Phoenix Dance

Chapter 631 Rejecting the Challenge

Chapter 631 Rejecting the Challenge
After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were admitted to the hospital and won two games in a row, their reputations had already become quite loud.So it is not surprising that most of the visitors know their names.

However, after hearing this opening, Feng Range hardly recognized who the speaker was, she refused without hesitation, "Go back, Huang and I will not accept any more Human challenge!"

"Why? Why don't you accept our challenge? Are you afraid of losing to us and losing the reputation and face you have created before?" After hearing Feng Range's direct rejection, the person who spoke before in the crowd Then he spoke again.

After hearing what this person said again, the faces of Feng Range and the others couldn't help but change.

Um?What do they mean?Do you want to force them to compete with them?
For this conjecture, Feng Range didn't think they were just talking for fun.

Therefore, Feng Range was silent at this time, but Ouyang Huang raised his eyebrows and said, "Afraid of losing face? Do you think we care about these things as much as you do? You want to step on us to highlight your reputation , Ha ha... We will not accept your challenge! However, because you have offended my little song with your bad words, I will give you a chance to see my strength. Among you, some of you are stronger than Gao Yuan People who are two levels higher, stand up now! If you can accept my three tricks, I will agree to that person's challenge. If not, then you all get out of here, and no one is allowed to come here to disturb you !"

When Ouyang Huang was talking about this passage, his face was soft at first.However, when he finished talking, his face and tone became more indifferent.

Especially, when he said the last sentence, these people who came to challenge couldn't help but shudder.

However, after a trembling, these people returned to their arrogant appearance.There were 12 of them, and their strength was more than two ranks higher than Gao Yuan's.After hearing what Ouyang Huang said, they stood up now!
"Okay, we will take three moves from you!"

After these people stood up, they immediately put on a look of arrogance and contempt, and at the same time, they also felt eager to try.

When they saw their expressions, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's eyes froze, and a gleam of coldness flashed across them.

After they have seen their strength, they despise them like this, they really want to die!

Especially Ouyang Huang, originally planned to make them suffer a little injury with three tricks, but retreated from their idea of ​​challenging him and Feng Range.But now, after seeing their expressions like this, Ouyang Huang was thinking about how to maim these twelve people one by one.

Now that these people had already stood up, Ouyang Huang took three steps towards the door, and said, "Then don't waste time, let's get started!"

"it is good!"

The two sides responded, and the battle was about to break out. Ouyang Huang's figure was very fast, and before those people had moved, he dodged into them.

Ouyang Huang planned to make a quick decision this time, and he directly used the second form of the Eight Seals Jue to deal with them in the first move.Anyway, he had already planned to beat them up, so he didn't have to think about asking for mercy.

After dodging into the crowd, Ouyang Huang yelled loudly, "Bayin Jue, the second form!"

With his loud shout, a strong aura condensed around Ouyang Huang.When they noticed this breath, the twelve people who were going to fight Ouyang Huang were all shocked!
Then, there are still some people who are not psychologically strong enough, and at this time, they can't help but flinch a little.

Feng Range, who was still leaning on the door frame and watching the situation leisurely, squinted his eyes and looked down on those people for their psychological thoughts and subtle movements.

These people are still outstanding geniuses in the Qingwu Academy. They are not only not good enough in strength, but also poor in psychological quality!

Among them, there are probably only one or two who can have the heart of a strong man!The rest of them are really worse than trash!
Just when Feng Range was constantly slandering and despising these people in his heart, Ouyang Huang threw his first move at them.

When Ouyang Huang broke through with Dean Qingwu, his strength also improved a lot.Now if he uses the first form of the Eight Seal Jue, he should also have the power of the original second form.But at this moment, he resolutely used the second form of the Eight Seals Jue directly, so the power directly reached the third form of the original Eight Seals Jue.As for the third formula, Ouyang Huang has never issued it before.

Now when he sees that he has the momentum to crush everyone as soon as he sends out the second form, not to mention the people who are fighting him feel a little scared at this moment, even Feng Range sees him showing his current strength. When she saw her strength, she was also secretly startled!
Ouyang Huang's cultivation talent and strength really shocked her!
At this moment, she was watching the scene intently. She wanted to see what Ouyang Huang's current strength could do to those people.
At this time, Feng Range's attention was highly concentrated, and only a "boom" was heard, and the twelve people who had surrounded Ouyang Huang all flew out backwards at this moment, spitting blood at the mouth.

Seeing this astonishing scene, all the onlookers at the scene stared straight at it for an instant.

Among other things, because Ouyang Huang's move was too powerful, some people who came with these twelve people were also affected by the remaining power and flew out.

Regarding the occurrence of this situation, Fengrange's expression did not fluctuate at all.With the strength of these people, Feng Range thought it was impossible to catch Ouyang Huang's move, and there was no accident at all.

After sending out one move, Ouyang Huang never made a second move, and then stood proudly on the spot.

After seeing those people falling to the ground one by one, Ouyang Huang laughed coldly again.Then, he yelled at them again, "Get out! Anyone who dares to disturb here again, get ready to be disabled!"

Ouyang Huang's current body and eyes are full of coldness.After hearing his shout and his appearance, all the people who came to challenge him and Feng Range could not help but flinch at this moment, feeling a little scared.

Among them, there were some very timid people who scrambled away after hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this time.

Seeing their actions, Ouyang Huang smiled coldly at this moment.Then, in full view of everyone, she walked back to Feng Range's side.

When he looked at Feng Range, his expression became soft again...

(End of this chapter)

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