Phoenix Dance

Chapter 624 Feng Range and Ouyang Huang Are Injured

Chapter 624 Feng Range and Ouyang Huang Are Injured

What?When Mo Xuan spoke at this time, everyone present showed a look of shock, and looked towards Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

"Okay!" Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't care about the gazes of others.Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he walked towards Mo Xuan.

However, before leaving, Ouyang Huang turned his head and said to Gao Yuan beside him, "You wait where you are!"

"En!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's instructions at this time, Gao Yuan responded cooperatively.

Then, he watched Ouyang Huang and Feng Range walk towards Mo Xuan with piercing eyes.Immediately afterwards, they saw both of them making a gesture, and then walked into Dean Qingwu's small courtyard in the middle of the lake.

"Why did the two of them go in? Why didn't you let us go in too? What does that mean?" At this time, seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang being put into the small courtyard in the middle of the lake by Mo Xuan, the same Some of the instructors who came were dissatisfied.

But at this moment, Ji Xiao, who seldom spoke, walked to the front together with Yang Qiu, and said softly, "Because they are students of the dean, they have a way to assist the dean to make a breakthrough!"

After hearing Ji Xiao speak, some mentors who were still a little ready to move at this time looked at the people around them and choked.

Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu, these two are said to be children from a hidden family. They usually keep a low profile, but when something happens, no one can shake them!
They have also stayed in the Qingwu Academy for more than ten or twenty years now, because some people who know them a little bit don't dare to provoke them casually.Otherwise, they will definitely die ugly!
Moreover, this death is also a death in vain. Even if the dean and the deputy dean knew about the situation, they would only blame them for having nothing to do to provoke them, but they would not blame them for hurting or killing them.

Now, with the appearance of the two of them, some people who originally wanted to break into Mo Xuan when he was young, now have no such intention at all.

If they really wanted to break in now, not only would they offend the dean, but they would also have to defeat Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu!But in fact, I'm afraid that no one in this academy can beat them except the dean and the deputy dean!
So, under the strong pressure of Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu, some of these mentors with ulterior motives faintly flinched.Some people even quietly left at this time.

As for what to do after they leave?Looking at the figures of those people leaving, Ji Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a chill!
Afterwards, those who stayed behind became extremely peaceful at this moment.

While Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu jointly suppressed some people with ulterior motives, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang had already gone around the back room, trying their best to find the exact location of Dean Qingwu.

But at the same time, because the entire courtyard is filled with the aura of Dean Qingwu, with the same strength, even Feng Range can't tell the exact location of Dean Qingwu.

So at this moment, Feng Range suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Ouyang Huang, and said, "Huang, we are not looking for it now, wait a minute, let me find out where the old man's exact location is." !"

After saying that, she let go of Ouyang Huang's hand again regardless of Ouyang Huang's response, and then began to close her eyes and meditate, spreading her spiritual power to find where Dean Qingwu is now.

Just like this, one second passed by one second, after four or five minutes, Feng Range suddenly opened his eyes.Then turned to look at Ouyang Huang, and said to her, "I know where I am, follow me!"

After saying that, Feng Range walked in front, and Ouyang Huang followed behind her, heading towards a small room in the yard.

After arriving in this side room, Feng Range's eyes swept around, and after seeing a celadon jar on a cabinet, she walked up to it, stretched out her hands and twisted it carefully.

Following Feng Range's movement, Ouyang Huang, who was standing aside, saw a floor move on the ground.At the same time, there are several steps at the entrance going down.

Also after seeing this situation, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Let's go in!"

"it is good!"

As the two people entered, when their figures disappeared in the hole, the hole behind them was automatically closed again.

After realizing this situation, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were indifferent.The two walked forward hand in hand, while walking forward, they also looked around to see the situation.

Just as they walked through a long and deep passage, they came to a dilapidated wooden door that was closed.From the cracks in the dilapidated wooden door, one could faintly see the light coming from inside.

At this moment, when Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were still hesitating whether to go in like this, the voice of Dean Qingwu came from inside.

"Who is outside the door? Dare to disturb the old man's cultivation, are you impatient!"

As soon as Dean Qingwu's voice fell, a powerful force was struck out from inside.

With a loud bang, the dilapidated wooden door was smashed to pieces, and Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, whose strength was far behind Dean Qingwu's, were also thrown backwards by the energy!
When they landed, the two went 'Puff! ' spat out a mouthful of blood, and it was obvious that both of them had suffered serious internal injuries.

At the same time, Feng Range immediately took out a few pills from Shihuang Space and took a few pills by himself, and then gave Ouyang Huang some pills to heal his injuries.

After she finished these, Feng Range, who had always been as calm as ever, went mad at Dean Qingwu who attacked them just now!
He said disrespectfully and furiously, "Stinky old man, Huang and I saw that you had some difficulties in breaking through this time and wanted to help you. I really didn't expect you to hurt us as soon as we got here. Know good people! It seems that there is no need for us to help you, you are very strong! If you dare to hurt us, see if you have a hidden disease later, I will help you cure it! What a stinky person who hates people who don’t know people well old man!"

"Huang, let's go out! In vain Mo Xuan let us in, thinking we'd help this stinky old man!"

"it is good!"

At this time, after being furious at Dean Qingwu in the small room, Feng Range muttered to Ouyang Huang again.And when he heard Feng Range speak to him, Ouyang Huang also responded cooperatively at this time.

As soon as Ouyang Huang's words fell, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's internal injuries had healed up after taking the elixir, so they pretended to help each other and left...

(End of this chapter)

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