Phoenix Dance

Chapter 628 Finding Problems

Chapter 628 Finding Problems
However, because now she has only checked half of Yang Qiu's body, and the other half has not been checked.Therefore, although Feng Range felt puzzled at this moment, he did not withdraw his consciousness hastily and gave up the inspection.

Just like that, time passed quickly for a long time, and when Feng Range's full confidence was about to disappear, at this moment, her spiritual consciousness suddenly observed a strange sign.

This is……

When finding this trace of signs, Feng Range's body visibly trembled.For this reason, Dean Qingwu and Ji Xiao, who had been observing Feng Range's situation in addition to Yang Qiu's situation, were a little uneasy when they saw her reaction.

It's just that Feng Range didn't respond after his body shook, and Dean Qingwu and Ji Xiao didn't dare to do anything at this time.So, continue to wait patiently.

After Feng Range discovered a trace of strangeness in Yang Qiu's body, she immediately controlled her consciousness again, and went to inspect the trace of strangeness nearby.

And her spiritual consciousness followed this trace of strangeness all the way and slowly approached Yang Qiu's dantian. When she saw that more than half of his dantian had been dyed black, Feng Range was even more shocked!
What is this?How did it cover half of Yang Qiu's dantian?
Regarding Yang Qiu's current situation, Feng Range was surprised and confused for a moment, which made her unable to look any further.

So, at this moment, Feng Range withdrew his consciousness from Yang Qiu's body.Because the method of examining Yang Qiu's body with his spiritual sense was a little nerve-wracking, so after withdrawing his divine sense, Feng Range closed his eyes for a while, ignoring anyone.

As for Dean Qingwu and Ji Xiao, who wanted to ask her something after seeing Feng Range withdraw his consciousness, they opened their mouths and fell silent after seeing her looking a little tired.

In such silence, time passed minute by minute...

After waiting until Ouyang Huang came back from the outside, Feng Range slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's return, Feng Range turned to look at him at this moment, and asked casually, "Are you back?"

"Well, I went to Ye Xing and the others before, and asked about the situation in the past few days, and nothing happened!"

"Oh, it's fine!"

When Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were talking, Dean Qingwu, Ji Xiao, and Yang Qiu kept their eyes on her.

At this time, after Feng Range finished checking Yang Qiu and confirmed that Feng Range's spiritual consciousness did not hurt Yang Qiu in the slightest, the three of them urgently wanted to ask Feng Range some questions .However, Feng Range didn't even let them say a word before, and just closed their eyes and meditated.

But now, after finally seeing her open her eyes, they saw that she was only talking to Ouyang Chemical, which made them feel even more anxious.

So, after Feng Range responded to Ouyang Huang again, the old man Qingwu took the opportunity to ask Feng Range to speak, "Feng girl, that, you checked Xiaoqiu before, this Xiaoqiu How's the situation?"

Hearing that Dean Qingwu seized the opportunity to ask a question, Feng Range looked away from Ouyang Huang.Then, he looked at Dean Qingwu, Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu.

Seeing that their emotions were clearly unstable at this time, Feng Range pursed her lips.Then he said, "Mr. Yang's situation is very bad! At the beginning, my consciousness scanned more than half of Mr. Yang's body, and I didn't see any abnormalities in his body. But when I was about to give up the inspection, suddenly I saw a black line near his dantian. And just this black line, I followed it all the way to check, and I saw that Teacher Yang's dantian has been soaked with more than half of black. As for what this thing is , because I was too tired to check further before, so I don’t know for the time being. If I want to confirm later, I may need to enter Teacher Yang’s body again.”

After hearing Feng Range tell what she observed in Yang Qiu's body, Dean Qingwu and Ji Xiao were a little uneasy at this moment!
"How did this happen? Didn't you say it was poison? According to what Feng girl said, half of Xiaoqiu's dantian was soaked. Is this still poison? This... this..."

"How could it be! It's not poison, it's not poison, then..."

"So...does that mean that when my entire dantian is soaked with that thing, then I will, just..."

After hearing that the three of them had different reactions to what she said, Feng Range's eyes drooped and he fell silent.

Seeing them like this, Ouyang Huang, who just sat down, didn't make a sound at this time, just sat quietly beside Feng Range and stretched out his hand to grab her little hand to play with.

Just like that, the whole space was silent for about 5 minutes, and Dean Qingwu raised his eyes to look at Feng Range, and said to her, "Girl Feng, since you have discovered the abnormality in Xiaoqiu's body , then I will trouble you to take the time to check for him again to see what is in her dantian. And, also see if there is any way to get rid of it! Of course, girl, this Xiao Xiao Boy, although you are arrogant, you are not a bad person. You are still your apprentice's mentor. Why don't you help Xiaoqiu to look at his dantian when he conducts the second inspection! Girl, if you need anything at that time , you can mention it to the old man, and the old man will definitely satisfy you!"

Um?Seeing Dean Qingwu's caring reaction when he repeatedly helped Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu ask him for help, Feng Range narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at him.

"Old man, the two of them are your grandsons, how can I see that you care about them very much!"

"Grandson?" Hearing Feng Range's indifferent response to what he said, Dean Qingwu was stunned!

This Feng girl actually said that Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqiu are his grandson, if this is really his grandson, it would be fine.But the fact...

Due to the relationship between them, it is difficult for Dean Qingwu to speak out for the time being.For this reason, the doubts raised by Feng Range were eliminated in his silence.

After the few of them were silent for a while, Feng Range suddenly didn't want to stay here.

So, at this moment, she suddenly stood up.Then he said to Ouyang Huang beside him, "Huang, let's go!"

"it is good!"

After Ouyang Huang's response, they held hands and prepared to leave Dean Qingwu's courtyard in the middle of the lake.

However, when he just left the door, Feng Range said to the three people inside without turning around, "Whenever you want to come for an inspection, come to me!"

After saying this, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang left without looking back...

(End of this chapter)

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