discussion, the two reached an agreement, and at this moment, the two suddenly moved away from each other by a distance of about three meters.

And just after that person stood still on each other, the two sides immediately condensed their martial arts again, ready to launch towards each other.

After seeing their situation, the onlookers also knew that they were about to start using martial arts.As a result, his eyes widened even more, to see clearly the strength of each of their movements!

"Eight seal formula, the first formula!"

"Jin Ba Fist, the first form, a thousand catties!"

As soon as the two came up with the first move, they directly used their most powerful skills.When seeing this scene, all the people present were shocked at this moment!
Because Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan were stronger than all the people present, when they performed their respective exercises, most of the people present were oppressed for a while.

Under such circumstances, most of the people who could barely bear the pressure were more in awe of Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan.

Originally, this world is the world of practitioners, and the rule is that the strong are respected.Now after seeing the real strength of Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan with their own eyes, these onlookers warned themselves one after another that neither Ouyang Huang nor Gao Yuan should provoke them in the future.

Otherwise, the unlucky ones must be themselves!
After understanding this in their hearts, they continued to watch Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan compete.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Ouyang usually doesn't show off his mountains and dews, but his strength is so strong. I really admire my brother! I think Mr. Ouyang didn't try his best when he competed with Qing Aoyang!"

After colliding with Ouyang Huang, Gao Yuan was immediately surprised after feeling her tyrannical strength!
At the same time, judging from the strength Ouyang Huang used against him, even Qing Aoyang couldn't beat him.Therefore, it was inferred that Ouyang Huang did not try his best when fighting against Qing Aoyang.

When he heard Gao Yuan speak like this, Ouyang Huang raised his eyebrows slightly after stopping his hand, "Oh, maybe!"

When fighting against Qing Aoyang, Ouyang Huang really didn't try his best.But this matter, he will not put it on the surface.

For Ouyang Huang's ambiguous answer, Gao Yuan got the answer he wanted from it.

Ouyang Huang didn't exactly deny his question, so that means, he was right!

However, this is also true!If Ouyang Huang's strength is really not restrained, then how could he defeat Qing Aoyang in such a roundabout way when he was fighting against Qing Aoyang.

After that, how could they even draw with him in a physical fight!
As for the tie, and the current level of strength, Gao Yuan could vaguely feel that when Ouyang Huang attacked him, did he also hide his strength?

Under such vague guesses, for some reason, such doubts emerged in Gao Yuan's heart more and more.

Could it be that Ouyang Huang was really hiding part of his strength from him?Could it be that his strength should be even stronger on the existing basis?
The more Gao Yuan thought about it now, the more he felt that there was something wrong, so, with this doubt, he asked Ouyang Huang again, "Mr. Ouyang, I wonder if you are fighting with me now, are you doing your best? "

"Huh?" Hearing Gao Yuan's sudden question, Ouyang Huang immediately looked at him with a puzzled expression, "What do you say?"

"How to say? I don't know why, I suddenly feel that when you are fighting against me, it seems... It seems that you are hiding your true strength a little bit!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Gao Yuan put his heart out Doubt, said it with a hint of hesitation.

Hearing Gao Yuan's hesitant opening at this time, Ouyang Huang was slightly taken aback, and then smiled lightly at him.

"I'll tell you about this matter after we finish the competition! Now, you can take the move properly! Bayin Jue, the second move!" Following Ouyang Huang's burst of shouting, his second move The martial arts directly attacked Gao Yuan.

When he saw Ouyang Huang's attacking moves, Gao Yuan didn't care to think about anything at this time, so he directly sent out his second move, "The second form of Jinbaquan, two drops of ten thousand catties!"

At this time, the momentum of the two of them was much stronger than before.After feeling the aura emanating from them, the onlookers who were a little afraid of them at first became even more afraid of them.

The two of them usually looked harmless without showing their mountains and dews, but after the battle started, they both looked like beasts.Their sense of ferocity makes those whose strength is lower than theirs really powerless.

Although under such circumstances, both Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan made those onlookers fearful.However, for their current game, they are still watching with great interest!

Especially when they saw Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan's second martial arts collide, and the turbulent aura emanating from it, everyone was shocked again!

So powerful!

When they were shocked, Ouyang Huang and Gao Yuan bounced back from the force impact, and their bodies flew upside down to the sides.

After that, after 2 minutes, Ouyang Huang turned over and lightly landed and stood up straight.As for Gao Yuan, because he couldn't bear the impact of the force, he fell directly to the ground and slid several meters, his clothes were also damaged.

Under such circumstances, the outcome of the two was immediately obvious!

(End of this chapter)

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